The heroic theme could be added as well, since Hygeia is in an expansive, tight Trine to Saturn on Altair in the 3rd conjunct my Draconic Pluto tightly on Altair by 1:00 (a bonus a spiritual-depth, owing to the Draconic influence). Vesta (4)- -Vesta is not soul mate, per se. Dear Marina. Although the Pluto is probably a degree too far. The ancient Greeks worked hard at maintaining their own health. saturn and his venus 4 degrees from his pluto. I have another friend, a shamanic practitioner who has Hygeia in his first house conjunct Mars conjunct Ascendant in Gemini. The clients say that I am good, but I do not like being a massage therapist. Sometimes certain psychological conditions require medication, but only maybe. Your vibration that comes from your writing is very solidly spiritual, earthed and as though your chakras are all working perfectly. Hi there I have bad bad Moon on 22 Taurus 150 Pluto 150 Neptune 180 Uranus and 150 asteroid Lilith 135 Venus and trine Sun. She was in charge of cleanliness and how to live a long life (preventive medicine). Im not afraid of a bit of blood or bodily fluids. So what kind of healing alternative healing is good for me? The Hygeia apex is opposite Sun/Uranus in Virgo/6th at 29 degrees. The poison is more often metaphorical than literal, of course. I also have Eris in the 6th for some extra taking out the patriarchy mojo. I am doing a lot of Hygeia past lives for the participants in it. While I am interested in your comments I would prefer that you only communicate with me on my web page, not other people. I prefer to work with people in person. Venus and Moon, North Node, interesting i just got my yearly check up and it stays the same. Hygeia is health personified. (PS. We are all lucky you are that kind to share it with us. Hands on and remote. I have always seen Mother Earth as a sacred place and I believe that its possible to build a joyful, full life in the here-and-now state of being regardless of your beliefs in an after-life. You insure yourself against being left, by choosing husbands who would be lost without you, so they stay! Chef, I use a frequency machine now called Spooky 2 to wipe out skin cancers. for us all. Thank you! Psychological, Mythological & Counselling Astrology and ShamanicHealing. But no professionalism. A women who's unpredictable, mysterious, and probably into something . The spiritual side of us melds with our mind and body to create holistic health. Her symbol is the serpent twining around the staff of Mercury, the psychopomp; the one god who could rescue people from death. I swear by Apollo the physician, and Asclepius (Asclepius), and Hygeia, and Panacea (Panacea), and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my ability and judgment, I will keep this Oath and this stipulation . I can tell people to finally quit smoking or the fifth pneumonia this year will kill them, but do they listen? Mars conjunct Neptune is interesting and must be important in this chart because it is on the degree of the previous Solar Eclipse. :)). I have friends who have Hygeia prominent in their charts. !! We see here a link to Hermes in his alchemical aspect. At least I ave found an explanation for all of this, which at least should help with healing. The 9th house is your house of beliefs. Very strange. I am really due for some good news and relief but right now I am just discouraged. However, as a pupil of Chiron her history no doubt goes back to before 13,000 years ago when Atlantis existed. Diseases in ancient times and in Indigenous societies and indeed in shamanism were sometimes thought caused by evil spirits. 1862 Apollo (Greek) 99942 Apophis. Since Hygeia is in Taurus in the 7th, that in a word creates a double contact to Venus, and this Venus is on Ras-El-Asad in the 10th. My interest in healing runs deep with Hygeia in 5th House under Pisces 11.23 and conjunct NN at 9.41. Asteroid 10 Hygeia was discovered by Annibale de Gasparis on April 12, 1849, in Naples, Italy. My major in college was Psychology, and I have been an unwilling massage therapist for decades. Hi Chef, This article came up when I googled Hygeia. I suspect Edgar Rice Buroughs probably wrote about this. I love Michael Newton books, too, btw. Hence Hygeia in your chart hints that you know deep within yourself the secret to your own improvement. thank you for this article, This is similar to the rune Ansuz which also means good order as a manifestation of pure spirit. Thus she is the opposite or polarity of Eris in your chart. Have a look on the net. The world is short on mathematicians and always short of psychologists now. I am not qualified to suggest what type of healing you should use. What a joyful placement. Yes, I do think Hygiea contributes to use being holistic healing practtioners and you certainly are. I always say prayers of thanks and for protection from my divine guides twice daily and that helps. My Hygiea, Chiron and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces in the 5th, trining Scorpio Neptune Ascendant, opposing Pluto Virgo in the 11th (sextile Neptune), squaring Gemini Mars conjunct Pallas Athene in the 8th. I suggest you ask, if you get the Sacred Garden meditation book, what your Hygeia in your sixth house is all about. So yes, I will be definately take some more time to look into Hygeia now. Please write any time. HYGEIA THE SYMBOL OF THE HOLISTIC HEALER IN YOUR HOROSCOPE by Hilary in my career/10th house), too (in reference to your Athena comments above). Asteroid Hygeia - Astrology King In one of the Orphic hymns (66. Hygeia is the personification of physical health and mental health (or sanity) in your chart. Funny she has always seemed young and fresh like the perpetual maiden to me, maybe aged 18 physically, but with the mind of a sage like her fathers amazing teacher Chiron. If you are still interested in peoples Hygeia I just managed to look mine up, it is on the DC in 0 Sagittarius opposite 28Taurus AC, makes a T-square with Chiron (in Pisces 11th house) at the apex. While representative of a spiritual awakening, its also very physical, health-oriented, and here-and-now. I would be looking to aspects to planets in your chart. Hygeia opposes her Chiron conjunct Jupiter in the second. Re: past lives with trees in 1970 I met a couple when I was still living in Chicago who told me they both had past lives as trees. I would rather a combination of bloodroot, aloe vera, zinc chloride and chaparral any day to get rid of skin cancers than having invasive surgery under an aesthetic. You didnt give me a date of birth, but I rectified a chart and had a look. Because Tiresias was blinded by the beauty of Athena bathing naked she gave him miraculous powers of insight, or prophecy. Presently I am working part time as a school librarian in a secondary school in a deprived area and since my eyes have opened I can see/sense these ACEs amongst those kids more and more. Now, late in life, I have been thinking about retiring early and moving to India to live in Ashram and give Astrology sessions as charitable work or voluntary donations. Occasionally we meet people we resonate with who have similar astrological aspects and we think about ourself and life. I also have studied Theta Healing and Holographic Kinetics. Her theme is power-alluring and irresistible. Black Moon Lilith Astrology: The Wild Woman In The Signs & Houses Copyright to Dr Hilary Bond. There is a fine line between what people call mental illness and people who are afflicted by different spirits or the overlap of past lives and undead ancesters infringing on ones being. The link of snakes to wisdom and healing flows from the ancient idea that the dead went into the ground to dwell in Hades which in the Greek world was a dreamlike land neither good nor bad. You will do well with the new moon on your Saturn (Saturn rules bones, calcification, bonding, endurance, 7 year cycles, patience). Thank you HIlary. The Mars square. Im curious about what makes you say that about the shamanic workIs it Hygeia? Lilith Square Mars in Synastry Modern Astrology 11.4K subscribers 143 4.2K views 2 years ago #Lilith Another Lilith video! Lilith, also referred to as "Black Moon Lilith," is a point in your chart that can illuminate your inner "bad bitch" and shadow sides of yourself and your psyche. Ceres is 620 miles across. Because I am one myself. To go deep within yourself is to get in touch with the unconscious older reptilian parts of your brain that hold great wisdom. It is not a hard aspect like the square or opposition. Asteroid Hygeia, The Medicine Woman - Creatrix magazine I have Sun conjunct Chiron and Moon conjunct Hygeia and in my experience networking with a number of highly qualified wholistic healing practitioners is wise. Thanks for the reminder that Hygeia conjuncts this Gemini New Moon, square Neptune. Hi HIlary, thanks for your kind replies. Now I mentor. He is a gifted healer who uses hands on healing. Glad Im able to continue hearing from your open dialogue here Hilary! As I waited to go for minor surgery I dreamt of a old logging camp woman who died recently of lung cancer smoking. Meditation can lead to important life insights and greater peace in ones life. His Hygiaea is exactly midpoint his Sun and Moon conjunct Athena conjunct Mars. So I am simply following a message from the dream world and am so grateful and amazed by how I feel after reading several of your Hygeia articles so I have to say firstly, thank you Ms. Hilary. Recent evidence amazes astronomers. Life becomes very difficult when we are in pain constantly and there seems to be no way out. Vesta in Astrology in Signs and Houses and in Synastry You would look for a strong Virgo presence in your chart ie, sun or Moon or Asc I or MC in virgo and maybe 8th house if you wanted to be a psychologist or scorpio if yo were thinking of surgery 4 and then maybe some 6th house planets as it is the house of health. Thanks to your blog, and google translate, I will read more articles here. Avoiding third house lower vibrational areas such as sibling rivalry, and gossip would be wise. Oh! All rightsreserved. HELLO TO NEURAL FOLIAGE FROM DOCTOR HILARY BOND. The other thing to remember is that we are human and we must forgive ourselves, ever night. I will look her up again and also the Sacred Hoop person. Her gift of medicine can be taken literally too. Thank you very much for such a prolific article. Even reading Belinda Gores The Ecstatic Experience: Healing Postures for Spirit Journeys and then connecting with the Cuyamungue Insitute in New Mexico. i. I currently writing a book on Hygeia but it may not be complete for a couple of years. God forgives us, the archangels forgive us, so we must forgive ourselves and pat ourselves on the back for all the good that we have done. I also bought the career book you emntioned on the YOD posts. Asteroid Pholus | PlutonicDesire Can you pick up peoples feelings through emails, texts and photos too? Then in 2011 I worked with Child Abuse a government department that deals with criminal families/parents who abuse their children. 7) she is called the wife of Asclepius; and Proclus ( ad Plat. I am a voluntary translator of your articles of monthly horoscope now. snake had a teeth like a dragon, not like a snakesmall teeth in half circle up and bellow in her mouth, It was a bit strange, yet I had not felt fear since I know a great deal of my real star map inheritance, being a Scorpio born and Ophiuchus ascendant. I live in Sweden so I am sending you a huge basket of Northern star aurora flowers. Hygeia is an unusually slow rotator, taking 27 hours and 37 minutes for a revolution, whereas 6 to 12 hours are more typical for large asteroids. I have a solarFire astrology programme which has the five largest asteroids in it. I agree. What is daunting me lately is the number of ordinary people who have a strong Hygeia and have had incurable illness in their lives but kept death at bay via faith in the angelic kingdom. Through his Hygeian aspects to his MC and IC we can see his holistic approach to spiritual- mental psychotherapy. So, it is a nice gift. I taught in migrant schools from 1888-1990 with children from war torn countries where their parents had been tortured and shot in front of the children. Leo Full Moon conjunct Hygeia at 9 degrees of Leo. by the time of the procedure next week, Neptune will almost exactly be squaring my MC/IC axis. I just looked up John F. Kennedy University, in California. scuse this computer is missing letters I found u just now. Thankyou again and I wish I could send you balloons and a cake. How lovely of you to write your sweet letter. . I have had Demetra Georges book the asteroid Goddesses since it came out here in 1985. We also had a mud pit much to the delight of the children, but not to the delight of the parents. Its lovely that you take the time to acknowledge everyone, unusual too these days I think. I am wondering what a north node conjunction might mean? I want it to be a natural move and Im encouraged by these several apparently supportive aspects. Thankyou for your praise and for encouraging all your friends to follow my posts. Smile. Right now my Internet is out of action and Im at a library, so I will reply properly in a week. I saw this image, shortly after having the dream that led me to the Snake Goddess figurine. Look up burn out on your computer. It also just sextiles my Aesculapua in my 5th. While I was working on a geographically remote Australian Aboriginal community I completed a Masters Degree in Education with a Masters in Education. I do hope the headway you are making continues. Natally I have her in the 8th house conjunct Psyche in Virgo. yet just two things stand out the most now. Hygeia is trine my MC, and Sun is sextile my Hygeia. Hygeia always helps you to scrub up, or purge. Trying to fully understand my divine purpose of being human on this planet at this time of awakening. Hilary , Pingback: A Spoonful of Sugar :: Cosmic Weather Forecast for November 6th - 12th - Lilith Rebellion. Ankle fusion this Wed 28th, 0700. Could you send me another post letting me know yes or no to letting me have your short biography regarding your wellbeing and your birthdetails and I can email you. it is Hygeia transiting to the exact degree my exalted Moon in Taurus in the 2nd House. Ill also look at some personal transits involving Hygeia for an operation I had in 2012. Good wishes from me to to you and your loved ones for a fantastic year in 2015. Dear Annette, Ceres in Synastry, Signs, Houses, Retrograde - Astrology P.S. Pluto rules genetics and cancer. My Moon is exactly conjunct Hygiea. . Actually, my personal interest in Astrology is intense, yet when it came to the fixed stars it merged-out with obsession. In additional asteroids or hypothetical planets, add 10. My north node is also in the 6th house in Aries (within 2.7 orb of being opposite of Jupiter/Uranus. A friend who is a medical intuitive has Moon conjunct Hygeia (in the second house) conjunct Sun in Aquarius conjunct Venus in Pisces in the 3rd house. Their rich parents forgot them while they were travelling the world. A Sun conjunct Lilith transit highlights the power traits like charisma, magnetism, emotional force and leadership qualities of the Sun.
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