I lost consciousness. Somehow I felt more connected to Nicolas after having that weird mental conversation, but I didnt know how. I had been asking myself to tell me what the spiritual reason was that I was a preschool teacher in this life and if I should do something else. Imagine You Visit A Parallel Universe | by Fahri Karakas - Medium A simple quantum fork in the road might have made all the difference. They didnt know any other way. He got up and went over by the window when the ceiling lights came on. The device I held in my hand looked just like the iPod with the purple case I always carry around in my real life. (Im too poor for an iPhone so I use a pay-as-you-go phone for phone calls and an iPod for my smart phone needs.) Maybe hed actually been there all night instead of come in earlier than I woke up and didnt turn the lights on because he didnt want to wake me. I laid back down to try to sleep, but I didnt go to sleep. I think I traveled to a Parallel Universe. : nosleep - Reddit I love my career as a preschool teacher but being paid near minimum wage, as most preschool teachers are, doesnt afford a savings account for unexpected expenses, vacation, or a Tiny House, so I got a second job. I wanted to know why Wanderers came to Nicolas timeline. It looked like the kind of cereal that is similar to Cheerios, but a little more puffed. Read An Excerpt. The negatively polarized group that ensnares our consciousness on this planet also benefits more greatly by keeping us alive and under control rather than killing us or letting us know weve been taken over several hundreds of thousands of years ago. I saw that the nurse was too busy at the moment to comfort the children so I went over to the child Allison holding the baby and said, Hi Allison, just like I would to a scared or shy child at the preschool where I work. Thank you so much for sharing, I wonder if my other me has no agoraphobia, so I could see how she deals with life and I could learn to do things different. Since I already knew it was virtual reality, I guess they figured I wouldnt humor them and go for it unless it was something I really liked in that bed. Read. The reason for this conflict is due to the different polarizations of factions of both ET and humans on Earth. There was a low double bed up on a platform. Is There Another 'You' Out There In A Parallel Universe? - Forbes You can gain all the abilities with a spiritual/consciousness ascension as you can with technology, but an AI virus had convinced whole societies that transhumanism was better. I know Nicolas had said, Stay here, but I didnt want to stay here. A society that had telepathy would have a lot more of a difficult time lying than the society from my native timeline where the wider culture just has no clue how to do this skill. Time travel may not be understood by our wider global culture and may be thought of as either a conspiracy theory or reserved for high level physicists of some secret elite military or government, CERN, HAARP, Area 51, etc. I thought something about aliens, but this place seemed too normal for that kind of thing. The movie, The Island, is very similar to what the Military Industrial Complex would do in our timeline, but they have no MIC in Nicolas timeline. I wanted to seed that into this place I was visiting. Discover our four plan options. It is not a war between countries on Earth, but it is a battle between ET with lots of human involvement, which also consists of a battle of information, especially in our digital era. I got the hopeful sense from Nicolas that if this disclosure happened in my native timeline in 2016, it could possibly not take us 10+ years to come to the same peaceful liberation that Nicolass society went through because we have the internet and lots of technology here already. Some of them, most of them actually, were taller than me at teenager or adult size so I wondered if something had happened to me in my timeline to stunt my growth by just a few inches. A photo accompanied one article, showing his office desk strewn with papers and books. The screen went dark. Gaiam also started out as a yoga and fitness company. Muffin started to mix and mess around with these drinks. He obviously understood quantum physics much better than I do. I was still very unsure of this strange land, but I remembered what Peter had said to me on the first day of my visit. You cant just call in sick because you had visited a parallel timeline for three days! Maybe Corey Goode would have called this interfacing. It seemed that these peoples from this timeline did this when what they had to convey took a lot longer and a lot more time and energy to do with words than they had at the moment. I knew that telepathy was real and could be possible, unlike some people from my native timeline. They say you dont read in dreams because the part of your brain required for processing numbers and letters is not accessible while you are dreaming. Parallel Dimensions (album), a 2008 album by Perseo Miranda. The orbits of stars near a black hole in the Milky Way galaxy. I saw them taking off and landing in the distance, but I didnt see all those things flying around when I looked out at the view of the city. She draped a white cloth over the bowl and the baby stopped crying. She did want him to know though that, in his emotional upset, hed scolded the wrong Allison from the wrong timeline, but it was a happy accident and wanted him to think about how he was going to handle it. I couldnt even tell what these peoples body language meant exactly. As I recall, the photo caption noted that among the stacks of material was an unfinished manuscript. It was explained to me that if I passed the tests I would get to go to a special school for gifted children, but they only gave me two or three sessions of these tests. The next thing I knew, I woke up in a bedroom, and Peter and Nicolas were there. These things looked like skateboards, but high tech. I looked at my watch, but it was only 1:30am! It was ok that the two kids were scared because they were just going to go home thinking it was a dream and forget all about it. The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos. Amongst the O cereal were flakes of what looked like small squares of seaweed the size of a dime. She had light blue, turquoise lingerie on. At the time, I didnt know what year exactly Eisenhower had become president, but I knew Truman and Eisenhower were very close together in my own timeline. That is what these jeans looked like. Times were stressful then because my parents had divorced, but in my real life I had the sense as a child that the adult me had told me everything was going to turn out all right so I shouldnt worry about the stress in the family. What could possibly happen that youd want to know about while youre here? There was very dim light, like there was very little sunlight but it wasnt completely night. Nicolas did not specify whether or not it had been the president who had done this, but when my consciousness wondered about the president, Nicolas said, Eisenhower was our last president elect.. This took place after the war. Perhaps it was because I seemed familiar somehow. Peter seemed upset and stormed out of the room through one of the doors behind the hospital bed. For her, it seemed like I was in her normal bedroom. Sci-Fi or Reality? Travel Tips for an Alternate Universe Tickets for "Short Attention Span Theatre: Parallel Universes" are available at redbarntheatre.com or by calling the Red Barn box office at 305-296-9911. Imagine sitting in your living room, he told me, listening to the radio. The harmonies of the string correspond to the laws of physics. When I started watching Cosmic Disclosure, there were only about 5 episodes. It was fascinating technology, I didnt understand how it worked. Parallel Universe: My Visit. He said they were all expecting the ascension event in 2012 but it didnt happen for them either. I know its out there in a timeline with my friend Nicolas. I understood this was actually just me in another timeline. However, in Nicolas timeline, shortly after 1952 or shortly after this famous UFO sighting event, someone from the American Government told the American people the truth about extra terrestrials and flying saucers. I was now wearing my normal white hospital clothes. Only organic, biological people can go through this thing. I could see from the Wikipedia article that Anaheim was not in northern California, so I figured the one boy was trying to give me direction about where in Anaheim I was. I understood what Nicolas was saying, but in case you havent seen the movie, The Island, this movie is about two clones. Such dreams could also be incoming images from an alternate world where you are . I turned back to walk back to Nicolas. Dr. Steven Greer also talked about psychotronic weaponry, and I had no clue what manner of technology, spiritual laws, or laws of quantum physics could have allowed me to have this experience. In my timeline it was also about these three things though. I lay back down and tried to go back to sleep. The Germans needed the industrial might, power, and access to resources that the United States had, in order to build out their galactic infrastructure with their flying saucers. After reading Lambs book I had been considering searching for a hypnotherapist to recall the nature behind two unusual things. These kids, the baby and the child looked at me when they noticed I was in the room. Off in the distance of about one block length away, a large train pulled up with long train cars. The sense I got from him was, Oh man! Nicolas knew this was all beginning to sound like a very peculiar situation for me, that Me in his regular society had applied to this facility and they somehow had the quantum technology to suck me out of my timeline and into this hospital for healing. Can Physicists Ever Prove the Multiverse Is Real? | Science Lerina Garca, a 41 year old, well educated professional opened her eyes one morning to discover she was in what she later assumed to be an alternate universe existence of her own life. Quantum theory is based on a radically different picture one of multiplicity. This window had that kind of technology and I knew it. Characters periodically travel to this universe using either transporter technology or, in the show's most recent iteration, the so-called " Spore Drive ." An 1884 story by Edwin A. Abbot called " Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions " took another approach by suggesting a living, breathing universe with only two dimensions. The Multiverse Theory Explained (With Examples) and Whether it's I was still laughing. I tried to convince these girls not to let this device scan their head and turn into robots. I had no idea why wed be going to the roof of the hospital of all places, but I figured it was someplace new and exciting in this strange land. His mind was showing me an image of an hourglass with no top or bottom. Wherever I was at in this hospital, it was certainly very strange for having an extra terrestrial looking nurse. I quickly tried very hard to notice the city I was in and the architecture. By this time Nicolas was done with nit picky details that didnt actually matter in the scope of humanity and ascension, and he urgently had to leave. Its like when someone dies and you dont want to talk about it but you desperately do. We ask them to solve a problem by calculating the probability that one will wake up on Mars tomorrow. For a VIDEO Account about my experience CLICK HERE, For My Cosmic Hypnotherapy Session CLICK HERE, For Articles and Interviews on this Experience CLICK HERE. I wanted to see if there were more of these robots in this society. I wondered who Nicolas and Peter were going to try and make me have sex with this time, but it was like I never actually got to have sex in these scenarios, kind of disappointing.
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i visited a parallel universe 2023