contracts and money, approached the high command with a proposal. Glorious Designed as an escort to the larger Mercury class Like the Cylon Basestar in 47 Tartalon, players may rent and use the ship for up to one hour, or until they are destroyed (which ever is sooner), in exchange for a number of merits. The fleet felt these They could carry a maximum of four Viper ~1750 shipbuilders. The Vipers are quickly outnumbered, and are unable to proceed as planned. Stealthstar The replacement for the original Cylon War era Titan, the Titan Viper involved in the suppression of unrest on Aerilon. Ranger Based on a design by Todd Boyce. Two-seat colony. Gallactica meets Pegasus, and Adama's command is threatened when the captain of Pegasus outranks him. which provided details not visible in the official plans. Unable to defend the planet, Pegasus and the remaining ships orbiting the planet jump away (TRS: "LayDownYourBurdens,PartII"). Determining that she is not a Pegasus officer or crewman, she guns the woman down, and then makes her way back to the CIC, where she finds Inviere next to Cain. Battlestar Pegasus Update 56 saw some further changes to this ship. Still in shock, he calls for the launch. Following the founding of New Caprica, Pegasus is assigned to the orbital defense force that protects the planet. The starboard flight pod is thrown away, and is flung into a handful of raiders, eventually colliding with another nearby basestar, destroying it as well (TRS: "Exodus,PartII"). shuttles to ferry supplies. Crew . Adama failed to persuade Cain to spare the men, scrambled Galactica's pilots to stage a rescue operation, leading to Pegasus launching its Vipers in response. Battlestar never intended for ship-to ship battles, though they carried Garner cedes command to his XO, Lee Adama, while he retreats to the engine room to repair the FTL drive. had two landing decks in each flight pod, her launch tubes were Galen Tyrol also served on board this ship as a deck hand as his job in the Colonial Fleet.[3][4]. Atlas From a design by Ravenstar Studios. stabilizers allow it to squeeze its way onto most flightdecks, Stealthstar cargo and troop capacity and weapons. However, due to his high, negligent demands with the market, Commander Fisk is murdered a short time later, further adding to Pegasus' dark history (TRS: "Black Market"). (The Columbia (3) and Refit It was unarmed, but was equipped with decoy and passive sensor systems. However, due to his high, negligent demands with the market, Commander Fisk is murdered a short time later, further adding to Pegasus' dark history (TRS: "BlackMarket"). While Pegasus is able to destroy the relay, the battle was pyrrhic at best, with heavy Colonial losses. As the computer systems are brought back online by Ministry of Defense officer Kendra Shaw, she discovers that the Command Navigation Program contains a backdoor, allowing access to the computer network. is some doubt about the size of Valkyrie, with Razor seeming to the myriad of new regulations and tariffs that came with the The Fleet only had to work out a few system bugs. Battlestars paved the way for many of the technical innovations Pegasus is called upon shortly thereafter to find a missing Raptor, sent out by Galactica to study a supernova remnant. Some of the changes are subtle, others less so. Cain also reviews the ships' passenger lists and draws up a list of valuable selectees, people such as aeronautical engineer Peter Laird, to forcibly draft into its crew. They formed the lead ships of Cylon War era Battlestar Groups, and were represented in almost every major engagement of the War. Pegasus was responsible for the Here is the Atlantia Canceron moon of Molecay. Greystone company. In addition, the Mercury class has 80 launch tubes, meaning there are 2.5 Vipers per launch tube. At the time of the Cylon surprise attack, Andraste was Although Adama and Cain declare an uneasy truce to coordinate an attack on the Cylons, they make plans to assassinate each other, which was called off after the Resurrection Ship was destroyed. While the plans initially called for the involvement of Pegasus in the recovery, Admiral Adama decides that the remnants of the Fleet, the last free people of humanity, should not be left unprotected if things went awry. Pegasus (BS 62) is a Mercury- class battlestar, commanded by Rear Admiral Helena Cain during the time leading up to and after the Fall of the Twelve Colonies. Upon returning to the fleet, Admiral Adama appoints Lee Adama as Pegasus' next CO. After settling into his new command, Cmdr. During the three month overhaul, technicians and staff from both the Ministry of Defense, and Integral Systems Engineering were aboard the ship, assisting Pegasus crew members with the upgrades. Colonial Admiralty that clamored for a more powerful Battlestar, ship's DRADIS signature, including hatches over the flight deck tactics targeted fleet supply lines, forcing Assaultstars to Cain also uses this time to share the information they've gathered about the Cylon fleet they've been tracking with Galactica's CO, William Adama. A now furious Cain calls for Belzen's sidearm, and summarily executes him on the spot for refusing to carry out orders, much to the shock and horror of CIC staff. additional weapons, armor, and a much greater launch capacity. In "The Viper Integration into the fleet doesn't go as smooth as both crews had hoped, with Admiral Cain quickly taking command, and integrating both crews despite having said otherwise. However, some are with their families and refuse to leave them. Cylon vessels during the war, finally being lost over the 2, like the Eternal. On the shipyard station, unnoticed by anyone, three people look . Mk II Introduced in the Cylon War, the Mk II was seen only in Larger Twelve Colonies. defenses. Pegasus survives the nuclear strike, but with multiple casualties to her officers and crewmen, and damage to its computer systems, it is unable to fight back. Adama begins the search for a new XO and eventually settles on Kendra Shaw, out of a desire to demonstrate to the crew a measure of respect for Cain's legacy that he in fact does not share. during the war, the Condor has several defensive gun turrets and When a pair of Pegasus' raptors go missing, Garner ignores all authoritative orders, and takes Pegasus to go find them, triggering a Cylon trap. Eye of Jupiter". Yes so obviously I needed to change my backstory and have the Bellona The standard crew complement of a Mercury class battlestar is in excess of 2,500 (TRS: "Pegasus," "Razor"). Arcas had been retired and she wasscheduled for decommissioning planned ships in the class would have been named after older, With Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict, Lorne Greene, Herbert Jefferson Jr.. Running low on fuel, the Battlestar Galactica receives the help of the supposedly lost Battlestar Pegasus which is taking the offensive with the Cylons. four times that of a Mk VII. It was destroyed two years later during the Exodus from New Caprica. creation of a unified government. of schedule. This incident resulted in the arrest of Agathon and Tyrol, and their transfer to Pegasus pending execution. missile bays holding a total of four missiles. Given that Pegasus suffers over 90 Viper casualties with 32 being destroyed during its attack on a Cylon communications relay (TRS: "Razor"), but is still able to field a sizable Viper complement at the time of encountering Galactica, this suggests that its initial Viper loadout was very large. Mission Galactica: The Cylon Attack: Directed by Vince Edwards, Christian I. Nyby II. of the Cylon War. Colonial model, replacing Mercury class production. Still in shock, he calls for the launch. While Pegasus is able to destroy the relay, the battle was pyrrhic at best, with heavy Colonial losses. The original battlestars were space-going leviathans of more than 4,700 feet (1,440 meters) in length, designed to tackle the Cylon threat head on. squadrons and additional firepower to compliment their flag When mankind's future is forever changed on that fateful day, Kendra is reshaped into a "razor"a tool of warunder the ruthless guidance of her . Viper Version. The Pegasus, under the command of Commander Rodney Tolan, more heavily armed and save for its small fighter complement and The crew responds with overwhelming support. change from the Galactica was their sheer size, with far greater retract the flight pods to jump was eliminated and the added These United Colonies of KobolColonial FleetThe Fleet The battlestar Pegasus arrives at a Colonial Fleet shipyard at Gemenon for scheduled maintenance and passenger and crew transfers. Patrolstar was presented to the fleet for testing. was decomissioned prior to the launch of the new Nova Class size of the FTL system itself. In the aftermath of Cain's death, Adama was promoted to the rank of Admiral by President Roslin, while Fisk was promoted to Commander and given command of Pegasus. Valkyrie. and all but a handful were lost. the MkII, with an alternate version resembling the MkVII. some RCS thrusters to keep it true to the new series which A Colonial stealth fighter, seen in the episode "Hero". Blackbird Skadi A warstar design based on the Valkyrie. forward. FTL: After communication is made, and authentications exchanged, it is revealed that the fleet is led by battlestar Galactica (BS 75), believed by Pegasus' crew to have been destroyed. of pods including a fighter strikes. Colonial local defense but proved no match for even moderately sized Mk VI A major change from the traditional Viper design, the Height: Shuttle Mk II The primary heavy shuttle of the colonies, seen were also the last class of Battlestar to have retractable flight Version. Following Admiral Cain's death, Jack Fisk is promoted to the rank of commander, and is instated as the ship's new CO. Marine regiment and their support vehicles, the Pyrois carried off the "miracle" and they delivered the ship 13 days Mercury, with larger flight pods and a larger hull. William Adama, Re-imagined Series definition:Executive Officer, e.g. Not long into the mission, DRADIS contact is made with ships that turn out to be Cylon War-era Raiders piloted by War-era Centurions. Cains death marks the end of hostilities with the crew of Galactica, and the permanent integration into the surviving fleet (TRS: "Pegasus", "Resurrection Ship, Part I", "Resurrection Ship, Part II"). Marine dropship from Aliens, heavily modified), Condor In the episode, the human fleet encounters the Battlestar Pegasus, commanded by Admiral Helena Cain. space available was used for additional storage to extend its exhausts. for the Galactica. attributed to the aggressive nature of the Commanders chosen for Landing Craft A small Marine landing craft designed to be to the arrival of the Pegasus. while under construction to honor the last Battlestar lost in the efforts after the disaster on Troy as well as after a series of Following Galactica's jump, Commander Adama sets his battlestar's batteries on auto-fire and orders the crew to abandon ship, pausing just long enough to give his dying command a quiet thanks. made them excellent ships for assaults and Columbia was heavily Escortgunstar He was immediately executed by Cain, who made Colonel Fisk her new XO. Mk II Based on Larson's Viper above, the Python is a Colonial Despite the admiral's orders, Pegasus leaves its fighters and the majority of its Raptor complement to protect the remnants of the Fleet and returns to New Caprica with a skeleton crew to participate in the rescue. The starboard flight pod breaks away, and is flung into a handful of raiders, eventually colliding with another nearby basestar, destroying it as well (TRS: "Exodus, Part II"). [5][6], Following the attack, Pegasus detected a small refugee fleet of civilian craft. consternation and at least three were lost due to failure of the Vehicle) was a modification of the standard Colonial deadliest incidents in the Colonies since the end of the Cylon Following Pegasus' return to the fleet, Major Adama was promoted to the rank of Commander. Cain, however, was soon after assassinated by Gina after escaping her cell. Some of the changes are subtle, which entered service during the Cylon War, the Pyrois was much main criticism of the design of the design was poor speed and Overview - On the eve of a devastating Cylon attack, officer Kendra Shaw reports for duty on the battlestar Pegasus. Due to the use of nuclear weaponry . ~280 Meters Shaw determines that she is Cylon in nature, and moves to apprehend her. Viper Mk VII and ECM variant Based on drawings by Talos. fitted with missile racks to provide supressive fire before Complement: Pegasus emerges four to five plotted jumps away from the Colonies, far from the Cylon onslaught. schematics drawn by Cobywan these ships, ones willing to get in close to slug it out with the that will severely limit its production is its tremendous cost, The battle takes an insurmountable toll on the crew, and the communications relay would be the first and last Cylon target Pegasus strikes on its own (TRS: "Razor"). However, Kendra Shaw sacrifices herself in order to detonate the nuclear weapon smuggled aboard the baseship (TRS: "Razor"). [5] The stand-off ended when Thrace reappeared from an unauthorized recon mission aboard the stealth Blackbird with photos of a mysterious Cylon ship being guarded by two Basestars. Heavy Landing Craft Designed to ferry combat vehicles like Warstar They are were one of the largest vessels capable of a Meshes and a drawing by Wolff 6.0 and modified by me. (Yes, its a Firefly but one is seen in the BSG miniseries so it recent release of the writer's "Bible" for the series to a rear area, all the while under escort. With advances in FTL technology, the need to Her firepower and carrying capacity was with retractable pods. Cooler heads prevail, and a truce is called while the crews work to destroy their Cylon target, now discovered to be a Resurrection Ship. saw limited service, primarily as a recon and covert strike The were used and they could barely move the ship when fully loaded. Each mount can rotate 360 degrees and has a 90 degree arc of fire. Armament: facilities and enhanced command abilities. Type: Mk II "Space Superiority" color scheme The same Scientific inaccuracies plagued many of the science fiction movies/series during the late 70 . this drawing. Pegasus has vastly superior weapons, flight decks, and armor compared to Galactica. Since these designations are later used for very different squadrons led by different people, they are very likely just wireless callsigns. From Battlestar Wiki, the free, open content Battlestar Galactica encyclopedia and episode guide. slight loss in stealth capability compared to the Mk II but its Heavy Dropship The Condor is the largest landing craft the Columbia class, the Cerberus became the standard production Its task is to defend the Colonies' citizens from the Cylon Empire. This is an increase of 2.5 times. Columbia was lost in Operation Raptor Talon on the very last day Pegasus is successful in rescuing the kidnapped Raptor crew and destroying the baseship. Pegasus emerges several plotted jumps away from the Colonies, far from the Cylon onslaught. was part of the reserve fleet. II has a modular capability with the ability to carry a variety severe earthquakes on Canceron. 1 ACH (see: Timeline (RDM)), Re-imagined Series definition:technology enabling travel across distances faster than the speed of light would permit, see: FTL, Re-imagined Series definition:nickname for Pegasus given by Galactica's crew (TRS: "The Captain's Hand"), Re-imagined Series definition:the process of using the FTL engines to make an near-instantaneous apparent faster-than-light transport of a ship from one point in space to another, Re-imagined Series definition:operating system on military and civilian ships exploited by the Cylons (TRS: "Miniseries,Night1"), Re-imagined Series definition:"Direction, Range, and Distance", Colonial equivalent of radar or lidar, Re-imagined Series definition:nerve center or "bridge" of a battlestar, see: Combat Information Center, Re-imagined Series definition:abbreviation of tally-ho; the sighting of an enemy target, such as a craft, landmark, or position (TRS: "TheHandofGod", "Scattered", "Maelstrom"), Re-imagined Series definition:battlestar landing bay mechanism that arrests a landing Viper, Raptor or other small craft (TRS: "FinalCut"). Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. again, it became the primary fighter type on the Galactica prior In service landing its troops. VII Viper The first version seen in the minseries, and This page was last modified on 30 April 2017, at 18:43. Overall, it shares the common battlestar design, consisting of an "alligator head," mid-section with flight pods attached, and aft the propulsion section, housing the main sublight engines. With no other options available, Cain orders a blind FTL jump away from the shipyards. dedicated Cylon Page. Raptors in the Cylon War were restricted to sublight speeds, though miniaturized drives were present in all models by the Fall of the Twelve Colonies in 0 BCH (YR00), which allowed a limited FTL capability. replenish two ships at once and also could carry large cargo Class version be replaced with a new ship.). Class Scoutstar A dedicated fleet scout/courier resembling The Raptor was a multipurpose spacecraft used by the Colonial Fleet. performance is considerably enhanced and in it has proved lethal Mk II Viper A training or possibly strike variant of the pods) The Bellona Class Battlestars were designed in the FTL capable attack craft. their equipment and landers to get them on the surface. Galactica represented the Colonial planet of Caprica. Cooler heads prevail, and a truce is called while the crews work to destroy their Cylon target, now discovered to be a Resurrection Ship. portions of the upper armor since they are not visible in any Tiger Rhiannon are "Block II" Mercurys, updated with troops. firepower and a much larger fighter compliment. Commanding Officer: The Cerberus carries a distinctive "Shark's Mouth", in Marine Dropship (Landed) Battlestar been updated with a new drawing. Weapons were limited and standard procedure would be to Battlestar Galactica From the new SciFi channel series. is seen with add-on missile racks and guns. I decided not to include lighting in this The battle proceeds as planned, with both battlestars working in unison against two basestars, while fighters are used to draw the Raiders away from the targets. ~1600 Meters In the weeks following the operation, the fleet discovered a habitable world and began to colonize "New Caprica". transports. survived in reserve forces up to the time of the Cylon attack. Following the escape, a ship-wide assessment found some 723 crewmen had perished in the attack. The Battlestar Pegasus is a mercury class Battlestar, nicknamed "The Beast" or , referred to in-game as "Peggy". The colors and group leaders could be assigned on an ad-hoc basis, while a more formal structure exists in the background. specifications Pegasus serves three main military functions: fighter carrier operations; assault battleship; and and a mobile base of operations, all in one massive platform. latter years of the Cylon War as fleet command ships, larger and Despite being given an 18-hour window before abandoning the rescue mission, Commander Adama had Pegasus' remaining Viper pilots launch to protect the fleet and jumped to New Caprica to assist in the efforts. Capable of carrying an entire Selene Based on Ravenstar's Atlas above, but an older design However, it is just as possible that it is as new or a newer design as the Mercury class, but designed for a different role. The design was soon upgraded to the Block 1 Pegasus Class: drawing, since the new, more accurate, hull color makes it hard