All such bonds or motor vehicle license revenue anticipation certificates shall be issued in the name of the state board of education but shall be issued for and on behalf of the school board of the school district or board of trustees of the community college district requesting the issuance thereof, and no election or approval of qualified electors shall be required for the issuance thereof. Each house, when in session, may compel attendance of witnesses and production of documents and other evidence upon any matter under investigation before it or any of its committees, and may punish by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or imprisonment not exceeding ninety days, or both, any person not a member who has been guilty of disorderly or contemptuous conduct in its presence or has refused to obey its lawful summons or to answer lawful questions. proposed by Constitution Revision Commission, Revision Nos. If any of the provisions of this amendment shall be held unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the decision of such court shall not affect or impair any remaining provisions of this amendment. All three measures Florida The state board shall also have power, for the purpose of obtaining funds for the use of any school board of any school district or board of trustees of any community college district in acquiring, building, constructing, altering, remodeling, improving, enlarging, furnishing, equipping, maintaining, renovating, or repairing of capital outlay projects for school purposes to issue bonds or motor vehicle license revenue anticipation certificates, and also to issue such bonds or motor vehicle license revenue anticipation certificates to pay, fund or refund any bonds or motor vehicle license revenue anticipation certificates theretofore issued by said state board. 1 Constitutional After each decennial census the board of county commissioners shall divide the county into districts of contiguous territory as nearly equal in population as practicable. No. 3 Constitutional Amendment 1723, 2005; adopted 2006. The State Board may invest the moneys in said Capital Outlay Fund or in any sinking fund or other funds created for any issue of bonds or certificates, in direct obligations of the United States of America or in the other securities referred to in Section 344.27, Florida Statutes. If the Department does not issue regulations, or if the Department does not begin issuing identification cards and registering MMTCs within the time limits set in this section, any Florida citizen shall have standing to seek judicial relief to compel compliance with the Departments constitutional duties. Florida The requirements of section 14 relative to all county court judges or any judge of a municipal court who continues to hold office pursuant to subsection (d)(4) hereof being compensated by state salaries shall not apply prior to January 3, 1977, unless otherwise provided by general law. Every law shall embrace but one subject and matter properly connected therewith, and the subject shall be briefly expressed in the title. Proposed by Initiative Petition filed with the Secretary of State September 8, 2003; adopted 2004. All impeachments by the house of representatives shall be tried by the senate. The task force shall be composed of members of the legislature and representatives from the private and public sectors who shall develop recommendations for improving governmental operations and reducing costs. 637, 1973; adopted 1974; Am. To prevent cruelty to certain animals and as recommended by The Humane Society of the United States, the people of the State of Florida hereby limit the cruel and inhumane confinement of pigs during pregnancy as provided herein. FOX 35 Orlando. Search site. proposed by Constitution Revision Commission, Revision Nos. 13, 1998, filed with the Secretary of State May 5, 1998; adopted 1998. For the purposes of this section, purchase means the transfer of money or other valuable consideration to the retailer, and handgun means a firearm capable of being carried and used by one hand, such as a pistol or revolver. for H.J.R. SECTION 16. Vacancy in office shall occur upon the creation of an office, upon the death, removal from office, or resignation of the incumbent or the incumbents succession to another office, unexplained absence for sixty consecutive days, or failure to maintain the residence required when elected or appointed, and upon failure of one elected or appointed to office to qualify within thirty days from the commencement of the term. Menu. When authorized by law, bonds issued pursuant to Article XII, Section 18, of the Constitution of 1885, as amended, and bonds issued pursuant to this subsection (d), may be refunded by the issuance of bonds additionally secured by the full faith and credit of the state only at a lower net average interest cost rate. 1 weather alerts 1 closings/delays. Florida Election Results: Constitutional amendments To establish and maintain a sinking fund or funds to meet future requirements for debt service or reserves therefor, on bonds or motor vehicle license revenue anticipation certificates issued on behalf of the school board of such school district or board of trustees of such community college district under the authority hereof, whenever the state board shall deem it necessary or advisable, and in such amounts and under such terms and conditions as the state board shall in its discretion determine. The supreme court shall adopt rules to allow the court and the district courts of appeal to submit questions relating to military law to the federal Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces for an advisory opinion. There shall be a fish and wildlife conservation commission, composed of seven members appointed by the governor, subject to confirmation by the senate for staggered terms of five years. Editorial Board recommendations 2022: Florida constitutional 11, 1998, filed with the Secretary of State May 5, 1998; adopted 1998. The military power shall be subordinate to the civil. Pursuant to general or special law, a county government may be established by charter which shall be adopted, amended or repealed only upon vote of the electors of the county in a special election called for that purpose. for H.J.R. Articles or information obtained in violation of this right shall not be admissible in evidence if such articles or information would be inadmissible under decisions of the United States Supreme Court construing the 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution. SECTION 24. A member of a judicial nominating commission may hold public office other than judicial office. (b)May grant full power and authority to the Board of County Commissioners of Dade County to pass ordinances relating to the affairs, property and government of Dade County and provide suitable penalties for the violation thereof; to levy and collect such taxes as may be authorized by general law and no other taxes, and to do everything necessary to carry on a central metropolitan government in Dade County. X], and an effective date and severability provision not specifically included in the amendment text. SELECTION AND DUTIES OF COUNTY OFFICERS.. Actions to enforce this amendment shall be subject to a statute of limitations of four years or, in the case of willful violations, five years. If the surviving spouse sells or otherwise disposes of the property, a discount not to exceed the dollar amount granted from the most recent ad valorem tax roll may be transferred to the surviving spouses new homestead property, if used as his or her permanent residence and he or she has not remarried. 13, 1998, filed with the Secretary of State May 5, 1998; adopted 1998; Am. subsection (i) of Section 4 of Article VII shall revert to that in existence on December 31, 2017, except that any amendments to such text otherwise adopted shall be preserved and continue to operate to the extent that such amendments are not dependent upon the portions of text which expire pursuant to this section. Effective December 31, 2037, s. 4(i), Art. Bonds issued under this section shall be secured by a pledge of and shall be payable primarily from motor fuel or special fuel taxes, except those defined in Section 9(c) of Article XII, as provided by law, and shall additionally be secured by the full faith and credit of the state. The amendment to section 3 of Article VII, relating to an exemption for renewable energy source property, was repealed effective November 4, 2008, by Am. Amendment 2. 7, 1998, filed with the Secretary of State May 5, 1998; adopted 1998. for H.J.R.s 1727, 863, 2035, 1992; adopted 1992. A legislative determination of fact made as a basis for application of this subsection shall be subject to judicial review. The state legislature may by statute or the state Agency for Workforce Innovation may by regulation adopt any measures appropriate for the implementation of this amendment. for C.S. Unless provided by general law, the commission shall have no authority to regulate matters relating to air and water pollution. 52-D, 1971; adopted 1972; Am. SECTION 11. Florida Amendment Prohibitions regarding lobbying for compensation and abuse of public position by public officers and public employees. During such an extension no new business may be taken up in either house without the consent of two-thirds of its membership. No trust fund of the State of Florida or other public body may be created or re-created by law without a three-fifths vote of the membership of each house of the legislature in a separate bill for that purpose only. Said Board shall have the statutory powers of Boards of County Commissioners and Bond Trustees and of any other authority of special road and bridge districts, and other special taxing districts thereof with regard to said bonds, (except that the power to levy ad valorem taxes is expressly withheld from said Board), and shall take over all papers, documents and records concerning the same. The board shall remit the proceeds of the second gas tax in each county account for use in said county as follows: eighty per cent to the state agency supervising the state road system and twenty per cent to the governing body of the county. In addition, they shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation including, without limitation, reinstatement in employment and/or injunctive relief. The amendments contained in this revision shall take effect January 7, 2003, but shall govern with respect to the qualifying for and the holding of primary elections in 2002. . Should that session adjourn without adopting such joint resolution, the governor by proclamation shall reconvene the legislature within thirty days in special apportionment session which shall not exceed thirty consecutive days, during which no other business shall be transacted, and it shall be the mandatory duty of the legislature to adopt a joint resolution of apportionment. (5)Nothing in this section shall limit or restrict the power of the Legislature to enact general laws which shall relate to Dade County and any other one or more counties in the state of Florida or to any municipality in Dade County and any other one or more municipalities of the State of Florida, and the home rule charter provided for herein shall not conflict with any provision of this Constitution nor of any applicable general laws now applying to Dade County and any other one or more counties of the State of Florida except as expressly authorized in this section nor shall any ordinance enacted in pursuance to said home rule charter conflict with this Constitution or any such applicable general law except as expressly authorized herein, nor shall the charter of any municipality in Dade County conflict with this Constitution or any such applicable general law except as expressly authorized herein, provided however that said charter and said ordinances enacted in pursuance thereof may conflict with, modify or nullify any existing local, special or general law applicable only to Dade County. The Department shall issue reasonable regulations necessary for the implementation and enforcement of this section. State Budgeting, Planning and Appropriations Processes. IX of the Constitution of 1885, as amended, reads as follows: Prior to its amendment by C.S. The provisions of this section are severable and if any clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this measure, or an application thereof, is adjudged invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction other provisions shall continue to be in effect to the fullest extent possible. Such loans shall bear interest at not more than one-half of one per cent per annum greater than the last preceding issue of state bonds pursuant to this section, shall be secured by the pledged revenues, and may be additionally secured by the full faith and credit of the local governmental agencies. Bottom are summaries for each amendment, the an analyse of each amendment including the impaction of a yes The Everglades Trust Fund may receive funds from any source, including gifts from individuals, corporations or other entities; funds from general revenue as determined by the Legislature; and any other funds so designated by the Legislature, by the United States Congress or by any other governmental entity. This subsection, originally designated (h) by Revision No. 877, 2020; adopted 2020. All property of Monroe County and of the municipality in said county shall vest in such municipal corporation when established as herein provided. 435, 1983; adopted 1984; Am. Neither house shall adjourn for more than seventy-two consecutive hours except pursuant to concurrent resolution. The governing body of a county operating under a charter may enact county ordinances not inconsistent with general law. LOCAL BOARDS OF TRUSTEES. A county may, in the manner prescribed by general law, provide for a reduction in the assessed value of homestead property to the extent of any increase in the assessed value of that property which results from the construction or reconstruction of the property for the purpose of providing living quarters for one or more natural or adoptive grandparents or parents of the owner of the property or of the owners spouse if at least one of the grandparents or parents for whom the living quarters are provided is 62 years of age or older. H.J.R. 2394, 2004; adopted 2004; Am. Except as provided herein, state revenues collected for any fiscal year shall be limited to state revenues allowed under this subsection for the prior fiscal year plus an adjustment for growth. Proposed by Initiative Petition filed with the Secretary of State February 9, 2005; adopted 2008. 3 and 4, 2008, filed with the Secretary of State April 28, 2008; adopted 2008; Am. This Florida TaxWatch Voter Guide is designed to provide Florida voters with proposed by Constitution Revision Commission, Revision No. ADDITIONAL LEGISLATION, IMPLEMENTATION AND CONSTRUCTION. In order to implement this paragraph, the joint legislative budget commission shall use current official consensus estimates and may request the development of additional official estimates. The legislature may enact laws to assist in the implementation and enforcement of this section. The legislature shall provide by general law, prior to the holding of an election pursuant to this section, for the provision of a statement to the public regarding the probable financial impact of any amendment proposed by initiative pursuant to section 3. In addition to the powers and duties specified herein, they shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed by law. Florida personal income shall be determined by the legislature, from information available from the United States Department of Commerce or its successor on the first day of February prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. All cash balances and income of any trust funds abolished under this subsection shall be deposited into the general revenue fund. The attorney general shall be the chief state legal officer. Kan. Att. 13, 1998, filed with the Secretary of State May 5, 1998; adopted 1998; Am. CHARTER GOVERNMENT. 2-D, 2007; adopted 2008; Ams. . General law shall require a biennial review and revision of the long-range state planning document and shall require all departments and agencies of state government to develop planning documents that identify statewide strategic goals and objectives, consistent with the long-range state planning document. This section was repealed effective January 5, 1999, by Am. The commission shall be entitled to recover the costs of investigation and prosecution, in addition to any penalty levied by the supreme court. proposed by Constitution Revision Commission, Revision No. Each state and county officer, before entering upon the duties of the office, shall give bond as required by law, and shall swear or affirm: The powers, duties, compensation and method of payment of state and county officers shall be fixed by law. H.J.R. Am. Am. for S.J.R. REGULAR SESSIONS. This section shall apply to proposed constitutional amendments relating to State taxes or fees which appear on the November 8, 1994 ballot, or later ballots, and any such proposed amendment which fails to gain the two-thirds vote required hereby shall be null, void and without effect. Changes, additions, reductions, or improvements to such property shall be assessed as provided for by general law; however, after the adjustment for any change, addition, reduction, or improvement, the property shall be assessed as provided in this subsection. proposed by Constitution Revision Commission, Revision No. three members selected by the chief justice of the supreme court of Florida with the advice of the justices. Bottom Line: This is the third in a three-part series covering Floridas proposed constitutional amendments for the 2022 Election cycle. The chief financial officer shall serve as the chief fiscal officer of the state, and shall settle and approve accounts against the state, and shall keep all state funds and securities. It shall be unlawful for any person to confine a pig during pregnancy in an enclosure, or to tether a pig during pregnancy, on a farm in such a way that she is prevented from turning around freely. No such bonds or certificates shall ever be issued by the State Board in an amount exceeding seventy-five per centum of the amount which it determines, based upon the average annual amount of the revenues derived from said Gross Receipts Taxes during the immediately preceding two fiscal years, or the amount of the revenues derived from said Gross Receipts Taxes during the immediately preceding fiscal year, as shown in a certificate filed by the State Comptroller with the State Board prior to the issuance of such bonds or certificates, whichever is the lesser, can be serviced by the revenues accruing thereafter under the provisions of this Amendment; nor shall the State Board, during the first year following the ratification of this amendment, issue bonds or certificates in excess of seven times the anticipated revenue from said Gross Receipts Taxes during said year, nor during each succeeding year, more than four times the anticipated revenue from said Gross Receipts Taxes during such year. Am. proposed by Constitution Revision Commission, Revision No. The capital outlay fund shall be administered by the state board of education as created and constituted by Section 2 of Article IX of the Constitution of Florida as revised in 1968 (hereinafter referred to as state board), or by such other instrumentality of the state which shall hereafter succeed by law to the powers, duties and functions of the state board, including the powers, duties and functions of the state board provided in this subsection (a)(2). Constitutional Amendment 2 Voters in Kentucky narrowly rejected an amendment to the State Constitution that would have said there is no right to abortion in their state. proposed by Constitution Revision Commission, Revision No. WebHIGHLIGHTS. All justices and judges shall devote full time to their judicial duties. From November of each even-numbered year through October of each odd-numbered year, the chairperson of the joint legislative budget commission shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and the vice chairperson of the commission shall be appointed by the president of the senate. Veterans disabled due to combat injury; homestead property tax discount. 592, 2011. Help us provide about upon American politics. A sworn statement which identifies each separate source and amount of income which exceeds $1,000. This years slate of amendments will have far-reaching implications for Floridians, from possibly eliminating a way to amend our state constitution, to potentially adding a property tax exemption for some. The legislature, by general law and subject to conditions specified therein, may prohibit the consideration of the following in the determination of the assessed value of real property: Any change or improvement to real property used for residential purposes made to improve the propertys resistance to wind damage. No officer shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members of the senate present. The state board shall be a body corporate and shall have all the powers provided herein in addition to all other constitutional and statutory powers related to the purposes of this subsection (a)(2) heretofore or hereafter conferred by law upon the state board, or its predecessor created by the Constitution of 1885, as amended. Medical Marijuana Treatment Center (MMTC) means an entity that acquires, cultivates, possesses, processes (including development of related products such as food, tinctures, aerosols, oils, or ointments), transfers, transports, sells, distributes, dispenses, or administers marijuana, products containing marijuana, related supplies, or educational materials to qualifying patients or their caregivers and is registered by the Department. proposed by Constitution Revision Commission, Revision No. (1)Except as provided in this subsection, the amendment to Section 1 of this article, relating to the selection and duties of county officers, shall take effect January 5, 2021, but shall govern with respect to the qualifying for and the holding of the primary and general elections for county constitutional officers in 2020. 125, 1998; adopted 1998; Am. The effective date and severability provision reads: This amendment shall be effective on the date it is approved by the electorate. The boards management shall be subject to the powers of the legislature to appropriate for the expenditure of funds, and the board shall account for such expenditures as provided by law. Legislative power over city of Jacksonville and Duval County.The Legislature shall have power to establish, alter or abolish, a Municipal corporation to be known as the City of Jacksonville, extending territorially throughout the present limits of Duval County, in the place of any or all county, district, municipal and local governments, boards, bodies and officers, constitutional or statutory, legislative, executive, judicial, or administrative, and shall prescribe the jurisdiction, powers, duties and functions of such municipal corporation, its legislative, executive, judicial and administrative departments and its boards, bodies and officers; to divide the territory included in such municipality into subordinate districts, and to prescribe a just and reasonable system of taxation for such municipality and districts; and to fix the liability of such municipality and districts. CONSOLIDATION AND HOME RULE. for H.J.R.s 2289, 2984, 1974, subsection (a) read as follows: Section 19 of Art. Persons aggrieved by a violation of this amendment may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against an Employer or person violating this amendment and, upon prevailing, shall recover the full amount of any back wages unlawfully withheld plus the same amount as liquidated damages, and shall be awarded reasonable attorneys fees and costs. 8 and 13, 1998, filed with the Secretary of State May 5, 1998; adopted 1998. Each eligible citizen upon registering shall subscribe the following: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Florida, and that I am qualified to register as an elector under the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida.. No person shall be eligible for office of justice or judge of any court unless the person is an elector of the state and resides in the territorial jurisdiction of the court. The legislature shall implement this section by general law. The legislature at its regular session in the second year following each decennial census, by joint resolution, shall apportion the state in accordance with the constitution of the state and of the United States into not less than thirty nor more than forty consecutively numbered senatorial districts of either contiguous, overlapping or identical territory, and into not less than eighty nor more than one hundred twenty consecutively numbered representative districts of either contiguous, overlapping or identical territory.
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