Prayers Father, I command every evil pot and concoction of witchcraft network used against my life to break into pieces, in the mighty name of Jesus. Please pray for mu husband John. We got married on June 15,1996. Every witchcraft tree attacking my elevation in this environment, wither by fire, in Jesus name. Every witchcraft exchange of my virtues, be frustrated and reversed, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft pot cooking my destiny, I bring the judgment of God upon you, in Jesus Name, Local and international witchcraft assigned against my life, scatter, in Jesus Name, Wisdom of household witchcraft, be converted to foolishness, in Jesus Name, Let the wickedness of witchcraft overtake them, by the power in the Blood of Jesus,in Jesus Name, Any witchcraft power, projecting into the body of an animal in order to do me harm, be trapped in that animals body forever, in Jesus Name, Let every witchcraft power assigned against me be covered with shame, in Jesus Name. Father Lord, let every inherited seat of witchcraft at present working against my life, be roasted by fire, in Jesus name. Pray against witchcraft identification mark like this Raise your right hand up and cry to the heavens, Blood of Jesus! Through the divine holy blood of my Lord God Jesus Christ, I break and destroy my enemies evil powers and their works; including the influences of witchcraft, spells, hexes, vexes, voodo, hoodo, roots, potions, or any such things off me, my life, my family, my home, my possessions and all future generations, in my Lord Jesus name. Holy fire, break the backbones and destroy the roots of every evil spirit that is speaking against me, in the name of Jesus. Salema vincanni and her husband Karim. Every demonic house caging my destiny be burnt down, in the name of Jesus. God is the source of all the magic; If he can create it, He can destroy it. Father, by the authority of heaven, I command you witchcraft agents attacking my life to die by fire, in Jesus name. Unclean spirits I command you to manifest and come out in the name of Jesus. Let every finished work of the devil be broken tonight in Jesus name. these prayers look great please pray this stuff away from us. For those that are saved Put on the Whole armor of God and go to war. The prayer points below will guide us on how to pray effectively for God to destroy the operations of witchcraft networks in our lives. Father, I curse every operation of the wicked in my family. Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?, First Chronicles 10:13 tells us that Saul died because he was unfaithful to the LORD; he did not keep the word of the LORD and even consulted a medium for guidance., First Samuel 15:23 says, For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.. In Albany, Georgia, since 2011 a demonic warfare is ocurring to this date. WebPRAYER POINTS AGAINST WITCHCRAFT MANIPULATION Every witchcraft power assigned to manipulate my destiny, be destroyed in Jesus name. I deal with witchcraft from family, church, witches, warlocks and others that dib and dab in the occult. In the name of Jesus, I command Satan to leave my presence with all his demons in the power of Lord Christ Jesus. How many are inside? Every witchcraft eye monitoring my business for destruction be plucked by fire, in the name of Jesus. So witchcraft networks are meant to be destroyed, including all their evil works. PRAYER TO DEFEAT WITCHCRAFT POWER WebLet every witchcraft attack against me be destroyed by fire, in Jesus name. And I will cut off witchcraft out of thine hand; and thou shalt no more worship the work of thine hands Micah 5:12. Mike. He will never let you down. c) letting go of gases (farting) This is causing me spiritual griefhe no longer goes to church and all that I ever wanted was for our household to serve the Lord. Evil altars, the day of your judgment has come by fire, in the name of Jesus. Worst things is he like to attack Holy Ghost fire! Warrior angels, flog the demons and choke them out. I gather together all witchcraft curses issued against my life and I send them back to the sender, in Jesus name. I pray against any counter-attack of the enemy against me because of these prayers;let the fire of the God of Elijah fall on the avenging captain and his troops and destroy them, in Jesus Name. Father, I thank you for you have heard and answered my prayer, in the name of Jesus. This has been helpful , but I was warned by a guardian angel to never send anything back or attack the witches , it violates the spiritual mandate. WebPrayers To Destroy Witchcraft Expectations Father, forgive me in any way that I have sinned against you. The powerful prayer of activation below is meant to destroy the evil altars of witchcraft of any kind in your bloodline. WebFather God, I come before you in the authority of Jesus Christ. Every household witchcraft power assigned to waste my life, be wasted, in Jesus Name. I evoke the blood of Jesus against their witchcraft in Jesus name! Let every finished work of the devil be broken tonight in Jesus name. Play the warfare prayer with earpieces so that nobody know that you are under some form of demonic attack and I pray that you all know the Lord as your Lord and Savior. Look at Jesus! Show me how I am deceiving myself and where I am believing falsehoods instead of in you. Let the thunder of God locate and dismantle the throne of witchcraft in my household. Father, I call upon the blood of Jesus against every witchcraft powers causing marital delays in my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus. WebPsalm 91:2-13. Who soever it might concerns. and their evil spirits that was instructed to attack you. Do not be afraid of them; the Lord your God himself will fight for you. Father, let every witchcraft wall of resistance against my progress and success in life be demolished by fire, in Jesus name. DESTROYING THE TRAVELING ROUTES OF WITCHCRAFT. Powerful Prayers to Destroy Witchcraft Bible Verses for Protection Against Witchcraft If you have any crystals , they can help , but can be used against you to terrible consequences. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.. WebWitchcraft food poisoning occurs when you eat food that is programmed by the devil. I rebuke and cast out every unclean spirit to the pit and command them never to return in the name of Jesus. You will be safe with me.. WebLet every witchcraft attack against me be destroyed by fire, in Jesus name. Father, by thy power, I command every severe witchcraft attack against my destiny right from childhood till now to scatter by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus. Every pot of darkness seated against my life, be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus. Thank you for the prayers , using the blood of jesus , Overcome the strongman and these are helpful ! DESTROYING THE ALTARS OF WITCHCRAFT Altars that are working against me, let the heavens send judgment against you now, in the name of Jesus. -and to protect me and my family from witch craft. WebPRAYER POINTS AGAINST WITCHCRAFT MANIPULATION Every witchcraft power assigned to manipulate my destiny, be destroyed in Jesus name. If any of the above points relate to you, believe me, you need to wake up. Father, let every embargo of witchcraft network placed upon my life and destiny be consumed by the fire of the holy ghost, in the name of Jesus. Nehemiah chapter 4 throughout the book of Psalms and other psalms like 35. 11. Come upon my hand,in Jesus Name! Then place the hand upon your head and pray aggressively, Identification mark of witchcraft upon my life, backfire, in Jesus Name! My Father! Belief in the power of witchcraft originates in a strong faith in matter and material means, such as the use of charms and talismans. Witchcraft game-plan over my success, I destroy you, in Jesus Name. Prayers To Destroy Witchcraft Expectations And Evil 0 God re-arrange any part of my body that has been fragmented by the power of infirmity, in Jesus name. WITCHCRAFT I surrender my life and will to you. Father, let every witchcraft coven risen against my life catch fire by the holy ghost, in the name of Jesus. Prayers to Break the Powers of Witchcraft, BREAKING CURSES AND CASTING OUT GENERATIONAL SPIRITS, Prayers to Break the Power of Witchcraft Over Your Life, Prayers for When You Have Had Enough of Satanic Attacks. Every evil communication against me falls down and die in the name of Jesus. Every witchcraft verdict against my life, turn against your sender, in the name of Jesus. Holy Father, I am sensing some evil, witchcraft activities around me which is making me sick. We can protect ourselves and others through prayer when we understand that infinite Spirit, God, is present everywhere, filling all space. Let the ground open and swallow every witchcraft throne hiding in the body of Christ, in the name of Jesus. God and Satan hold sources of spiritual power. By not identifying those infiltrators we are entertaining them with our so called warfare. I cut every foul spirit from me with the sword of the spirit. May the almighty God bless you abundantly for the rest of your life. (Repeat) Hotter! refused to give up due to his pride and arrogance. Let every witchcraft communication gadget delegated against my life be destroyed by fire in Jesus name. Introduction Today, we are looking at warfare prayers against severe witchcraft attacks. Pour your white light upon us, heal us and let your protection shield cover us forever. Interest in the supernatural on the rise in the last few decades with more than 730,000 individuals who call themselves Wiccan or witches. I love it and Im sure I will use it to over turn the the kingdom of darkness in my life. Owners of evil load of witchcraft embargo, carry your load, in the name of Jesus. Weve been praying against her for years. I am surrounded by humanoids pretending to be friends but they are out to reak havoc. I cancel all demonic assignments on this person. I worship and adore You in Jesus name. Let everything stolen from me be redeemed back by the Blood of Jesus, in the Name of Jesus and I decree that witchcraft afflictions shall never rise up again in my life and family again, in Jesus Name. For example, you are rushing for urgent appointment, once Abiding in the secret place of the highest is what keeps us under His shadow and when we are under that shadow, we are empowered to destroy the operations of witchcraft warfare. the devil is defeated in Jesus name. PRAYERS FOR BREAKING WITCHCRAFT Father Lord, baptize my hand with your liquid fire mixed with the blood of Jesus to destroy and break witchcraft curses. I blind the eyes of envious witchcraft monitoring my life, in the name of Jesus. PRAYERS FOR BREAKING WITCHCRAFT Fire from head to toe! Every wicked pot cooking my affairs, be roasted, in the name of Jesus. Can prayer solve the problem? I ask you to send your angels to protect me and my household. 7: And lots more If ever you feel threatened by witchcraft, you don't need to fret. Thk u for this awesome prayer. So it is absolutely clear what God says about the operation of witchcraft warfare and how we should handle them. Wishing bad to those hurting you makes you no better than them. My savior, protect my family and home so that we can fearlessly walk on the path you have been showing us. The word of God says that the enemies of God would be broken into pieces. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website, Today, we are looking at warfare prayers against. Pray against witchcraft identification mark like this Raise your right hand up and cry to the heavens, Blood of Jesus! God has given us that power to trample on them and destroy them, but we must exercise that authority in faith and fervent prayer. The witchcraft thats on him makes him hate me, our daughter, and our sons. a) long or short burping Spiritual Warfare Prayer Against Witchcraft Over Heavenly Father, My life is becoming a struggle these days, and I can strongly sense someone is trying to destroy my happiness, family, and me. WebPRAYERS FOR BREAKING WITCHCRAFT Breaking Witchcraft Power Over You Father God in the name of Jesus Christ, we bind and break all witchcraft, curses, spells, and all powers associated with it. 6: Over 100 Powerful Prayers to Destroy Witchcraft Attacks Against Your Life and Release Your Blessings. Remove from me all evil force, destroy it so that I can be healthy and able to do good deeds. Prayers For Protection Against Witchcraft One is the father of all good, while the other is the father of lies and Satan only holds his power so for longwhen God creates a new heaven and a new earth, he will be thrown into the pit forever (Job 1:12; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 20:2). Article Images Copyright . I command my body, soul and spirit to jump out of every witchcraft coven in the name of Jesus. Father, let every witchcraft network calling my name into any caldron fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. Father, let every network of witchcraft burial of my life, benefits and breakthroughs in life and destiny be reversed, in the mighty name of Jesus. I pray to you to make me stronger and wiser to recognize the evil. It is usually hard to treat a victim under the negative influence of satanic food poisoning. WebChristian Media Library. Today I claim victory over Satan by putting on the whole armor of God! I claim in every way Jesus victory over all satanic forces active in my life, and I reject these forces; and I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with thanksgiving, glory, and praise. Jesus. Leesburg, Ga pink red Caucasians among Sherwood Acres Subdivision residents have organized gang stalkers against two brown females residents. Every time i was close to getting my work done on the would just vanish and my new computer my fiance gave to me broke for no reason but i graduated from school online and was supposed to get my. Please keep us in your prayers as I am fighting for my marriage and children in a very dark time. I send Holy Spirit fire to burn you 1,000 times hotter than hell in the name of Jesus. Shes also a prophetess who God is using to help other women with struggling marriages. Can you please email me a prayer to break a spell on me . a) brainzap (sudden electrical shock on your nervous system) I break every witchcraft imprisonment over my life by the atonement Blood of Jesus, in Jesus Name. I upset every witchcraft set-up against my life, in Jesus Name. He only pays child support and has no contact alone with our daughter per court orders due to the demonic forces that cause him to cuss and yell at our daughter. Prayer Against Witchcraft Control c) letting go of gases (farting) He uses witchcraft to entice us with the suggestions of self-realization, spiritual enlightenment, power, and worshiping ourselves. Altars that are working against me, let the heavens send judgment against you now, in the name of Jesus. God left us a powerful tool in our hands, and there are several ways to lift a prayer against witchcraft. A Warrior's Prayer with the Armor of God Heavenly Father, Your warrior prepares for battle. Just act normally as if you are listening to song from your mobile phone. Isaiah 8:19 says, When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Demons of witchcraft shall be casted out by your powerful warfare prayer(s) played through your mobile phone with the following signs that they are leaving your body are: Let every local and international witchcraft network of my household witches be shattered to pieces in Jesus name. Witchcraft agenda for my destiny, I destroy you by the power in the Blood of Jesus. 13. I call for the fear of the Lord upon the persons praying this prayer and the persons being prayed for. An old pink Caucasian, age 78 and her daughter, age 50s are evil and wicked who contacts other neighbors to harass, stalk, threaten, monitor, loose their dogs, pay others to sabatage these brown females lives. Never doubt your protector, savior, and the one who is father, but accelerate your faith during dark days. Let the tables of witchcraft become their snares, in Jesus Name. Every witchcraft network working against my prosperity be dismantled by fire in the name of Jesus. 120 PRAYERS TO CRUSH WITCHCRAFT by Let life-choking thorns begin to grow on the traveling route of my household witchcraft, in Jesus name. By the mention of this words, jerico shal fall. 1. I ask you to send your angels to protect me and my household. due to his prolong evil attacks hoping me unable to take his tormentation any longer. Smite witchcraft powers on their cheekbones, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft burial of my virtues, I reverse you now, in Jesus Name, Any tongue anointed by witchcraft against me, catch fire, in Jesus Name, Witchcraft powers assigned against my heavens, scatter, in the Name of Jesus, Wherever witches are gathered against me, Holy Ghost fire, consume them, in Jesus Name, My glory! She lives in Minden, Nebraska with her kids, high school sweetheart, and three cats who are her entourage around the homestead. Through the divine holy blood of my Lord God Jesus Christ, I break and destroy my enemies evil powers and their works; including the influences of witchcraft, spells, hexes, vexes, voodo, hoodo, roots, potions, or any such things off me, my life, my family, my home, my possessions and all future generations, in my Lord Jesus name. Let the sun smite them by day and the moon smite them by night, in Jesus Name. These 11 lines are what all Christians should hold in their hearts and minds in the face of fear and adversity. WebChristian Media Library. Father, by your authority, I command every foundational witchcraft attack against my life and destiny to be destroyed, in the name of Jesus. Prayers of Release from the Powers of Witchcraft Something at night flings something at my mouth. Spirit of our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, descend upon me. Dave. I command every evil pot and concoction used against my life to break to pieces, in the name of Jesus. By Dr. D. K. OLUKOYA, General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Worldwide. I take the Shield of Faith! Evil withcraft can attack anyone day and night and at any place in the world. Anything in me supporting witchcraft embargo on my finances, come out with all your roots, in Jesus name. 2. (The house was cleared by a very powerfull person later) One thing everyone should know is never give anything away , it can be used against you. Amen - Debbie McDaniel. prayer to destroy witchcraft I withdraw my blessings from every bank or strongroom of the enemy, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, I place Shields of Faith over the minds of those persons to protect against infiltration from end-time mind control. The work of my hands, reject evil deposit and attachments, in Jesus name. Jeanette Littlejohn. DESTROYING THE ALTARS OF WITCHCRAFT Altars that are working against me, let the heavens send judgment against you now, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, Amen.. WebAnything I owe to evil powers, blood of Jesus, pay for me now, in the name of Jesus. Cause confusion in the stomachs of witchcraft powers, in Jesus Name, Thou power of witchcraft monitor, die, in Jesus Name, It is written, There is no peace for the wicked, therefore I decree that there is no peace of all witchcraft powers assigned against me, in Jesus Name, Automatic spiritual cages, break, in Jesus Name, Let the night birds of witchcraft be massacred by the Angels of the Living God, in Jesus Name, Street junction witchcraft militating against my life, die, in Jesus Name, Witchcraft from my place of birthmilitating against our lives, die, in Jesus Name, I overthrow every kingdom of witchcraft assigned againstour lives, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft poison in my life, be destroyed, in Jesus Name. Prayers b) sneezing (ahhh chooo) Spirit of lukewarmness,procrastination, and loss attached to my life, break by fire. Published date; Views; Like; Comments; Ratings; Title He told our daughter that he was going to commit suicide until he left us. Every wisdom of any witch-doctor working against me, be converted to madness, in Jesus Name, Let the imagination of witchcraft against me be neutralized, in Jesus Name, Every witchcraft decision against my life, be scattered, in Jesus Name, O God!, Thank you for such kind prayer, im blessed when i begun praying. Prayer Points Against Witchcraft Manipulation Spirit of lukewarmness,procrastination, and loss attached to my life, break by fire. WebThe Spirit of Peace. I order civil war in the name of Jesus.
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prayers to destroy witchcraft 2023