Four feasts occur in the spring and are connected to Jesus' first appearance on earth. And if you have heard the Good News from the New Testament and received Jesus as your Savior, Old Testament prophecies and symbolism provide further proof and assurance that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. So we are not under any legal obligation to keep the feasts (festivals) because they were a shadow of the reality that is in Christ. Join our worldwide prayer team for those awaiting and translating Scripture! JEWISH FEASTS In 1CO 1:22, For indeed Jews ask for signs. WebLuke 22:1, 7, 15 Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the Passover. Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the Passover must be killed. So let me ask you a question as we begin: When is the last time you did a study on the Feasts of the Lord? 2. WebTheFeastof Unleavened Breadisseven (7)dayswith theFirstDayanAnnual SabbathandtheSeventhor LastDayanAnnual Sabbath. Next, the gynecologist said, "On the fifteenth day of the seventh month, the lungs become fully developed. This feast lasted seven days and represented the perfect environment of the millennial rule of Christ, LEV 23:3343; Zech 14:9,16. So let me ask you: If you had all the events of mankind's history to chose from, which seven events would you choose as the most important to celebrate each year?2 What we find is that each of the feasts find their fulfillment in the life of the Messiah Jesus and God's plan to redeem this world! This was a reminder that as a nation sows against divine institutions, they destroy themselves; but as they sow in the utilization of divine institutions, they become great. Unleavened bread portrayed the Hypostatic Union of Christ, for Jesus Christ is called the Bread of Life. There are three annual feasts that the Lord commanded all of Israel to celebrate in Jerusalem Passover, Shavuot (Pentecost) and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). Yes, you read that right! I have very much enjoyed studying this topic and have been amazed at what God has hidden in 'the feasts of the Lord'! What the High Priest did there couldnt offer more than an annual payment for their sins. Aaron, the High Priest, made Atonement for Israel for the First Time in the Wilderness. When I was a kid, the white-washed walls of a doctors waiting room pointed to only one thing: checking out the Wheres Waldo? book. Sign up to receive the free devotional. In the Bible, when was the first mention of any of the feasts? 1 Co 5:7, Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us.. Appendix - Jewish Holy Days: The Making of a Baby. If this supposition is correct, then each major event in the life of our Lord followed one of the three main Feast Days which required all male Jews to come up to the Jerusalem Temple to worship the Lord. It is both commemorative and prophetic in its meaning. Lets begin with the Passover Supper and look at the accuracy of fulfillment found throughout Israels history. It is called the intercalation when the Church Age is inserted into the Jewish Age. They were shadows of what is to come. However, the following two festivals are not included in what the Torah describes as the Feasts of the Lord. He knows the end from the beginning, and He desires for us to seek to understand His will as He unfolds His plan in human history. In the New Testament, the Greek term pneuma, normally translated as "breath," is applied to the "Holy Spirit." Passover (Pesach), Unleavened Bread (Hag Hamatzot), Firstfruits (Hag HaBikkurim), Pentecost or Weeks (Shavuot), Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah), Atonement (Yom Kippur), Tabernacles (Succoth). Chanukah is known as the Festival of Light thanks to the tradition of lighting candles every evening for eight days. And gathering them together, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised [the Holy Spirit], Which, He said, you heard of from Me; And the Holy Spirit did come exactly on the day of the feast. The gap between Pentecost and the Feast of Trumpets is five months. The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! (John 1:29, NLT), he understood the Old Testament reference. The Elapse of Time between Feasts for the Church Age. Galatians 4:9-11 But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how is it that you turn back again to the weak and worthless elemental things, to which you desire to be enslaved all over again? The blood sprinkled in the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement was a prophecy of that ultimate sacrifice, Gods only begotten Son that had to be paid to atone for sins forever. Considering the phenomenon that over forty major events in Israels spiritual history have occurred on the anniversary dates of Biblical feast or fast days, it is more than probable that the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ also followed this pattern and occurred on the anniversary of the Feast of Tabernacles. The Bibleless Peoples Prayer Project needs you! However, it deserves to be mentioned separately as it is in the Bible. It proves that there is a Creator God that guides the affairs of man. Is this not the word that we spoke to you in Egypt, saying, Leave us alone that we may serve the Egyptians? And it is all laid out in advance! The Passover connoted the beginning of Gods plan, EPH 2:89. 35 On the first day shall be a holy convocation; you shall not do any ordinary work. 23:6-8 And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread to the LORD; seven days you must eat Aside from the obvious obstacle of the strong nations occupying this territory, an even greater obstacle seemed to stand in the way of Gods promise of giving a land to Abrahams descendants. On the first day you shall have a holy convocation; you shall not do any laborious work. At the end of the Millennium, there is a revolt of unbelievers who have no capacity for life or freedom, Rev 20. However, as He said Himself, JOH 12:24, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.. In fact there are verses of warning when believers go back under these and other aspects of the law in an attempt to win favour and righteousness with God. Thats why GEN 8:4 calls it In the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat.. However, the week that our Lord died it was only a three day feast and it pointed to the burial of the Lord Jesus Christ and His person. Unleavened bread emphasizes the impeccability of the humanity of Christ and therefore His qualification to be our sin offering. JOH 12:24, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.. ZEC 13:6, And one will say to him, What are these wounds between your arms? Then he will say, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.. During the celebration of Passover, the father takes three loaves of the unleavened bread and places them in a special white linen envelope which has three compartments. - The first day of the month was the Feast of Trumpets and the new moon. While preparing for writing a book for new parents, Zola contacted a gynecologist for some help in understanding gestation. The first is 'feast' and the second is 'assemblies' (or 'convocations' in some other versions.) It is no mere coincidence that our Lord was sacrificed on Passover. This definition is rooted in the Biblical description of the Yom Kippur holiday inLeviticus23:32, where it says the holiday lasted from evening to evening. It should also be noted that there is a spiritual way in which we still keep these feasts and this spiritual / personal aspect will also be explored as we continue with our studies. Where is Jesus in these sacrificed animals? The Day of Atonement will be fulfilled in a wonderful way when the Lord returns at His second coming. So this was the assembly feast. Now, its interesting because these feasts point to a literal time on earth when they would be fulfilled by God Himself. 1CO 15:51-52, Behold, I tell you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. This is the introduction to the introduction to the Seven Feasts of the Lord if that makes sense! This is where God first taught about the 'Passover' and 'Unleavened Bread' as mentioned in Exodus 12. This time gap represents the mystery age of the Church during which the royal family is being called out. Each of the seven feasts has a historical, Messianic and personal significance associated with them. The first mention is when Israel as a nation was preparing to leave Egypt in the Exodus. ), Unlocking the secrets of the Feasts - Michael Norton (a smaller, quicker read but with some interesting information), After the Rapture - Jerry L. Dart (a very comprehensive book on Bible prophecy/end times in general but includes useful information on the 'days of awe' between the feast of Trumpets and the day of Atonement.). We read above that the feasts / festivals were 'shadows' of the reality that is in Christ. God is in charge! To be true Israel, you had to believe in Jesus Christ, LEV 23:67. When studied closely, they present an ongoing picture of the first and second coming of the Messiah Yeshua. So God was setting up a 'fixed time' during the year when the nation of Israel would be 'called out' to gather together, every year, to 'rehearse' future coming events. Feasts of the Lord The Jews catechism is his calendar. They portray Going up, they put it up on the lintel, then touched the two sides of the frame (Exodus 12). WebOther words used to describe Gods seven feasts are hag, a noun meaning a feast, and hagag, a verb meaning to hold a feast, a pilgrim feast, to celebrate a holy day (ibid., pp. Although there is no clear, scriptural proof of the exact date of the birth of Christ, Johns Gospel is very suggestive that the day was in fact the Feast of Tabernacles when he uses the unusual word tabernacled to describe the birth of Christ. The seven feasts in Lev 23 were to be celebrated annually: Passover, Unleavened Bread; First Fruits; Pentecost; Trumpets, Atonement, and then Tabernacles. The biblical calendar reckons the beginning of a new day from sunset as God did at creation. The Feasts of Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles were observed during the early rains and the time of sowing. Simply put, these feasts are amazing! The Burnt Offering Here we have the highest aspect of the work of Christ where He is seen offering Himself up entirely to God to do His will even unto death. It is remarkable that it is exactly 1260 days from Passover until the Feast of Trumpets, three and a half years later. Many spend the day on intensive prayer, asking God for forgiveness. This celebration was a feast of lighted candles, paraded and displayed as a memorial to the restoration of the freedom of spiritual life to the nation. WebIn Leviticus 23, God speaks to Moses about seven feasts. Can you name all the feasts in order? Then, before their eyes, God parted the waters of the Red Sea and the Israelites crossed over into a new life as a resurrected nation on the Feast of Firstfruits, the seventeenth of Nisan, to become the firstfruits of a nation reborn from the bondage of Egypt. Observant Jews still celebrate them now. Jesus is called Emmanuel, meaning God is with us (Matthew 1:23, NLT). These feasts were to be celebrated from the time in the wilderness when God gave the law and would carry on into the future. However, he also clearly revealed that the festivals or the feasts were intended by the Lord as prophetic signs of future events. THE SEVEN ANNUAL SACRED FEASTS OF THE OLD COVENANT: The Feasts of Remembrance. Apparently these individuals had just recently died because for them to appear to many as a miraculous event, the many would have had to know that they died! As a day of humility and repentance to God, it was a time for the Jews to get their hearts, consciences and lives right before him. Commemorating a victory of the Jewish people over their Greek oppressor, the holiday also celebrates a sanctification of the Temple. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 2. Estera has lived in Jerusalem, Israel for several years before joining the staff at FIRM in 2018. In Biblical times, these three feasts required that you make your way to where the Tabernacle or Temple stood. Bible doctrine has practical and temporal applications as well as spiritual blessing. This became a symbol of their slavery that was transformed into their freedom by the miraculous redemptive act of God, known forever as the Exodus. As mentioned there are four feasts in the spring and three in the autumn with a four month gap in between. But, as "the Lord's appointed times", we can learn a great deal from them as we shall see. It was essential for Jesus to die in order to triumph over death, sin and Satan. The later autumn feasts all deal with the events at the end of the age including the rapture and resurrection, the second coming of Christ and the long awaited Messianic Kingdom on earth. When Christ was crucified, His blood covered over our sins so that when God looks at a repentant sinner, He no longer sees the sin, rather, He sees the blood of His righteous Son. Israel is restored as a nation and the four unconditional covenants are fulfilled. Gods plan to save souls included more than the Jews. ; Ex 12:114; LEV 23:5. WebThere are a total of seven feasts in the Levitical cycle. The second great event which happened on the sixth day of Sivan; or the day of Pentecost was the giving of the Holy Spirit. But the richness of Gods Word is that it often reveals a deeper truth if you know where to look. In fact, Passover only happened on the first day. After 430 years they were faced with either imminent disaster or salvation from the slavery and bondage of Egypt. * THE 8TH DAY OF THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES is on Monday, October 17th at sundown through Tuesday, October 18th (service at 1PM). To make atonement is to make restitution for wrongs committed. Following this I will do a separate study on each of the seven feasts. And in the New Testament we see that Jesus born in a stable, visited by shepherds and led to the slaughter is that lamb sent for us. It is a day of fasting and in Israel everything comes to a full stop, including airports and traffic. Passover was the first of these feasts. 3. With God, things are precise and perfect and as we shall see, so is the fulfillment of these feasts! The Jewish people and the state of Israel still follows this rule. The second great event which took place was the Crucifixion of Christ, our Passover Lamb who was buried on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the fifteenth day of Nisan. In the haste of the Israelites to leave Egypt, there was no time to add leaven (yeast) to their bread. Until then, we don't know if we have a duck or a tadpole." The Passover ceremony of breaking and burying the bread, the middle piece representing the Son of God, very obviously presents the impeccable person of Christ even after He was judged for our sins. The Feast of First Fruits was celebrated the third day, the 16th of Nisan. However, hiding in plain sight was the promise of one who could atone for their sins permanently (Hebrews 9:12). God has given these feasts to foretell in advance the work of His Son, Jesus Christ, in specific relation to His death, resurrection and return. The Jewish people have kept many of the biblical feasts through the centuries. This third day celebration was the same day that Jesus resurrected from the dead. So I have definitely 'not arrived' and nor will I. I am simply learning about these highly significant Jewish feasts and trying to pass on some of the interesting little 'nuggests'. (11) I fear for you, that perhaps I have labored over you in vain. On this day, the tenth day of Tishri, and only on this day (HEB 9:7), the High Priest would enter the Most Holy of Holies in the Temple, the place where the Shekinah glory dwelt. Fall is the most festive season of the year for the Jewish people. Zola knew that was the date for the Jewish Festival of Trumpets. * THESE ARE THE FEASTS OF THE LORD, EVEN HOLY WebThe Seven Feasts of the Lord - Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries Click the File Folder to Download Your PDF OR Read Online Below Grace Bible Church The Seven feats of the Not wanting to lead the gynecologist off from the subject at hand, he didn't say anything, but continued to listen. Four coincidences are hard to explain away, especially when each one is so completely appropriate to its purpose. 1. THE FEASTS OF THE LORD - Jewish Jewels LEV 23:23-24, Again the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, In the seventh month on the first of the month [this would be mid-September on our calendar], you shall have a rest, a reminder by blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation.. 3. This was the time for the harvesting of the early crops of spring. LEV 23:15-19, You shall also count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath [a Sunday], from the day when you brought in the sheaf of the wave offering; there shall be seven complete Sabbaths [7 x 7 or 49 days]. God would get them to rehearse this year after year after year And whatever it is that they had to rehearse for centuries on end it must be important! The dedication took place on the fifteenth day of Tishri, the Feast of Tabernacles, 1005 B.C., The Possible Birthday of Jesus Christ. God established the biblical feasts for His people to observe. Once Israel was free, this bread reminded them that they had left behind them the leaven and sinfulness of pagan Egypt, so it now represented freedom. Act 2:1-4, And when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. But for seven days you shall present an offering by fire to the Lord. Now, the blowing of the trumpet can refer to two things: 1TH 4:16-17, For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first. To the east was the impassable Red Sea; to the west was the enormous Egyptian army; and surrounding was a frightened multitude. This feast portrayed the resurrection of our Lord who is the first fruits. You may know them as the Jewish holidays,but did you know the Bible calls them Feasts of the LORD? Each feast is also prophetic! This feast occurred exactly fifty days after the Passover, LEV 23:1521. WebThe four spring feasts are Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, and the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost. On this day the synagogue lesson came from Isaiah, chapters 60 and 61, teaching of that long-awaited day when the Lord is revealed as King and He will be accepted as the ruler of the world. You may be wondering, should Christians observe the biblical feasts? You shall count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath; then you shall present a new grain offering to the Lord. The Feast of Trumpets begins on the first day of Tishri in the fall (September-October). When is the last time you heard a sermon on them or read a book about them? Tribulational believers alive at the Second Advent live into the Millennium to repopulate the earth. THE PASSOVER 2. Nevertheless, the Jewish tradition on Rosh HaShanah is to dip apples in honey, wishing everyone a good and sweet new year. In this Year of the Jubilee, on the Day of Atonement, all debts were cancelled, slaves were set free, and family lands that had been sold would be returned to their original owners. It is possible that this great Feast of Tabernacles will see its prophetic fulfillment in that glorious day when the Lord will usher in the long-awaited Millennium of peace. Are believers told to keep the feasts today? This is also an interesting question. When they arrived at the Red Sea, after camping in the desert, they looked back and saw the approaching Egyptian army. The autumn feasts are Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles. She holds a Bachelor degree in Communications and Media from Azusa Pacific University (California, USA), and a Master degree in Journalism from University of Warsaw, Poland.
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7 feasts of the lord chart 2023