Cottoreo noun Light-hearted and amusing conversation. e.g. Pinole noun A dry mix of ground corn flour, sugar, cinnamon and other spices, which can be either eaten on its own, or mixed with liquid to make atole. See Cagar. This is not a common term, as it comes more from Central America, but it is widely understood throughout the country. 2. verb To make a mistake. Echar la mano verb To help someone. Pacheco 1. noun A stoner, or someone who enjoys smoking marijuana. Salerazo noun The drooping flesh around the tricep and upper arms which can appear during old age. Se la anda comiendo (Hes been shagging her). Also Fulana/o de tal. 2. So-called for its residents, who are known as Chilangos. An abbreviation of the word compaero. e.g. Literally to sink your teeth into someone. Tenochttlan noun The nahuatl term for Mexico City, as it was known under the Aztecs who inhabited the area. Guey noun, pronounced wey 1. Do you want to come?). Lambiscon noun An obsequious individual. De Pelos Antiquated description of something which is very good or impressive. Chido Chido means cool, awesome. e.g. Literally a parachutist. 2. Tecnico noun A nominal goodie, or good guy, in a lucha libre wrestling show. Hocico, Tener Caliente el expression Literally to have a warm snout, this in an expression used to denote a persons stage of enibriation, when after having had a few alcoholic drinks, to have a desire to drink more. It's sort of fuck your mother, but means 'go fuck yourself'. Literally A cactus spine in the balls. Mira esa madre! (Look at this shit!). Frijoles chinos noun Colloquial term for refried beans. Asada in which all the ingredients are grilled over coal before being mashed together into a sauce. Molcajete noun A mortar the bowl implement in the pestle-and-mortar kitchen tool. Chavindeca noun A dish native to the tierra caliente reigon of Michoacan State, consisting meat and cheese sandwiched between two large grilled corn tortillas,. a person who has died their hair colour to blonde. 3. verb In the context of cagar a alguien, to yell at someone, or give them a bollocking. (Their excuse makes no sense whatsoever). Either in the physical sense, or in competition. Something which a person might say they would eat with their eyes. Literally a bite. The vast majority wear masks, the removal of which is seen as a great dishonour to their characters, who inspire great devotion and adulation in Mexican culture. 2. noun In a similar vein, AMLO supporters who take to dogpiling (mass online abuse) critics of the Mexican Presidents administration or politcs. Huevos al Gusto (Eggs as you like them). Free shipping for many products! Learn Spanish. Ya me la hicieron de pedo (They made a scene). CJNG acronym Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacin. Cotorro noun Descriptive of a happy, relaxed or easy-going individual. Junior noun The privileged children, or second generation, of parents who have generated a great deal of wealth usually from more humble beginnings. Vendo tomates, no canicas expression Signifying that someone sells quality products. Darn!. For example, a 16-year-old girl might be described as a vieja by a 16-year-old boy, despite the fact that she is still young. English . Equivalent of let the cat out of the bag. Te mamaste expression Saying meaning that the subject has gone beyond the normal boundaries, in either a good or bad sense. It's not a bad word, but it almost surely comes from a bad word. An informal way of referring to a person or friend, in a friendly context, equivalent of dude, or mate. Aguitado adj A sad or pensative mood. A la Viva Mexico, Hacer verb To do something a la Viva Mexico is to do it in an improvised, carefree, without permission or illegal manner. Mamador adj Of the very highest class, top-dollar. Briago noun & adj Relatively old-fashioned word for a drunk, or alcoholic. Exact translation is Spit it out Lupe. Note: While tacos outside of Mexico are generally seen as friend hard-shell tortillas, these are not generally found within Mexico, and are rather classed as 'Tex-Mex cusine. Cruda/o A hangover, or to be hungover. Que choro nos ech! (What a load of bullshit he came out with! Dar Lata verb To make problems, or nag. Pachanga noun A raucous or boisterous party. (i.e. Tepache noun A drink made from fermented pineapple skin. Tropa del Infierno noun A special forces-style militia, or armed group, pertaining to the Cartel del Noroeste. Chicano A Mexican-American. Pal chesco expression Abbreviated version of Para el Refresco. The expression stems from the Castilian Spanish expression for France. A taco is a soft tortilla topped with any filling, which is picked up and consumed using the hand(s). e.g. Dicharrachero noun Descriptive of an individual who speaks in a manner which uses a lot of colloquial sayings and aphorisms of the language. See below for the ever expanding list. e.g. Teporocho noun A common alcoholic, or vagrant. e.g. An expression most commonly used in the southeast of the country. Literally to skate. A blow-job. e.g. Vale, ms tarde me paso por ah. Que La exclam Used to espress ridicule at an individuals sensitivity, perniciousness or pedantry. La Guadalupana individual Mexicos patroness saint, the Virgin of Guadalupe. Chupafaros noun A loser, or an inadequate individual. Lo llam a cagarlo (She called him up to give him a telling off). Generic term generally meaning assent, most commonly used in Mexico City and the surrounding area. Mole noun A sauce made from chiles and other herbs, nuts and spices ground traditionally on a metate. noun A despective term for an uneducated or unsophisticated person. The lime is more valuable than the sand, and therefore by trading one for the other, he who receives the sand ends up worse-off. Chulada de maiz prieto exclam Expression which is descriptive of how excellent or high quality something is. An Ox (castrated bull). To have verbal-diarrhea. Commonly found as a suffix in place names. So-called after the working class neighborhood of Tepito in Mexico City. Calentano adj Of something or someone native to the Tierra Caliente region of western Mexico, which encompasses the states of Michoacan, Jalisco and Guerrero. The location of many car accidents. Toma, para que te persines. ( Pay me what I want! A rude expression, or curse-word. Chipotle noun A Jalapeo chilli pepper, which has been allowed to mature to its final red colour (usually, they are picked while still green), and then put through a process of smoking and curing, to obtain a final product. Penultima noun The final beverage of a drinking session, the final drink being the one taken before you die. Hasta la Madre adj An emotional state of frustration with someone or something. (general) a. el argot mexicano (M) "Gey" is Mexican slang for "dude.""Gey" es argot mexicano que significa "hombre". Camagun adj Descriptive of damp, or still green, firewood. Literally, give it to yourself.. Commonly used in the context of Mexicos northern neighbours; i.e. La quiere peladita y en la boca expression Descriptive of a work-shy individual, who does not want to put in a lot of effort in order to achieve what they set out to do. Al pedo adj Alert, or up to speed with a given topic. e.g. The Chilangos say its possible, the Provincia says its not. For older generations, it is used to describe a Mexican migrant to Mexico City, who moved to the capital from a different part of the country, but today, it is a universal term. me voy a echar un coyotito (Im going to take a nap). An idiot. Everybody understands it in Mxico. Whenever I throw in words from it, my friend tells me I sound Mexican. Pronounced 'Tasosh Ka Ma Tik. Golfato noun A persons sharpened sense for easy women. Not all Mexicans are dark skinned, dark haired and dark eyed. Used commonly to say when something has reached its completion, or is fully put together/armed. El sol esta recio hoy (The sun is very strong today). The country has about 60 kinds of corn, and the dark variety is a special treat when one can eat it. Used to express ones connections to the criminal underworld. Equivlanet of asshole or prick. Equivalent of I beg you pardon?. hazme un paro (do me a favour). Batear verb To reject something or someone. Coyotito noun A nap. Con Permiso expression A polite, or good-mannered way of saying goodbye, passing by, or entering into a place where one is invited. See this report for more information on Escamoles. Putiza noun A ferocious beating. Nochtli noun The Tuna fruit in the Nahuatl language. Barra noun In Campeche state, a baguette sandwich. Pronounced like the name. Hazme un paro expression Do me a favour. Al Chile expression To get straight to the point. A journalist who accepts such money is known as a chayotero. Me la compre en cien varos. To explain something liket he person you are talking to if a five-year-old. It would be extremely ill-advised to refer to an air hostess in this way. Ojeto adj Equivalent descriptive version of Ojete, i.e. Darle las tres verb To take the final few puffs on a cigarette or other smokeable item, in order to finish it. expression Who paid? This expression is an irregular verb in that it has no real infinitive, or any other grammatical form other than the third-person past tense. Take the money, or get shot. Spanish slang words - Part 1 Vale . Estar crudo (To be hungover) 8. Literally, theres the potato. ALV acronym A La Verga, roughly equivalent of fuck it/this. Gringo noun A U.S. citizen, most often of European descent. Zcalo noun A town or citys main square. It is the traditional bread used in the torta ahogada. Rollo, tener buen expression Of an individual, to be an engaging conversationalist. oye, echame la mano (hey, give me a hand). 2. Literally a dogs paw. Estela noun The traditional stone tablet or signpost when arriving in a settlement, which told the traveller the place he was in. Petas Sinaloan expression meaning drunk; a bastardisation of the word peda. Also La Penultima. Achichincle noun A subordinate, or employee. e.g. Tapata/o A native of the city of Guadalajara. Costar un Huevo expression For something to be very expensive, or require a great deal of effort. A style of music originating in the north of the country, in which brass, wind and percussion instruments are key. No. Hijo de la Chingada: noun/exclam. Dos-Tres expression A very chilango way of saying probably, or more likely than not. Chaln noun An employee, most often in the context of physical labour. They are typically noisy and rowdy places. Bullshit. Changuitos noun Crossed-fingers, and in expectance of good luck. 2. a wedding. Joven, no terminare ese plato, me pone un itacate? (Waiter, I will not finish this meal, could I have it to go?). In Mexican slang, chamarra means jacket. Some of the worlds most gifted runner, Raramuri means light feet, or hard feet in their native language. 4 Mexican Spanish Slang Dictionaries (in Spanish) 1. e.g. Anda chirundo por la casa (He goes around the house butt-naked). Cacharpo noun The bus drivers assistant, or conductor on public transport. Quiobolas exclam Rude alternative to que hubole, given that it suffixes the word bolas. No soy monedita de oro expression Im not here to please everybody. Pues yo como de chile, mole y pozole. Chavo/Chava A boy/girl or young person. Charolear verb To work as a waiter, or waiting tables. An event at which one will be able to partake of food, drink, etc, without having to pay. We've created a list of popular slang words and phrases so you can start sounding like, and connect with Spanish locals. Feria noun A quantity of money. Dote noun A dowry paid by the grooms side of the family. Poca madre (Really cool) 4. Que traigo? Traete un pomo. ( What shall I bring? Tenis are trainer shoes, or sneakers, so the literal translation is you have sneakers on, thereby allowing an individual to sneak up on someone without their hearing. To take more than is ones fair share. Marquesita noun A street dish originating in the Yucatan peninsula, in which crpe batter is pressed into a large pancake in a specially-made waffle press, filled with any of a variety of toppings (although most feature Edam cheese), rolled into a tube, and eaten. c vt. e.g. Mamn(a) An arrogant or conceited individual. Banter. bad, unpleasant, of poor quality, e.g. Stems from the days of mounted highwaymen, who would rob carriages on horseback. Chilln noun A whiner, or someone who is regarded as a complainer. Para quien es pendejo, donde queda, pierde. (For he who is smart, wherever he lands, its green. e.g. Jajajaja Spanish way of writing hahahaha, the J in Castellano being soft. Started in 1996, The Online Slang Dictionary is the eldest slang dictionary on the web. 2. noun An excellent or powerful individual; the best in his or her (Chingona) own field. A Spanish pronunciation of Gangs. Crack noun Someone who is the best at what they do. Vamos a echar una bohemia (Lets get together for a drink and a sing-song/knees-up). e.g. Lacra noun A delinquent or undisciplined individual. Often with loud music and dancing. Huichol noun Indigenous peoples native to western Jalisco and Nayarit states. Like people from the U.S., they can have a variety of looks (i.e. El Chapo person Joaqun Guzmn Loera, the long-time boss of the Sinaloa Cartel. e.g. Iban a ganar, hasta que el portero la cag (They were going to win, until the goalkeeper fucked up). Te crees muy muy (You think you're something special) Fusca noun A pistol, or firearm. Ometeotl expression Nahuatl saying meaning Two Gods or Two Forces. Gayola noun The worst row of seats in the house or theater. Angelpolis noun A nickname for the city of Puebla. Also, Guey and wey. Traeme la feria (Bring me the money). (Fuck you!). Enchilar verb To annoy or anger someone. Mamarse verb To fuck up, or make a mistake. e.g. Apando noun A solitary isolation cell in a penitentiary. Buchn noun A male member of the Sinaloa Cartel. Viste el gol de Ronaldo? You can use them with everybody and now worry about offending anyone. What an amazing player he is). b. la jerga mexicana (F) I learned a lot of Mexican slang when I spent a semester in Guadalajara.Aprend mucha jerga mexicana cuando pas un semestre en Guadalajara. Juate en el Huevo exp An annoying or irritating thing. 2. exclam Colloquial term used in conversation as an affirmation that a person has understood the point the speaker was trying to make. Prstame quinientos varos guey. 2. noun One. Mariconada noun A man bag. Literally to eat clown. Often used in terms of business sense. Tepito noun A notoriously dangerous neighborhood of Mexico City, to the north of the Zcalo. From the verb Agandallar. Fue una ganga! (I got it for 100 pesos, it was a steal!). In that they smoke like a chimey. Pato/Patito adj Of an item which is an imitation version of the real thing. e.g. Chilangolandia noun Mexico City. An individual who one cannot take seriously. People who grow up in a Mexican culture within the United States. exclam Lets go! Synonym of the imperative vmonos! Prefix to a noun equivalent of fucking or bloody. exclam Exclamation of surprise or shock. e.g. Greedy, or someone who cant get their fill. Hampn noun A gangster, from the word hampa. Palapa noun A structure with a thatched palm roof, most commonly found on the countrys coasts. In our new series we'll be teaching you some Spanish slang. the speaker referring to himself or herself. Chiflar y comer pinole, no poder expression Meaning it is impossible to do two things well at the same time. Madral noun A large, or significant amount. Aeromosa noun An air hostess, originally for Aeromexico, but can be used for any airline. expression Also gives rise to the expression that a culichi is a woman with mucha nalga, poca chichi (a lot of buttocks, not much breast). Guayabo, estar en el expression Of an enamoured individual, to be in the honeymoon or crazy love period of a romantic relationship, oftne used in connection with regular sexual activity. b) The best, or very successful, person. Chinga su Madre! 2. noun A good friend or personal acquaintance in whom one has confidence. or How are you doing? e.g. noun A novice, or person without adequate experience. A debate rages in Mexico over whether its possible to prepare a Quesadilla without cheese. Buey noun Has many spellings, but this is the correct one. Hacer con las nalgas verb To do something in a slap-dash, or low-quality, manner. Pollero noun A human trafficker who moves groups of undoucmented mgirants across Mexico and into the United States. Se hizo en la casa de un servidor (It was done in my house). La Morena being the road (as in, the dark one) and being both flirty and slippery. i.e. Most often heard as the phrase Me caga(s). Synonym of Chingn. Refresco noun The tip paid to an individual for a service rendered. 1. noun Derogatory term for a left-leaning political activist, who most commonly expresses their views through social media. "La luz esta en roja, pero no viene nadie. Check out Mexico Relocation Guide. verb To act in an unfair or selfish manner. Also Frenar los tacos. Madre noun Common catch-all pronoun, as in a substitution for the actual noun for something which you might be referring to. Enchilarse verb To overdo it on the spiciness of ones food, and suffer the effects. Periodicazo noun A damaging or scandalous newspaper story. e.g. Wife, girlfriend, or long-term partner. ndale exclam 1. So here's the first part of our Spanish slang dictionary. Used to distinguish between the letters I and Y, which are pronounced similarly. They are usually extremely colourful characters. (Citations have been removed to resolve Google's penalty against this . - Hey, can you help me? Montado noun A dish typical to northern Mexico, particularly Chihuahua, in which beans and cheese are sandwiched between two flour tortillas, and then topped with a filling, creating what is essentially a stuffed double-tortilla taco. Gandalla noun A selfish or rotten individual. An asshole in American. Ese wey es bien entrn (Hes quick with his fists). Alguien quiere de mi ceviche? Flaqueando verb To struggle. Defeo An antiquated term for a native of Mexico City, given that the capital state was once named Distrito Federal. Comes from the word for goat, given the curved magazine similar to the animals horn. La luz esta en roja, pero me la voy a pasar a la Viva Mexico. (The stoplight is red, but Im going anyway because Long Live Mexico!). Given that he is from Tabasco State, where the Pejelagarto (alligator gar) is an endemic species of fauna, and local delicacy. ando bien crudo guey (Im very hungover, man). Mexican Slang to Master for Casual Conversations Some of these terms and phrases below are NSFW. Auto Chocolate noun A vehicle registered in the United States, which is brought across the border without undergoing the proper import procedure, and is simply used in the border region. A rare and delicious dish, if you can find it. It also allows multiple sorting criteria! e.g. Porfiriato noun The historical period of 1876 to 1911 during which General Porfirio Diaz ruled Mexico as president/dictator. No te pases de verga! (Dont be cheeky!). Its all yours.) 2. Me dices tomate, y yo te hago la salsa expression Equivalent of you say jump, I say how high? Hacerle la jarocha verb To tell someone off, or to give someone a bollocking in the British idiom. Im not picky, Ill eat anything). e.g. Estafeta noun The baton in a relay race. verb To engage in light-hearted conversation. Tasojkamatik expression Thank You in the Nahuatl language. Tirar Rostro verb To show off ones good looks, often in a coquettish way. Taparabos - noun Despective word for indigenous clothing, in that it serves for little more than covering ones bottom. Ballena noun A Caguama, specifically of Pacifico beer, found only in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, where the brewery is based. noun The United States. exclam Inoffensive way of expressing annoyance or frustration. Get a move on!, or Hurry Up!. 2. noun A disgraceful thing or act. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary. Mezcal noun An alcoholic spirit, distilled from the agave plant. Picadero noun A crack-house or drug den, so called because it is where people go to inject (picar)/. What do you want to comer?. Piojo noun A cheeky individual, who seeks to take personal advantage of a situation. e.g. The tightly curled hair genetically typical of black people. From charola, the word for tray. Atascada/o adjective Descriptive of a person who wants everything for themself. Cartel del Noroeste noun Organised crime organisation from Coahuila and Tamaulipas, dominating primarily the stretch of U.S. border from Piedras Negras to Ciudad Acua. e.g. Ya Llovi exclam Signifying that a significant amount of time has passed since the last time an event occurred. Practice Spanish vocabulary with SpanishDict's interactive vocabulary quiz feature. Also hails from nautical heritage. Sobaquera noun A jumbo-sized wheat tortilla, prepared in Sonora and Chihuahua, so-called because they are so large they must be rolled along the length of the arm, inevitably making them come into contact with the armpit, or sobaca. Estribo, el del noun The final beverage of a drinking session. Que hubo exclalm Whats up? A su madre! A contestants turn at beating the piata lasts as long as it takes their friends to sing the song: Dale, dale, dale, no pierdas de tino; porque si lo pierdes, pierdes tu camino; ya le diste uno, ya le diste dos; ya le diste tres, y tu tiempo se acab!. Me aviento para alla (Ill rush over there). The domiciles are usually slum-like, and paracaidistas often arrive in force, and are later very difficult to remove. Fregon(a) adj Excellent, or of top quality. e.g. In context, used to refer to a persons partner. El wey es un patn. (The guys an asshole). Sign up with your email address to get notifications about Alasdairs latest work. This is different from a quesadilla in that it is not folded. Malaguea, a la expression Something which is done in a deceptive, or cheating, manner. In English, and equivalent expression is to have gotten the taste. Amarrar Navajas verh To instigate or encourage conflict in which one will not be involved. bueyes nos toc arar, Con esos expression Meaning that a person has no option but to work or collaborate with certain other individuals, even though they may not be apt for the task. Gorgojo noun A insect pest which damages corn and bean crops. Mueren Burros, No a cada rato expression Denoting that something is a special occasion. Spanglish. Dar la cara verb In a situation of conflict or disagreement, of a party to present themselves in person to respond. adj Descriptive of an individual who is easy-going, happy or relaxed. Nic Chac noun A Yucatan equivalent of escamol, but with wasp larvae rather than ants. b. el argot (M) "Grass" is slang for "marijuana." "Grass" es "marijuana" en argot. Fraile noun A Campeche dessert consisting of meringue and fried churro-like tortilla, stuffed either with coconut or Edam cheese. e.g. Descriptive of a person who appears to be very powerful, rich or elegant; but in reality does not have the resources to back it up, or is hollow. Traer Pual verb To have very convincing points of argument, which can change another persons mind or opinion. Me mama expression Descriptive of something which a person greatly enjoys. Thus, those members of the mountain peasant classes who became the barons of local narcotic production became known as buchnes (from buche, meaning throat) he of the swollen throat. expression To reveal a truth which will cause problems. Chamba mata grilla expression The proposal that it is more important to work hard than to complain and fight. Aventado noun An individual who acts without thinking. Queena noun A Queen card in a deck of cards. See also pal chesco. i.e. . Bajo noun The region of central Mexico, running from Puebla State in the east, and comprising Mexico City and the region up to Zacatecas in the northwest. Dejaron de pagar, y no di la cara (They didnt pay, and never showed their face). As in baseball; the bat something away. 6. Tepec noun, nahuatl. b adj argtico, jergal. Carnitas noun A preparation of pork in its confit (i.e. e.g. e.g. Well if youve never had the real stuff, youll enjoy any old rubbish). The Online Colloquial Dictionary for having a good time. Chingar verb. Dim your headlights for oncoming traffic. Mordida noun A bribe. Jacal noun A shack, or rustic living shelter. Hijole, me enchile bien cabrn (Damn! noun A task which is boring, tiresome or unenjoyable. Salvar el pellejo verb To help someone out of a difficult situation. Other country-specific Spanish slang Mexican slang Colombian slang Cuban slang Peruvian slang Argentinian slang Chilean slang Venezuelan slang Offensive term in the alternative context, meaning idiot. Cohete noun A pistol. Concede cambio de luces A road sign commonly seen on federal highways asking motorists to be considerate of their headlights when passing oncoming vehicles. Cejas Tepiteas noun False painted-on eyebrows, usually in a very garish style. slang translate: argot, jerga [feminine, singular]. Cacique noun A member of the economic ruling class, or landowning classes. But, it's not organized well. Taquear verb 1. Me Mama exclam A rude expression synonymous with Me Gusta (I like it). Literally Dont search for tits on a snake. Estoy a gusto en Mexico (Im happy/feel at ease in Mexico). This is the cartel which shot down a federal governments helicopter in 2015. Darle por la libre verb To freestyle something, or go ahead without making a prior plan.
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