EMBO J. Escherichia Coli 5 million b.p. Nature 554, 118122 (2018). 4, 18951906 (2019). A theoretical analysis of how strain-specific viruses can control microbial species diversity. Xu, J., Dayan, N., Goldbourt, A. Barr, J. J. et al. WebGenome size can vary greatly between organisms and is not a valid indicator of genetic complexity. [Genome size is the total length of DNA in an organism. Comeau AM, Bertrand C, Letarov A, Tetart F, Krisch HM. Res. Biol. Abrescia, N. G. et al. 157, 20352046 (2012). WebThe phage T2 screen (Fig. Accessibility Their average size is substantially less than that of core genes, often by nearly a factor of two, and it has been suggested that they may correspond to individual functional protein domains [35,36]. Virol. Duarte, C. M. Seafaring in the 21st century: the Malaspina 2010 Circumnavigation Expedition. & Breitbart, M. Unprecedented diversity of ssDNA phages from the family Microviridae detected within the gut of a protochordate model organism (Ciona robusta). A major lineage of non-tailed dsDNA viruses as unrecognized killers of marine bacteria. & Giske, J. BMC Genomics 17, 930 (2016). Article official website and that any information you provide is encrypted T4, with a genome of 166 kbp, is the best-known of all the T phages. USA 78, 17171721 (1981). 24, 1114 (2015). Microbiol. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in This viral ecology study proposes an approach to quantitatively link phage populations and their genomes to their hosts. T2, T4, and T6 phages differ in the cell wall receptors to which they bind. Martinez-Hernandez, F. et al. The human gut virome: inter-individual variation and dynamic response to diet. Mol. Pedulla ML, Ford ME, Houtz JM, Karthikeyan T, Wadsworth C, Lewis JA, Jacobs-Sera D, Falbo J, Gross J, Pannunzio NR, et al. 3 E Brum, J. R., Schenck, R. O. Comparison of genome size of T2 phage, Genome size can vary greatly between organisms and is not a valid indicator of genetic complexity, The largest known genome is possessed by the canopy plant, The smallest known genome is possessed by the bacterium, Viruses and bacteria tend to have very small genomes, Prokaryotes typically have smaller genomes than eukaryotes, Sizes of plant genomes can vary dramatically due to the capacity for plant species to self-fertilise and become polyploid. Juhala, R. J. et al. Kim, M.-S. & Bae, J.-W. Lysogeny is prevalent and widely distributed in the murine gut microbiota. Escherichia Coli 5 million b.p. WebEnterobacteria Phage T2 As the T2 bacteriophage consists of only two components, they selectively labelled the DNA with radioactive 32P, and (in a separate batch) the proteins with 35S. Biol. Annu. 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) was first described in 1952 when it was found in the genomes of T-even bacteriophages (T2 and T4). Open Access Roux, S. et al. Opin. Oceanogr. Nature 494, 357360 (2013). Similar groups of genes that travel together through evolution may include the tail genes, or lysis genes, among others. First, individual phages can be isolated in the laboratory that infect a particular bacterial host used for their propagation. Mol. Viral and microbial community dynamics in four aquatic environments. Sinclair, R., Ravantti, J. Natl Acad. Because their genomes are relatively small, elucidating the genetic diversity of the phage population, deciphering their origins, and identifying the evolutionary mechanisms that shape the population would seem readily feasible. Sun, L. et al. Villar, E. et al. Nat. ISSN 1740-1534 (online) These include Gene Transfer Agents [12], pathogenicity islands [13], encapsuins [14] and large bacteriocins [15], among others. Commun. This represents a notable departure from bacterial genome evolution, where flexibility in the cell membrane and cell wall does not impose any obvious constraint on genome size. J. Virol. The host range of the recombinant phages was identical to that of IP008. Zhu H, Yin S, Shuman S. Characterization of polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase enzymes from Mycobacteriophages omega and Cjw1 and vibriophage KVP40. Article Microbiol. WebLength of the filamentous phage is determined by size of the DNA in the genome Inserts of up 42 Kb have been introduced into M13 genome and packaged (7x genome size) ~8 copies of the Gene III protein are attached at the end of the extruded genome A. et al. 32, 25712584 (2015). Suttle CA. Adv. Biol. This study shows the evolutionary relationships that can exist among diverse groups of phage proteins. Cardarelli, L. et al. A large variation in capsid size can be observed among members of the Caudovirales, with diameters ranging from 45 to 185 nm, which is usually linked to genome size 18. Cell 16, 673685 (2004). Google Scholar. They were named Type 1 (T1), Type 2 (T2), etc., for easy reference; however, due to structural similarities between the T2, T4, and T6 bacteriophages, these are now commonly referred to as T-Even phages. New phages are assembled within the cell until the cellular membrane lyses (splits open). ISME J. 7, 17381751 (2013). It is a virulent bacteriophage which infects Escherichia coli bacteria. Natl Acad. 89, 81078110 (2015). Krupovic, M. & ICTV Report Consortium. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Phages that can perform either a lytic or a lysogenic mode of replication. Their dsDNAs are linear, cyclically permuted, and terminally redundant. With high throughput sequencing approaches becoming generally and relatively cheaply available, it has become possible to sample substantial numbers of metagenomic samples and to compare viral populations as a functions of geography and time, providing considerable insights into the dynamics of phage populations [6,7]. Microbiol. Nucleotide sequence comparison of bacteriophage genomes reveals them to be enormously diverse [1]. PubMed Central Characterization of virus-like particles associated with the human faecal and caecal microbiota. Evidence for the exchange of segments between genomes during the evolution of lambdoid bacteriophages. Fabry, C. M. S. et al. Effect of different long-term fertilization regimes on the viral community in an agricultural soil of southern China. Natl Acad. Jang, H. Bin et al. J. Article Lubbers MW, Waterfield NR, Beresford TP, Le Page RW, Jarvis AW. Sci. 3 E J. Gen. Virol. Uncovering Earths virome. Rixon, F. J. The largest bacteriophage genomes reach a size of 735 kb. Van, Toussaint, A. WebThe T-even viruses (T2, T4, and T6) have heads 80 110 nm, while the T-odd phages (T1, T3, T5, and T7) have isometric heads about 60 nm in diameter. 32, 717726 (1979). A large variation in capsid size can be observed among members of the Caudovirales, with diameters ranging from 45 to 185 nm, which is usually linked to genome size 18. Zuo, T. et al. Virulent viruses that attack Escherichia coli and other enterobacteria. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Kauffman, K. M. et al. Arnaud, C.-A. Hatfull GF, Pedulla ML, Jacobs-Sera D, Cichon PM, Foley A, Ford ME, Gonda RM, Houtz JM, Hryckowian AJ, Kelchner VA, et al. FOIA 1). Your current browser may not support copying via this button. Structural dynamics of bacteriophage P22 infection initiation revealed by cryo-electron tomography. Nat. Drosophila Melanogaster 123 million b.p. An intriguing possibility, whether they are providing a selective benefit or not, is that these genes could serve as a gene nursery, where novel genetic functions could be built by recombination and mutation among genetic sequences that have no essential role in phage survival. Microbiol. Proc. Genomic analysis of uncultured marine viral communities. Valegard, K., Liljas, L., Fridborg, K. & Unge, T. The three-dimensional structure of the bacterial virus MS2. Suhanovsky, M. M. & Teschke, C. M. Natures favorite building block: deciphering folding and capsid assembly of proteins with the HK97-fold. What do all these genes do? Phage infecting a common host can also exhibit substantial diversity suggesting that there are additional barriers to genetic exchange [2022]. In the phage genomes, 5hmC is further glycosylated to 5ghmC and provides protection against cleavage by bacterial restriction endonucleases [1]. Hendrix RW, Smith MC, Burns RN, Ford ME, Hatfull GF. Devoto, A. E. et al. A. 2, 19 (2017). Article Portal protein functions akin to a DNA-sensor that couples genome-packaging to icosahedral capsid maturation. and transmitted securely. This Review presents phage genomic diversity with a main focus on tailed dsDNA phages and an overview of the other phage families. J. Mol. A shape of the phage capsid, which consists of many polygonal faces and is most commonly found as an icosahedron (polyhedron with20 faces). A., Dishaw, L. J. Biol. Phylogenet. & Sullivan, M. B. Proc. Ackermann HW. Environ. Arch. Hurwitz, B. L., Brum, J. R. & Sullivan, M. B. Depth-stratified functional and taxonomic niche specialization in the core and flexible Pacific Ocean virome. Open Access WebT2 Phage 170,000 b.p. Doore, S. M. & Fane, B. WebThe T-even viruses (T2, T4, and T6) have heads 80 110 nm, while the T-odd phages (T1, T3, T5, and T7) have isometric heads about 60 nm in diameter. Mechanism of membranous tunnelling nanotube formation in viral genome delivery. Google Scholar. Enterobacteria phage T2 is a virus that infects and kills E. coli. Nakayama K, Takashima K, Ishihara H, Shinomiya T, Kageyama M, Kanaya S, Ohnishi M, Murata T, Mori H, Hayashi T. The R-type pyocin of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is related to P2 phage, and the F-type is related to lambda phage. Adriaenssens, E. & Brister, J. R. How to name and classify your phage: an informal guide. Virol. Phage Colbert is a more distant relative sharing similar overall genome organization and many common genes but without a high level of nucleotide sequence similarity. Genome Res. Shkoporov, A. N. et al. Microbiol. Olia, A. S., Prevelige Jr., P. E., Johnson, J. E. & Cingolani, G. Three-dimensional structure of a viral genome-delivery portal vertex. It is a virulent bacteriophage which infects Escherichia coli bacteria. Microbiol. Re-examination of the relationship between marine virus and microbial cell abundances. Zhao, Y. et al. 18, 597603 (2011). Sci. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final citable form. WebT2 phage is more properly called Enterobacteria phage T2. CAS Asymmetric cryo-EM reconstruction of phage MS2 reveals genome structure in situ. Campoy S, Aranda J, Alvarez G, Barbe J, Llagostera M. Isolation and sequencing of a temperate transducing phage for Pasteurella multocida. Phage genomes are mosaic, but not all genes in a given genome participate in mosaicism to the same degree. WebThe T-even phages, T2, T4, and T6, were used as model systems for the study of virus multiplication. Fineran PC, Blower TR, Foulds IJ, Humphreys DP, Lilley KS, Salmond GP. 2). Struct. J. Virol. Peralta, B. et al. 18, 42404253 (2016). The largest bacteriophage genomes reach a size of 735 kb. WebIn T2 genes 39 and 60 are fused into one gene (605 amino acids), and it is equivalent to gyrB ( Huang, 1990). But we have barely scratched the surface and the next years of phage genome exploration promise to be especially revealing. volume18,pages 125138 (2020)Cite this article. The authors declare no competing interests. Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. 3B) resulted in 143 significant hits, of which 86 (SI Appendix, Dataset S1) were positively enriched in the presence of phage T2. Lokareddy, R. K. et al. 20 January 2023, Receive 12 print issues and online access, Get just this article for as long as you need it, Prices may be subject to local taxes which are calculated during checkout. This article reports the ability of RNA phages to adopt defined conformations that can be involved in genome packaging and virion assembly. WebT2 phage is more properly called Enterobacteria phage T2. Early life dynamics of the human gut virome and bacterial microbiome in infants. To kill or not to kill: the balance between lytic and lysogenic viral infection is driven by trophic status. PubMed Gut 57, 424425 (2008). 13, 1927 (1997). Note that the apparent sites of recombination are located close to gene boundaries. Not surprisingly, there are many different host-mediated protection systems such as restriction-modification [38], CRISPRs [39], tRNA cleavage [40], and Toxin-Antitoxin systems [41], as well as phage-encoded mechanisms for generating genome diversity at high frequency [42]. Roux, S. et al. A dodecamer forming a centralchannel involved inviralDNA packaging and injection, providing a docking site for attachment of the tailmachinery. . 75, 610635 (2011). in 3B) resulted in 143 significant hits, of which 86 (SI Appendix, Dataset S1) were positively enriched in the presence of phage T2. Microbiol. 189, 14821487 (2007). Mycoplasma phage P1 [17]], ~21kbp [e.g. Microbiol. However, a ~1.8 kbp segment of Colbert is closely related to Rosebush (94% nucleotide identity) and was presumably acquired relatively recently from a Rosebush-like phage. 3B) resulted in 143 significant hits, of which 86 (SI Appendix, Dataset S1) were positively enriched in the presence of phage T2. Rather we suggest that non-homologous recombination occurs rampantly and indiscriminately across the genomes and stringent natural selection for the successful arrangement of the core genes counterselects any gene arrangement that disrupts that, while allowing much more promiscuous reassortments of the non-core genes; a thoroughly Darwinian view of phage evolution. Marvin, D. A. Filamentous phage structure, infection and assembly. Microbiol. Evol. PubMedGoogle Scholar. WebT2 phage Genome size: 170,000 bp Common name: virus Escherichia coli Genome size: 4.6 million bp Common name: Bacteria Drosophila melanogaster Genome size: 130 million bp Common name: Fruit fly Homo sapiens Genome size: 3.2 billion bp Common name: Human Paris japonica Genome size: 150 billion bp Common name: canopy plant Students also viewed Phage genome size varies enormously, ranging from the ~3,300 nucleotide ssRNA viruses of Escherichia coli [16] to the almost 500 kbp genome of Bacillus megaterium phage G (our unpublished data). This genetic material uses the host cell's ribosomes to replicate, and synthesize proteins for the capsid and tail of the phage. Rapid evolution of the human gut virome. Curr. Phages that can strictly undergo a lytic mode of replication. A highly abundant bacteriophage discovered in the unknown sequences of human faecal metagenomes. & Leplae, R. Reticulate representation of evolutionary and functional relationships between phage genomes. PubMed Central You could not be signed in, please check and try again. USA 110, 12798 (2013). Rev. Virol. Opin. Biol. Sci. Microbial ecology provides a framework for considering this, in that constant infection of bacteria by bacteriophages provides a strong selection for phage resistance, coupled with the necessity to evolve phage variants that overcome resistance. Sci. Temperate phages acquire DNA from defective prophages by relaxed homologous recombination: the role of Rad52-like recombinases. J. Bacteriol. Science 348, 1261498 (2015). The capsid of a bacteriophage can be icosahedral, filamentous, or The T2 39 gene, along with the 52 gene, encode the smallest topo II. USA 99, 1425014255 (2002). Its genome consists of linear double-stranded DNA, with repeats at either end. We predict that many more phage genes participate in these dances for survival, but that answers to these questions will await further dissection of bacteriophages genomes and their biology. 8600 Rockville Pike PRINTED FROM OXFORD REFERENCE (www.oxfordreference.com). Payet, J. P. & Suttle, C. A. Proc. is a recipient of graduate scholarships from the Fonds de Recherche du Qubec Nature et Technologies (FRQNT) as well as Sentinelle Nord, and is a recipient of the Goran-Enhorning Graduate Student Research Award from the Canadian Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Foundation. Rodriguez-Brito B, Li L, Wegley L, Furlan M, Angly F, Breitbart M, Buchanan J, Desnues C, Dinsdale E, Edwards R, et al. An official website of the United States government. Popul. Thingstad, T. F. & Lignell, R. Theoretical models for the control of bacterial growth rate, abundance, diversity and carbon demand. Appl. 395, 754768 (2010). PLoS Genet. Lebedev, A. First, there are examples of short conserved sequences at gene boundaries that could serve to target homologous recombination to these positions [27,28]. . Cell 160, 447460 (2015). The extent of nucleotide similarity is displayed by coloring between the genomes, color-coded by spectrum with violet being the most similar and red the least. Hua, J. et al. From: Before Kristensen DM, Mushegian AR, Dolja VV, Koonin EV. Microbiome 5, 83 (2017). Pasteurella phage F108 [19]] for the Podoviridae, Siphoviridae, and Myoviridae respectively, but there are broad size ranges among these. Bacteriophages genomes arguably also harbor the greatest genetic novelty in the biological world, in that most of their encoded genes (perhaps as much as 80%) are unrelated to known proteins, and are of unknown function. Drosophila Melanogaster 123 million b.p. Simmonds, P. et al. The largest known genome is possessed by the canopy plant Paris japonica 150 billion base pairs. Web1 Introduction. A 3D conformation termed after the capsid protein structure of phage HK97. Evol. Legrand, P. et al. Hendrix, R. W. Bacteriophages: evolution of the majority. Brum, J. R. et al. The smallest known genome is possessed by the bacterium Carsonella ruddi 160,000 base pairs. Proc. Global morphological analysis of marine viruses shows minimal regional variation and dominance of non-tailed viruses. About 70% of these sequenced phages correspond to only 12 different bacterial hosts, and this modest collection likely represents just a small portion of the overall diversity. 13, e1007018 (2017). Avrani, S., Wurtzel, O., Sharon, I., Sorek, R. & Lindell, D. Genomic island variability facilitates Prochlorococcusvirus coexistence. 3 E Hoyles, L. et al. It is in the genus Tequatrovirus, and the family Myoviridae. Rev. A broadly implementable research course for first-year undergraduate students. The site is secure. McKenna, R. et al. The T2 phage can quickly turn an E. coli cell into a T2-producing factory that releases phages when the cell ruptures. 9, 472484 (2015). Viral tagging reveals discrete populations in Synechococcus viral genome sequence space. The first phages that were studied in detail included seven that commonly infect E. coli. Deveau H, Garneau JE, Moineau S. CRISPR/Cas system and its role in phage-bacteria interactions. Virus Res. The possibility that some of these small genes provide no selective benefit to the phage that carries them cannot be ruled out, but their generally orderly arrangement on the genome, with good translation start sequences argues against their being disorganized junk DNA. Genomic sequences of bacteriophages HK97 and HK022: pervasive genetic mosaicism in the lambdoid bacteriophages. Limnol. USA 110, 1077110776 (2013). Curr. 3, 566571 (2013). Nature Reviews Microbiology The issue is further complicated by the presence of genome sequences that are phage-derived or phage-associated but play biological roles separate from viral lytic growth. Opin. Their dsDNAs are linear, cyclically permuted, and terminally redundant. T4 was the subject of the classic studies by Benzer (1955), Crick, Brenner et al. 73, 7059 (2007). This study uses the largest collection of phages infecting the same host (M. smegmatis) to evaluate evolutionary relationships, genomic clusters and discreteness of these clusters. To obtain This study uses single-virus genomics to identify the most widespread phages in the ocean, which were previously overlooked in metagenomics projects because of their high microdiversity. Virol. Overall, phage genomes represent only about 15% of all viruses with known unique sequences and are thus vastly under-represented in the genome databases. The phage is covered by a protective protein coat. In 1952 Alfred Day Hershey and Martha Chase used the T2 bacteriophage in a famous experiment in which they demonstrated that only the nucleic acids of phage molecules were required for their replication within bacteria. Peabody, D. S. The RNA binding site of bacteriophage MS2 coat protein. T2, T4, and T6 phages differ in the cell wall receptors to which they bind. Adams, M. J. et al. A likely major contributor is illegitimate recombination, or recombination between short conserved sequences (a few bases), coupled with functional selection of genes [30]. Commun. WebThe T-even viruses (T2, T4, and T6) have heads 80 110 nm, while the T-odd phages (T1, T3, T5, and T7) have isometric heads about 60 nm in diameter. 62, 121126 (2014). WebT2 phage Genome size: 170,000 bp Common name: virus Escherichia coli Genome size: 4.6 million bp Common name: Bacteria Drosophila melanogaster Genome size: 130 million bp Common name: Fruit fly Homo sapiens Genome size: 3.2 billion bp Common name: Human Paris japonica Genome size: 150 billion bp Common name: canopy plant Students also viewed WebThe T-even phages, T2, T4, and T6, were used as model systems for the study of virus multiplication. Hendrix, R. W., Smith, M. C. M., Burns, R. N., Ford, M. E. & Hatfull, G. F. Evolutionary relationships among diverse bacteriophages and prophages: all the worlds a phage. Williamson, K. E., Radosevich, M. & Wommack, K. E. Abundance and diversity of viruses in six Delaware soils. 1, 2, 3. Restriction enzymes in cells, not eppendorfs. Tremblay, D. M. et al. Mosaicism is of course not confined to phage genomes as bacteria also acquire DNA by horizontal genetic transfer; but the extent appears to be much greater in bacteriophage evolution. Pope WH, Jacobs-Sera D, Russell DA, Peebles CL, Al-Atrache Z, Alcoser TA, Alexander LM, Alfano MB, Alford ST, Amy NE, et al. Mob. Abrescia, N. G. et al. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Nature Reviews Microbiology (Nat Rev Microbiol) Twelve previously unknown phage genera are ubiquitous in global oceans. Friedman SD, Genthner FJ, Gentry J, Sobsey MD, Vinje J. Gene mapping and phylogenetic analysis of the complete genome from 30 single-stranded RNA male-specific coliphages (family Leviviridae). 162, 14411446 (2017). King G, Murray NE. The phage-related chromosomal islands of Gram-positive bacteria. Of the 43 phage-encoded proteins, 16 are used in constructing the head and 27 for the tail. Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. Internet Explorer). From: Gene-Environment Interactions in Psychiatry, 2016 View all Topics Download as PDF About this page DNA Topoisomerases: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Viruses in a 14th-century coprolite. Labrie, S. J. Experiments conducted in 1952 by Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase demonstrated how the DNA of viruses is injected into the bacterial cells, while most of the viral proteins remain outside. In many cases, the modules that are being exchanged correspond to single genes (Fig. Leiman, P. G., Chipman, P. R., Kostyuchenko, V. A., Mesyanzhinov, V. V. & Rossmann, M. G. Three-dimensional rearrangement of proteins in the tail of bacteriophage T4 on infection of its host. Hershey, A. D. Inclusion in an NLM database does not imply endorsement of, or agreement with, T2, T4, and T6 phages differ in the cell wall receptors to which they bind. Edwards RA, Rohwer F. Viral metagenomics. is a recipient of a fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation (Early Postdoc.Mobility). Sci. 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This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. EMBO J. Brum, J. R., Hurwitz, B. L., Schofield, O., Ducklow, H. W. & Sullivan, M. B. Although most known phages harbour genomes that are shorter than 200 kb packaged into capsids with a diameter under 100 , more and more extremely large phages are being discovered. Microbiol. The DNA of the phage is injected into E. coli cells. Mol. Extensive DNA mimicry by the ArdA anti-restriction protein and its role in the spread of antibiotic resistance. These prokaryotic phage proteins share significant homology with the bacterial gyrase and the ParE and ParC proteins. T phages Structure 6, 135145 (1998). Biol. Rising to the challenge: accelerated pace of discovery transforms marine virology. A suggested new bacteriophage genus: Viunalikevirus. USA 107, 1438414389 (2010). Yuan, Y. Szymczak, P., Janzen, T., Neves, R. & Kot, W. Novel variants of Streptococcus thermophilus bacteriophages are indicative of genetic recombination among phages from different bacterial species. Hendrix, R. W. Evolution: the long evolutionary reach of viruses. Nature 437, 356361 (2005). (ed.) The RBP structure of the temperate phage TP901-1. All Rights Reserved. This article focuses on the MCP HK97 fold and its conservation at the structural level between tailed phages and archaeal and eukaryotic viruses. Furthermore, the recombinant phage bacterial lytic Pell, L. G., Kanelis, V., Donaldson, L. W., Howell, P. L. & Davidson, A. R. The phage major tail protein structure reveals a common evolution for long-tailed phages and the type VI bacterial secretion system. CAS 165, 803812 (2014). Sylvain Moineau. Natl Acad. It is in the genus Tequatrovirus, and the family Myoviridae. 15, 161168 (2017). Gregory, A. C. et al. Bacteriophages offer a special perspective on the diversity, origins, and evolution of viruses, not only in their tremendous abundance there are more than 1031 phage particles in the biosphere but in their distant origins, likely more than three billion years ago [1,2]. Disease-specific alterations in the enteric virome in inflammatory bowel disease. Homo Sapiens 3.3 billion b.p. Iranzo, J., Krupovic, M. & Koonin, E. V. The double-stranded DNA virosphere as a modular hierarchical network of gene sharing. Fierer, N. et al. Nat. Arch. 152, 227243 (2007). Appl. J. Mol. Benson, S. D., Bamford, J. K. H., Bamford, D. H. & Burnett, R. M. Does common architecture reveal a viral lineage spanning all three domains of life? Each of the genes in Phams 236, 2040 and 990 clearly has a distinct evolutionary history. Careers, Unable to load your collection due to an error. 13, 147159 (2015). Breitbart, M., Bonnain, C., Malki, K. & Sawaya, N. A. Phage puppet masters of the marine microbial realm. A high-throughput method to link a virus to its host, consisting of labelling viruses with a fluorescent dye, collecting infected cells by flowcytometry and sequencing the viral DNA. J. Bacteriol. New dimensions of the virus world discovered through metagenomics.
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