Laban also gave his maid Bilhah to his daughter Rachel as her maid. 4; "Sefer ha-Yashar," section "Wayee," p. 47a). He suggests that the Apostles were also numbered twelve, though Judas Iscariot was dead by that time, (John 20:24 ) and cites Saint Augustine to support him. [9][10][11], Last modified on August 11, 2016, at 17:07. "teaching," "study," or "learning." "Rachel: Midrash and Aggadah." Themidrashrelates that Rachel was twenty-two years old when she was married to Jacob (SederOlam Rabbah2), and her barrenness lasted for fourteen years (Seder Eliyahu Rabbah18, p. 99). (Genesis 29:10, NLT). Rachel and Jacob were cousins. Jacob said to himself: When Eliezer, the servant of Abraham, went to fetchRebekah, he brought with him ten camels and all the bounty of his master(Gen. 24:10), while I have not a single nose-ring or band. The second reason for his weeping was his foreseeing that Rachel would not be buried together with him (Gen. Rabbahloc. Rachel first met Jacob in 2245 AM (1759 BC), at the community well in Haran. Gen. 30:23records that when Rachel gave birth to Joseph she explained: God has taken away [asaf] my disgrace. The Rabbis observe that until a woman gives birth, whatever blame [there is, within the house] is placed upon her. As she was beautiful and well favored, Jacob fell in love with her and agreed to serve Laban for seven years on the condition that at the end of that time Rachel should become his wife. 40) are considered by the Rabbis to symbolize the four matriarchs, Rachel, who died the youngest, they consider symbolized by the willows of the brook, which fade sooner than any other plant (Lev. 22). cit.). Benjamin, who had just been born, needed a wet nurse; a miracle was performed for Bilhah and her breasts filled with milk, thus enabling her to nurse the newborn(Tanhuma,Vayeshev7; see also the entry: Bilhah). The custom in those days was for a man to wait at least a week after arranging to marry a woman. Bilhah, Rachel's servant and Jacob's concubine, bears two more sons, Dan and Naphtali. that she was not buried in the cave of Machpelah by the side of her husband (Gen. R. lxxii. The purpose of the comparison between Benjamin and his mother was to say that just as Benjamin was unjustly accused, so, too, Rachel should not have been called a thief, since her motive was positive. The restrictions on her date of birth are: She married Jacob (2245 AM) when she was old enough to carry an adult responsibility, because Jacob met her when she was leading a flock of sheep to water. When Jacob left the land of Canaan, he had vowed that he would return to Bethel and sacrifice to the Lord(Gen. 28:2022). Retrieved from How old were Rachel and Leah when they married Jacob? How old - Quora Rachel: Wife of Jacob, Sister of Leah - Guideposts When Laban came to search her tent, Rachel asked him to excuse her for not rising, because she was menstruating. 12; Targ. When Leah was brought under the wedding canopy, Rachel thought: Now my sister will be shamed [when Jacob discovers the fraud and does not marry her]. She gave the signs to Leah. Rabbah[ed. Who is Rachel in The Bible? Rachel feared that her deeds were not favorable in the eyes of God, which resulted in her barrenness. In another exegetical tradition, Jacob placed Rachel and Joseph last because he wanted to protect them. 22-24). However, the Rabbis debate the reason behind God granting her the ability to bear children. The stone over the mouth of the well was large. 31:1416attests: A cry is heard in Ramahwailing, bitter weepingRachel weeping for her children, she refuses to be comforted for her children, who are gone. cit.). Rachel's death was so deeply felt by Jacob that he considered it the greatest of all his sorrows (Ruth R. i. The contention between the two women did not cease even after Rachels death, and arose again as regards the seniority of Jacobs sons: who would be considered the firstbornthe son of Leah, or of Rachel; and similarly, regarding the origin of Elijah, the harbinger of the Redemption. Leah knew that twelve tribes would issue from Jacob. In the tableau inGen. 35:17, Rachel experiences difficulty in childbirth and the midwife tells her: Have no fear, for it is another boy for you. The Rabbis observe that this is how a womans spirit is restored during childbirth, by telling her not to fear, because she is giving birth to a son [which was regarded as an honor which would raise the womans spirits](Gen. Rabbah82:8). When Jacob first met Laban (his mother's brother), he immediately fell in love with his younger daughter Rachel. According to the Rabbis, Laban would not have succeeded in deceiving Jacob without Rachels involvement. What age Rachel when she married Jacob Bible? - Answers The regimen of rituals, songs and textual readings performed in a specific order on the first two nights (in Israel, on the first night) of Passover. Isaac, the father of Jacob, wanted his son to marry from among their own people, so he sent Jacob to Paddan-aram, to find a wife among the daughters of Laban, Jacob's uncle. He knew that he would marry her, just as Rebekah had been married to Isaac, and he also understood that he would bury her. Rachel and Leah persuaded their husband to flee from Laban's house, and at the moment of Jacob's flight Rachel stole her father's teraphim. According to another tradition, Rachel and Leah were twins, and they were married to Jacob at the age of twenty-two (Lit. 2). Bilhah bore two sons, Dan and Naphtali, over the next two years.[1][2][3]. She had started from a position of superiority over her sister, since she was the desired wife. Jacob's other wife is Rachel's sister Leah, which causes issues between the sisters, especially because Leah is able to bear children. Leah bore Jacob six sons and a daughter. Jacob then married Rachel and worked for Laban another seven years for her. TheTorahattests of Rachel(Gen. 29:17): Rachel was shapely and beautiful; and of her son Joseph (39:6): Now Joseph was well built and handsome [the two verses uses the same Hebrew phrases:yefat/yefeh toar,vi-yfat/yefeh mareh], to which the Rabbis apply the saying: Throw a stick into the air, and it will [always] fall on its end(Gen. Rabbah86:6). Did he not go to Laban only because of me? (Gen. Rabbahloc. cit.) "Jacob and Rachel at the Well, by James Jacques Joseph Tissot, c. 1896-1902. How old was Rachel when Jacob married her? cit.). Rijksmuseum The story of how Jacob ends up marrying his two cousins, Leah and Rachel, begins in Canaan, with the marriage of his older twin, Esau, to two Hittite women of whom Isaac and Rebekah do not approve. ; comp. Why did Rachel die? R. xxx. Read the latest from JWA from your inbox. The Rabbis learn of Gods retaining the key of the woman giving birth from Rachel, of whom it is said: Now God remembered Rachel; God heeded her and opened her womb(BTTaanit2ab). Overall, the midrash portrays Rachel as incredibly generous and compassionate, and her goodness is seen in her descendants. Some argued that he was from the tribe of Gad, while others maintained that he was a Benjaminite. Yet he did not bring his beloved Rachel there, nor did he carry her to the more distant Hebron, but laid her to rest alongside the road. According to a third tradition, Jacob wept for grief, for he realized that after he kissed Rachel people were whispering to one another: Why has this one come, to teach us this indecent behavior? The midrash comments that after the world had been struck by the Flood, the nations of the world hedged themselves against illicit sexual behavior [i.e., they accepted all manner of sexual prohibitions] (Gen. Rabbahloc. Jacob loved Rachel passionately even before they were married, but Rachel thought, as her culture had taught her, that she needed to bear children to earn Jacob's love. According to the first, Naphtalis name is an acrostic of all that happened between Rachel and her sister. Leah suddenly found herself sterile after the birth of Judah, and offered Jacob her own handmaid as well. Who was married to Rachel in the Bible? - Catholicism from A to Z Jacob then married Rachel and worked for Laban another seven years for her. Some midrashim view the name given by Rachel to her son Joseph as a prophecy for what would befall his descendants. Jacob allowed Laban to search for the idols. She bore him in 2259 AM. How Old Was Jacob When He Married? - Bible Study Laban's excuse was that it was not their custom to marry off the younger daughter before the older one. Leah's life as Jacob's wife was distressful. In yet another exegetical understanding, Rachel said: May the Lord add another son for me for exile, because the ten tribes were exiled beyond the Sambatyon river, while the tribes of Judah and Benjamin were dispersed throughout all the lands. I am from the descendants of Rachel(Gen. Rabbah71:9). Gen. 30:1states: When Rachel saw that she had borne Jacob no children, she became envious of her sister, leading the Rabbis to apply to Rachel the verseCant. Continuing this exegetical orientation, in another midrashic depiction Jacob tells Reuben, while blessing his sons before his death: The birthright was not yours. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Gen. 33:67describes the meeting with Esau: Then the maids, with their children, came forward and bowed low; next Leah, with her children, came forward and bowed low; and lastly, Joseph and Rachel came forward and bowed low. The Rabbis noted that the other wives came first and their children after them, while Joseph stepped forward before his mother Rachel. Buber],Vayeze18). Zavada, Jack. The Rabbis differ as to the reason why Rachel stole her father's teraphim. Forced to serve Rachel's father, Laban, for seven years to win her, Jacob was tricked at the end of that time into marrying her sister, Leah. According to another exegetical approach, it is Rachels son who wins the birthright. It speaks of a tradition possessed by Jacob that Esau would fall only by the hand of Rachels sons. Updates? Due to the shame that Benjamin suffered through no fault of his own, he merited having the Divine Presence rest in his portion [the Temple was erected in the portion of the tribe of Benjamin], which thereby publicly proclaimed his innocence. So lonely was she that even the Lord took notice of it and blessed her with many children as consolation. Besides, Rachel was afraid that her father, seeing that she had no children by Jacob, might marry her to Esau (Midr. At the well at Haran, Jacob found Rachel, Laban's younger daughter, tending sheep. Instead of giving Laban the traditional bride-price, Jacob agreed to work for Laban seven years to earn Rachel's hand in marriage. Since she suffered many years of barrenness, she was rewarded by the Israelites being called by her name, or by the name of her descendants. 60a), and who are often referred to in the liturgy, Rachel being mentioned before Leah. Laban substituted Leah, his older daughter, and in the darkness, Jacob thought Leah was Rachel. The affair of the mandrakes is generally represented by the Rabbis as unfavorable to Rachel; and it was due to her mode of obtaining them (comp. Theodor-Albeck, MS. Vatican, 99:3, p. 1253]). These two reasons reveal the fact that, already at the instant of his first meeting with Rachel, Jacob realized that she was the woman meant for him. DAY 34: Jacob Was 84 Years Old When He Married Rachel And Leah When Laban caught up with them, he searched for the idols, but Rachel had hidden the statues under her camel's saddle. Both bore him children. Rachel, who was not so occupied, therefore became the mainstay of the household. The midrash relates that three keys remain with God and were not entrusted to an agent [=angel]: the key of rain, the key of the woman giving birth and the key of the resurrection of the dead. In other respects the two sisters were alike, both being ancestresses of kings, heroes, prophets, judges, and conquerors (ib. Let us know. 9-12, 17-18, 31; xxx. 31:20Israel is called after her sons son: Truly, Ephraim is a dear son to Me(Ruth Rabbah7:11:13). Genesis chapters 29-30 and 35 detail the births of Jacob's many children. Even when he came to bless her son, he made him [Joseph] secondary to her. Bilhah: Midrash and Aggadah | Jewish Women's Archive Thismidrashindicates the physical trait shared by Rachel and Joseph, which the Bible expresses in identical language. The Rabbis are lavish in their praise of Rachel, whom they describe as merciful, and who waived her personal benefit and desires on behalf of her sister. Rachel asked Leah for a portion of them, and Leah protested that Rachel already had the favor of Jacob, and now was asking for a supply of the one thing that each woman supposed would make her fertile. 14; Midr. Deut. [1] In 1620, the Ottoman Turks surrounded the supposed grave with a cube surmounted by a dome. Rachel said: I prepared myself [nupeti, i.e., I prepared myself for Jacobs bed], I allowed myself to be persuaded [pititito withdraw in favor of my sister and to aid her to be Jacobs wife], I exalted my sister over myself [taliti ahoti alai], and I have prevailed(Gen. Rabbah71:8). Another tradition has Leah herself being responsible for the change. Laban agreed. cit.). Jacob offered to serve Laban for seven years, in exchange for the right to marry Rachel. Help us elevate the voices of Jewish women. This midrash criticizes Jacob for responding so harshly and inconsiderately to Rachel, who is presented as a bitter woman. xxiii. Rachel had taken the idols and placed them in the cushion on her camels back. Dates and ages are not given for very many women in the Scriptures. This exegesis hints that in the rivalry between Israel and Esau [= Rome] Rachels children would emerge victorious. When Abraham was about 100 years old, he and his wife Sarah had a son who they named Isaac. Therefore, Benjamin must have been conceived shortly before the flight from Laban and born nine months later. And, indeed, she bore Jacob only a single additional son, Benjamin(JTBerakhot9:3, 14[ab]). This was exceedingly difficult for me, when I learned of this counsel. [6] (Genesis 31:19-20 ) Jones[7] records that the phrase "born to him in Padan-aram" that appears after the listing of Jacob's sons (Genesis 35:26 ) can also mean "engendered by him in Padan-aram." After discovering that he had been tricked, Jacob married Rachel also and then worked out another seven-year contract for this marriage. Jacob's wife, Leah, had four sons in quick succession, and then stopped bearing. In any case, Rachel cannot have conceived Benjamin earlier than the springtime. Rabbah3:2). 3). Benjamin was born on the road to Bethlehem, and therefore Rachel must have conceived him in Padan-aram, though she bore him in Canaan. 2227 AM-m. 2245 AM-2266 AM) (ca. Rebekah had sent him there to be safe from his angry twin brother, Esau . Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women. Jer. According to one of these interpretations, the disgrace to which Rachel refers is the affair of theConcubine of a Levite(Jud. Jealous of her sister, Rachel gave Jacob her servant Bilhah as a wife. This was the year in which Jacob fled in secret from Laban. 60a, and Targ. Buber],Vayeze6). Rachel had been given Bilhah as a handmaiden by her father Laban upon her marriage to Jacob. Rachel's envy at her sister's fertility (comp. Only now, upon the birth of Naphtali, did Rachel sense that she had regained her former standing. Rachels son Benjamin knew about the sale of Joseph but did not reveal it to his father; therefore(Ex. When, toward the end of his life, Jacob told Joseph about Rachels death, he said(Gen. 48:7): I [do this because], when I was returning from Paddan, Rachel died, to my sorrow. The wording died, to my sorrow teach the Rabbis that Rachels death was the harshest of all the troubles that befell Jacob(Gen. Rabbah97:7, [ed. "teaching," "study," or "learning." Gen. 30:14relates that Reuben found mandrakes, which are prophylactic, in the field, and brought them to his mother Leah. 8:6: For love is fierce as death (Tanhuma[ed. The most extreme description of Rachels act of self-sacrifice appears inLam. Due to Rachels good deeds or to Reubens sin, the initial order was restored. God thereupon promised her the restoration of Israel (Lam. In theTorahReuben is deposed from his status as firstborn for having violated his fathers bed(Gen. 49:34) and this distinction is conferred on Joseph when Jacob declares that Ephraim and Manasseh are his sons(Gen. 48:56). The midrash explains that the education that Joseph received from his mother continued to guide him even after her death. The Rabbis were concerned with the nature of this kiss, which they regarded as an improper act. Rachel: The Epitome of Motherhood - Bereishit (Genesis) - Parshah - Chabad We can't believe God's love is free for us to receive. The Rabbis seek to discover the reason why Rachels womb was opened. If you forgot, she was best friends with Rachel Green ( Jennifer Aniston ) before she wound up . Genesis 29:18Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, "Ill work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel." A third interpretation takes the wordnaftalifrom pitulim[vicissitudes], and describes what Jacob underwent. 11). She did not want to adhere to the paganism of her fathers house, but rather sought to prevent Laban from engaging in idolatry. Leah was busy with raising her children and therefore could not care for the needs of the household. 15). She spends much of her married life attempting to bear children for Jacob and eventually uses her maid Bilhah as a surrogate, but Rachel still craves biological children. Her first meeting with Jacob occurred at a well near Haran, whither she had taken the flocks for water. I informed Jacob, and I gave him a sign so that he could distinguish between me and my sister, so that my father would not be able to exchange me. Then Jacob continued on his journey and came to the land of the eastern peoples. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Jacob should have understood her pain, instead of rebuking her for the manner in which she spoke. We only know the age of Jacob during this period of time. 2, 7). Lit. On this date Joseph left the Egyptian prison; and on this date, Israel went forth from their servitude in Egypt(BTRosh Hashanah10b11a). Learn Religions, Dec. 6, 2022, Those sons became the founders of the 12 tribes of Israel. And this was not allI went under the bed where he lay with my sister: he would speak with her, and I responded every time, while she remained silent, so that he would not recognize her voice. In return, Leah requested that Rachel forgo her right to be with Jacob that night. midrash relates that Rachel was twenty-two years old when she was married to Jacob ( "order.". Zavada, Jack. TheTorahstates that Rachel named Bilhahs sons. Jacob was quite old compared to other generations when he finally married. Themidrashstates that Leah carried a male fetus in her womb during her seventh pregnancy. How old was Jacob when he married? - The Bible Made Plain Instead, he must accept the first-born, the son of the unloved one, and allot to him a double portion of all he possesses. The midrash compares this mandate with the story of Jacob. When Jacob wanted to leave Haran, he summoned his wives to the field and told them of his plans. Jacob was 77 years old, and he loved Rachel immediately. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Systems of Transliteration Citation of Proper Names. God remembered Rachel on Rosh ha-Shanah (Ber. Her name means "ewe" in Hebrew. l.c.) She married Jacob (2245 AM) when she was old enough to carry an adult responsibility, because Jacob met her when she was leading a flock of sheep to water. (2022, December 6). In thismidrash, Rachel has the insight that the birth of children is a reward from God. Did he not gird his loins for her [since Isaac strove and prayed so that Rebekah would become pregnant]? Jacob replied: He did not have children, I have children [I already have four sons from Leah]. Rachel retorted: And did not your grandfather [Abraham] have children [Abraham had Ishmael], yet he girded his loins for Sarah[nonetheless, he made the effort of praying so that Sarah would become pregnant]? He told her: You can do as my grandmother [Sarah] did. She asked him: And what did she do? He replied: She brought a rival wife [Hagar] into her house. She responded: If this is the obstacle, [then](Gen. 30:3): Here is my maid Bilhah. 2:20): But Esther still did not reveal her kindred or her people and did not mention her Jewish origins in the palace of Ahasuerus(Gen. Rabbah71:5;Tanhuma,Vayeze6). Jacob told her that he was the son of her aunt Rebekah. At the end of twenty years of service (seven each for Leah and Rachel, and six more for a portion of Laban's flocks), Jacob and Laban fell out. In another tradition, Rachel stole these idols so that they would not reveal to Laban that Jacob had fled with his wives, his children and his flocks (Tanhuma,Vayeze12). She possessed the art of silence [when she knew that her sister was given to Jacob deceitfully, but remained silent and did not tell him]; all of her descendants continued in this path, and could keep a secret. Elijah came and stood before them. Yet a third tradition explains that Rachel merited pregnancy because she brought her rival wife [Bilhah] into her house. An opposing exegetical view, however, notes that when Jacob sent for his wives to come to the field(Gen. 31:5), theTorahstates: Jacob had Rachel and Leah called to the fieldhe called to Rachel first, and therefore she acted properly when she was the first to respond to him. 32), he not knowing that Rachel had taken the images. Rachel probably conceived Benjamin, her second son, in the spring of 2265 AM (1739 BC). Gen. 29:18attests: Jacob loved Rachel. The midrashic exegesis of this verse characterizes this love of Jacobs with a reference toCant. Rachel married Andrew Jackson (twice) and at age 61, prior to her husband's inauguration Rachel Jackson died of a heart attack at age 61. Today, we live in a performance-based society. 14-16, 19, 34-35). Whatever the case, she died young. Rachel bore Joseph, then the entire clan left Laban's country to return to Isaac. These two exegetical positions derive the word akarah from ikar. The first view maintains that even though Leah had children, Rachel continued to be the beloved and preferred wife, which was expressed in the running of the household. The Rabbis did not view this exchange between the sisters favorably. The terms "elder" and "younger," applied respectively to Leah and Rachel (Gen. xxix. Gen. 33:2relates: putting the maids and their children first, Leah and her children next, and Rachel and Joseph last, to which the midrash comments: The more behind, the more beloved(Gen. Rabbah78:8). (NIV). 16). If she breaks a vessel within the house, whom shall she blame for this? In 1860, Sir Moses Montefiore enlarged this structure. 14; Tan., Wayee, 13). She put them in the "furniture" of the camel on which she sat, and when her father came to search for them she pleaded sickness (xxxi. The Hebrew name of Rachel means ewe or beautiful. 3 (2020): 299-333. Joshua son of Nun was an Ephraimite, one of Rachels descendants. When Jacob spoke with Leah, Rachel would answer him, so that he would not identify Leahs voice (Lam. The Rabbis understand the wording(Gen. 29:31): but Rachel was barren [akarah] as teaching of Rachels merit: despite her not having children, she nonetheless was the chief person [ikar] of the household. Rachel was one of Jacob's wives through . Thismidrashattributes a dual meaning to Gods statement: for there is a reward for your labor. Rachel acted in an extraordinary manner when she helped her sister to be married to Jacob and also when she prayed for her children. After working for Laban another seven years, Jacob marries Rachel Jacob did so and completed her week, and he gave him his daughter Rachel as his wife. After spending a month with his relatives he asked for her hand in marriage in return for working seven years for Laban the Aramean. 10). When Rachel heard this, she ran to tell her father. Jacob marries Rachel the daughter of Laban | Bibleview This midrash bore a message of consolation to the Rabbis and the Jews of their time, since, for the Rabbis, Esau symbolized the Roman empire. 1921) that occurred within the tribe of Benjamin; after the ban against this tribe had been lifted, that disgrace was expunged. "Meet Rachel - Favored Wife of Jacob." This midrash indicates a certain correction of the injustice done to Rachel. This midrash compares the barrenness of the three Matriarchs and the conduct of the three Patriarchs, which intensifies the criticism of Jacob, who should have acted as his forefathers did, and pray on behalf of Rachel in accordance with her wishes. Jacob replied that he was her father's equal in trickery; and he agreed with Rachel upon certain signs which would enable him to recognize her. In the episode of the mandrakes, when Leah reproached her sister for having robbed her of her husband (Gen. xxx. Did I not go to Laban only for Rachel? How old was Rachel when she died. Gen. 35:18attests: But as she breathed her lastfor she was dyingshe named him Ben-oni; but his father called him Benjamin. The Rabbis explain that Rachel called the child the son of my suffering [in Aramaic], while his father gave him the Hebrew name Benjamin. The midrashic sources specify that Rachel died at the age of thirty-six (SederOlam Rabbah2) and list three women who had difficult childbirths and died: Rachel, the wife of Phinehas(I Sam. Another tradition explains the Torahs statement(Gen. 29:16): Now Laban had two daughters as meaning that both were equal in beauty and in their erect stature (Tanhuma[ed. Now the birthright has returned to its owner(Gen. Rabbah98:4, [ed. But had she been obviously pregnant, she would not have been able to lie convincingly. Rachel died while giving birth to Benjamin. Consort with her [] that through her I too may have children (Gen. Rabbahloc. Other Rabbis found fault with Rachel and maintained that because Rachel made light of her right to lie with the righteous Jacob, which she sold for the mandrakes, she was punished by not being buried together with him. Buber],Mikez13). Rabbah37:1). Rachel lived in Harran, or Paddan Aram, and that's where she met her cousin Jacob. B. Jacob said to Joseph that he had buried Rachel near Ephrath, where Bethlehem now stands. So did your mother shame our father when she stole the household idols from Laban! By merit of the blows that he received on his shoulders, theShekhinah(Divine Presence) would rest between Benjamins shoulders, as it is said in the blessing by Moses(Deut. The Bible says that this took place at sheep-shearing time,[5] which is always in the springtime. 31:15Israel is called after Rachel: Rachel weeping for her children; inAmos 5:15Israel is named after her son: Perhaps the Lord, the God of Hosts, will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph; and inJer. There is also an intermediate approach, which argues that Reuben should have received the birthright, but it was permanently taken from him because of his sin.
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how old was rachel when she married jacob 2023