I think people should really stop dissing Roy, because it seems hes willing to change for the better to win Pam back. I think JAM will go through a few more minor setbacks before they actually get togetheritll take time. At our age, members of the Class of '48 have an abundance of free timeand Joyce Van Denburgh Doty, MFA '50, made excellent use of it with a detailed response to the Share Your News form.. Perhaps invigorated by the oxygen she uses (though she never smoked, she presumes she inhaled others'), she goes beyond her own TV watching of both old black-and-white shows and modern news to . jim needs to step up (again). oh hell, Ive got nothing. I guess I fail to see how any of what happened last night was contrived in terms of the dreaded quad. Michael: You might be surprised to learn that I have only been to one other wedding. Date of birth: 9 January 1971: Age: 52 years old (as of 2023) Zodiac sign: Capricorn: Place of birth: . It wont take long for Roys true colors to show. Kelly- Post 291 was perfectly put. Whenever I see a wedding in the movies or on TV, I always pay attention to the minor details since for a while I was an amateur wedding videographer. I liked how when Jim was dancing with Karen and Pam gets up watches her go, but he kind of turns Karen that way so he can. Who are all these people? I just feel like he is totally screwing up. Look at My Name is Earl, that show has become so ridiculous that I wouldnt even watch it anymore if it wasnn on right before The Office. I sent it back. Lets not jump to conclusions. Pam gave up her wedding for Jim. In the case of Phyllis and Bob, Im sure Kevin cut them a break especially considering the band doesnt get to play ALL that often and they are friends. > IN ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES FOR 10 WEEKS. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. If so, do you think the Powers that Be might pick up on all this anti-soap-operatizing-JAM talk going on this week? Oh, I saw it coming a million miles away. My only other complaint is that Phyllis copies Pams wedding ideas. In both episodes he got punished for his behavior (banned from the reception hall tonight, being put in irons on the cruise) and at the end hes able to accomplish his goal (his speech to Jim on the cruise and finding Uncle Al tonight). And I, for one, cant wait to see where it goes next. . I am sure she will smarten up and figure it out eventually. Jill I love you. Thats good, because I like Oscar, and I was worried about him last week. Katie arrives at Bill's place and remarks on his floral display. She is most likely an escort, however because Toby couldn't pick her up "at the gym". Dude, keep it together. In "Phyllis' Wedding" Toby is seen with a beautiful woman whom he says he met in the gym, although everyone believes she is a paid escort. Michael exaggerates the importance of his small role in Phyllis's wedding and makes an ass out of himself, and Pam notices that Phyllis stole all of her wedding ideas from her original weddi Michael exaggerates the importance of his small role in Phyllis's wedding and makes an ass out of himself, and Pam notices that Phyllis stole all of her wedding ideas from her original wedding plans. Bill plans for them to eat by the pool and is glad today panned out. I usually dont get the email until the evening, so I am very happy. Tonight was the perfect blend of comedy, romantic and dramatic moments that make the Office the great show that it is. When she was questioning Jim about his past with Pam, she said I moved which completely sounded like I moved for you dont you dare tell me you still like Pam. The episode, which occurs a year after the previous episode "A. I am going to be better. That doesnt make it any less of a stupid and totally contrived plotting move. TV Recap: The Office "Phyllis' Wedding" - geeksofdoom.com The fact that he genuinely cares about her makes it ok in my mind (and I am a big JAMMER). Please, people. ! but I could concievably see these two never getting together And if they did it right I would probably be okay with it. We knew Roy had to rear his ugly head again eventually (he was not in good looks last night) as hes been waiting in the wings for a while.and he struck at a moment of vulnerability for poor Pam. in the story. Heres what i need from this show: KittyKat I completely agree with you. Angela: Congratulations, Phyllis. Heres my fantasy for the next episode: When everyone comes to Pams art show, everyone notices that her work is undoubtedly inspired by Jim in some way, that her subconscious (and her conscious, too) come through in the art. One of if not the funniest episode yet. Minimum monthly payments are required. Side. :) Loved the thing with Creed, and the throw back to the two toasters with Stanley, and everything Angela. If they bring Jim and Pam together, there goes a solid storyline. Well, when in doubt, do nothing, I say. Thats the thing about bear attacks, they come when you least expect it. While she may have been giving Jim signals at the wedding he wasnt giving her anything so how could she possibly know how he feels, especially after his comment to her in the break room in front of Kelly and Ryan in the last episode? Sometimes I wish that this show wasnt on network tv. You know what? But I guess he was reliving one of his severe childhood memories which may explain his regression. Come on. I hope that Dwight/Angela get outted to the office soon, and that we see the Jim/Karen relationship get escalated before he dumps her for Pam. Also, hardly anyone would have the guts to admit to someone that has apparently moved on that they were in love with them. Enjoy the buffet. The episode seemed like we were missing so much. My favorite episode from this season is still Pretzel Day, that was a classic with so many things going on in just twenty minutes of air-time. ive searched and searched to no avail help its driving me crazy, im starting to think i dreamed it.. haha, MaggieJoy, I think its from the bloopers on the season 2 DVD, Dwight says something like we would splash away til 10am and then work the beet fields til well after midnight. Phyllis's Wedding - The Office TV Show (Season 3) By far the best thing this episode is when Ryan pushed away the bouquet so Kelly couldnt catch it. Its beautiful. Im sure Phyllis was invited to Pam & Roys wedding so Im sure she felt obligated to invite Roy to hers? I think its kind of bizarre the number of people who are so pissed at Pam about this. So of course hes gun shy. Its very cute. But Im wondering if maybe its not really the writing that has changed, maybe its the editing. I think this episode would have been better (though it was very good to begin with!) Congratulations, Phyllis. Jim + Pam together = End of showdont wish too hard everyone. He was great and had the perfect run: he sucked up, weaseled in, was exposed, and then expelled. Janine Poreba Amy is Toby's ex-girlfriend, played by Janine Poreba. I mean what did you expect? Hes also too evil. Loved the cold open. Jim looking upset when Roy/Pam leave. I can see pros and cons for both directions. No way Deeeeeeeee lol I thought tonights episode was a lot better than last weeks. But Ryan being with the girls in trying to catch the bouquet, Im sorry. Roy getting the band to play the song was very sweet. But now theyre taking a lot of time from the episodes just to restore the friendship. Then she was gone and now he is working on himself in hopes of winning her back and he is doing it in grand style, plus they have a lot of history high school sweethearts and they probably deserve to be together. The Office USS 3 E 15 Phyllis Wedding. When Phyllis leaves the Michael was way out of his element and it was truly cringworthy as he made a boob out of himself at every turn. For those of you who dont know me, Im Michael Scott, Phyllis boss. [Kellys Talking Head]: I look really good in white. Well whoop-de-do. OfficeTallys impact on The Office: the Mashable interview, The Office cast reunites for a quarantine wedding. They gave back all the gifts when the wedding was called off. I thought this episode was fairly weak other than the awesome cold open and a few other gems (i.e. If Jim sees them together again, hes going to back WAYYYY off, I think. Michael: There she is! Now, post engagement, Pams trying to decipher and so is Jim. Im sorry, it gives me no pleasure. I very big deal between two people and Karen wasnt one of them. ha, ha, ha!!! Do you want to talk about tonight? He or she is really thinking the show through. This leads to my second point, JAM is the central plotline of the show. able to eject a real wedding crasher. Jim told an engaged woman he loved her and she didnt run off with him? Michael: Yeah, yeah, hes kind of a weirdo. Michael/Phyllis dressing room Chelsea says: February 8, 2007 at 9 . And also, YAY FOR TOBY! . I dont think Pam not trying to break up Jim and Karens relationship is any worse than Jim not breaking up Pam and Roy until hes about to leave. But could she really? Michael was way over the top, but I realized why he was dragging the wheel chair. Loved the actor, but shoe-horning Andy back in would just be going backwards for the series, IMO. Give me back the show I fell in love with. She was with Roy for wayyy too long. Everytime that I come near her I did not love this episode. I agree with most of the comments about Jamgetting so old. not the best episode. How so? Uncle Al was hilarious though, as was Tobys little moment of self-satisfaction at the wedding. love the commentary on the season 2 dvd. i love this episode! Watching the episode the first time I laughed a bunch but when it was over I was left with a really bad taste in my mouth, mainly because I thought Michael was way too over the top. Thats um Thats actually fine. Ryan pushing the bouquet away from Kelly. maybe it will be a one time thing and a night Pam just regrets. Dwight, ever vigilant, guards against wedding crashers. Get rid of Scrubs and make this show an hr NBC. So it was kind of like being invited to my own wedding. I say let them eat cake. You can listen to it (if you are interested) at http://www.rickey.org. Toby Mac's wife, Amanda Levy McKeehan, is a Jamaican-American celebrity spouse. I truly do love every episode of The Office, though. So why wouldnt Pam consider getting back with Roy? Toby responds that he met her at the gym. The band I know Ive gotten back together with an ex before, even ones I knew were bad for me. Regarding the Dumbing down of America I think reality TV does this better than any other type of programming. He was def. After last night, do I really need Pam to end up with Jim for me to be happy? The people who obsessively focus on the importance of the Jim/Pam relationship are the reason why Jim and Pam wont get together for several episodes or seasons. *Dwight and Angela are absolutely adorable in this ep. I dont know. That is that is pungent. The bride and groom? Im gonna need some JAM soon or Im gonna die! I disagree that season 3 is about giving the characters more complexity and depth. In a futile attempt to change the discussion somewhat, I found that the wedding portrayed in the ep was somewhat realistic. Okay umm Im sure that Bob Wow. ALSO! Everyone goes through self-doubt and moments of weakness. I think this whole foursome thing is gonna drag on through the rest of the season. The Michael stuff was just sort of irritating, really. And I dont see Michael as more childish or annoying as he is in the previous episodes. In fact, I dont spend a whole lot of time on the internet, period. In interviews earlier this season John Krasinski had said that the show was written realistically, but how is Pam and Jim still not together or at least been something a little more by now, realistic? Ive never experienced something like the Jim/Pam relationship is playing out. as was last weeks. 1hr 30min Office is okay with me :). Especially watching Jim, since as a guy I can identify with more than Pam per se. Toby's date catching the bouquet and Toby being all excited. That being said, dont give up on the writers or the show yet! roy is there, and hes comfortable. Jim: I know. thats all. I dont think there is anything that occured tonight that they hasnt been heading for all season long. wow, im talking about all this like its real life i let myself get waaaay too invested in this show, lol =). I also found the JAM action in this one very painful (but still fun to watch), but I think JK deserves a lot of applause for his acting tonight. anyway, does anyone know where this is from? Click to reveal I kind of took that to mean she was hoping Jim was watching. She cant just tell Jim while hes dating Karenhe looks to happy.KEYWORD LOOKS!!!! the boyfriend says roy wants to do something but hes gonna ACT like a friend at this point. I mean seriously you have a few who dont but a lot of people just seem to come on here to do nothing but complain. Kevin starts laughing and clearly doesn't believe Toby. The answer to that question is a resounding NO! its that simple. Kelley I agree with you. My Mom was marrying Jeff. May 24, 2021. For the last couple of weeks Ive been conducting a similar experiment. Its all gonna get better from here. I really cant help but feel bad for Pam after what happened last night-she is just so depressed and just needed to be comforted, and Roy knew that. Isnt that something you would do if you didnt like someone. ok, for anyone who thinks Karen is right for Jim . and why would jim think pam likes him, especially after her comment last week about setting her up with one of ryans business school friends right in front of him. In order to get six weeks' leave for her honeymoon, Phyllis asked Michael to be in the wedding party, which ramps his social awkwardness up to eleven. Obviously Jim is going to eventually get with Pam but I wish he would wise up to how great Karen is! LOL! toby's date phyllis' wedding actress I almost thought Bob Vance (Vance Refrigeration) was gonna take Michael out back and beat the, well you know. Pam never went to hold Roys hand. Pam is not selfish or self absorbed. We must be patient. Sorry to say it, but Michaels antics were a bit overboard, bordering on not credible. Dwight: Why are all these people here? I can relate to Pam as far as being mopey and lonely and hooking up with an ex (a sort of security blanket if you will) So i wil be optimistic that RAM has not been permanently reunited, because Pam will eventually come to her senses. The supporting cast was so great in this ep. She sits next to him and Kevin at Phyllis's wedding. Some people like the shorthand, some people hate it, but thats what it means. Funniest moment for me was when Ryan murdered that bouquet. When I really think about it, it would seem like just Michael and Jim in a hotel room would be pretty hard to capture without their knowledge. The opening scene was pretty funny actually so Ill add that to my list too. And I agree, people should stop obsessing over JAM.. Pam: Oh, Im such a dorky dancer. It totally bugged me. Agreed Big Turkey I think its just the mentality of wanting what we want when we want it. Kismet have you ever seen the movie HOOP DREAMS. And, lets milk that relationship for all its worth.. And Roy needs to stop being someone he is not. That kind of love is extremely rare and worth fighting for. Original Air Date: February 8, 2007. No this is not our first wedding. I dont like the new sensitive Roy. goldberry, 479, i think it makes perfect sense for that song to be Pam and Roys song-its the story of their relationshiP! People in and out of relationships, and still liking someone else consistently through those other relationships, HAPPENS!!! Michael: and the irony is that, after the ceremony, that dog peed on everything. Websters Dictionary defines wedding as fusing two peices of metal together with a torch. I think JAM is going to recede a bit for the foreseeable future, but continue to bubble just under the surface except for the season ender when we will undoubtedly get jerked around again. Like others have said, lets see more development of the original characters: Meredith (but not just more boozing), Toby, Dwangela Lets see Ryan get a little nicer (whats happened to him lately?). too many spoiler vids for this weeks episode, made it a lot less funny. Sigh. I thought it was awesome. Phyllis fart was so funny that I almost hurt myself laughing. I know there is a lot of Jam Lovers, but that is not the escense of the show. I dont blame her. Really cringeworthy. Totally undercooked. After all, he misinterpreted everything last time. Only to realize at the end of the episode that they are still madly in love with each other. And they asked me to be ring bearer. Sweetest moment of the night was definetly Dwight and Angela who are becoming my favorite couple !! Im going to jump on board and say that I agree with some of the comments and the questioning of Season 3. She has never been a strong leader. The warehouse guys know Bob Vancebut then why wasnt Daryl or any of the other guys/gal invited? Yeah, this episode was way high on drama. Jim and Pam beat the chemical industrys effect on the Chinese economy anyday! I know a fair amount about fine food and drink. Remember, we had quite a few episodes in the first part of this season with practically no Jam at all. Lets move it. If this is going to start Pam playing games with Jim, I hope they cut it out. Hes mopey and hangdog and there isnt anything fun about him anymore. While I am sure that all network television is subject to a certain amount of selling out, I dont necessarily think that this is the explanation for the differences in this season I really believe it is just a progression of the story. You were meant for me, and I was meant for you, Wow, fast responses! Aaah Are you set on that hairstyle? I agree completely. nah. We need something with a little more substance to pin our hopes on. Phyllis, youre a wonderful woman. You look at her, and shes kind of matronly today. The shows dropped A LOT in quality, and I think a lot of people who have noticed are mad about it. Last Phyllis has asked Michael to push her father's wheelchair down the aisle at her wedding, a role that she gave him to secure six weeks off for her honeymoon. The more i think about it the more i get pissed at Pam. Dwight: Youre a real-life wedding crasher, and I must bounce you. She wants it to either blossom or wither and die on its own. But I love The Police. JIM HAS DONE EVERYTHING HE NEEDS TO DO. Is anyone else confused about Jims whole, Heres a hypothetical statement: Im really glad Im with Karen ??? The writers of the show know this, which is why they will work to keep JAM unresolved for as long as reasonably possible. I dont want this to ruin her honeymoon. Theres too many people on this earth. And not in a funny way. :D. I have a question, I have not seen the Ben Franklin Episode yet because I was away on business, and then Watching Phyllis Wedding I didnt see Andy. Hes not, of course. That was great. It is sucking the life out of the show. Greg, I say we get rid of Earl instead. (thats what she said!) Nothing happened in this episode. Also, I dont think peach and teal are the most flattering wedding colors, but thats just me. Blah. Going to have to reboot. Pam and Roy will be short lived I predict meltdown by next week. I knew it was coming the moment I saw him. If this whole Pam, Jim, Karen, Roy mess gets cleaned up by the season finale, and perhaps there is a major Jim and Pam reunion, what do you think next season will be like? Did anyone catch ryan blocking the flowers from kelly. I DID love him hopping up and down outside and trying to regain entry, though maybe because I hadnt seen them yet. How quickly are the episodes uploaded on itunes??? Dwight: Hello, Angela. Amy is Toby's ex-girlfriend, played by Janine Poreba. i dont like purchasing any movies/tv eps thru itunesbut reassured, i will buy season 3 on dvd when its out, just like i did the previous two seasons. "Did you pass wind Phyllis?" I know its probably naive, but Im feebly clinging to the hope that Roy just bought Pam a cup of coffee and left her safely on her doorstep. Dwight was in his element it gives me no pleasure to throw Michael out he said with a wicked smile. more OFFICE space! I know Mike is supposed to be like that, but I prefer goofy, and unintentionally funny Mike to just plain obnoxious Mike. Just my two cents, though. Goodbye Toby (Season 4, Episode . Pam did the honorable thing at that time she kept a commitment she had made. Even so, his delivery is too uptight and mean. Gabe or Toby as Fear, definitely Andy as Anger, Phyllis continues to be Sad, Kelly or Angela as Disgust, and Erin or Kelly as Joy. First, I dont think JAM has become a soap opera. Nobody has amnesia and evil twins are not involved. was smart and wanted to continue to score points (SPIT, SPEW, YUCK), he would have continued his sensitive and thoughtful charade and kindly and gently put her in her car and recommended she go and do something she really enjoys that he used to think was stupid. Please. Outraged, Phyllis' husband Bob Vance throws him out of the reception hall. OK so I just watched it again. His face fell a little as he walked off in the wrong direction. The Office: ''Phyllis' Wedding'' Review Michael tries to take over the wedding, and the Jim-Karen-Pam-Roy quadrangle gets more complicated. I give this ep a 6.5 at best. -Michael dragging the wheelchair down the aisle This Is The Fart Joke From 'The Office' That Took An Hour To Get Michael bordered on the psychotic it got a bit ugly when Bob Vance of Bob Vance Refrigeration threw him out. The Travis song that they played was the same some from The Client, that Pam And Jim listened to on the ipod. charleston style house plans for narrow lots. Niagara (The Office) - Wikipedia but its only a matter of time. People say this season is overly Jam-dramatic, but in my opinion, its not any more so than last season. This episode seemed so edited; they crammed several quality scenes together and then cut accordingly. They had better make it up to me next week or . So its kind of a never in real life thing that bugs me. Sure, hes sweet, but I dont believe it for a minute. I love it when we get those little insights into Michaels past. Grrrrrrr love triangles The separation between Jim and Pam starts to take a toll on their relationship. For those of you who dont know me, Im Michael Scott, Phyllis boss. Drama shows should be ashamed of a comedy show outdoing them in the drama department. 67 | Aram oh I agree its definitly both there faults, its just Pam keeps trying to play the Role Jim did last year, the poor me rutine he doesnt love me but I love him and with her it dosnt work because she does nothing about it but continueinly look wounded. stanley gave a toaster. Sign up now for the movement now sweeping the office, Declare it loud and Proud. I figured it would take more than $20 & think it sucks for you line from Roy for Pam to leave with himseriously, what the blazes is wrong with her!! and I think he deserves a second chance from Pam. Therefore she has to settle taking the easy way out, even though you know she isnt going to be satisfied with that in the morning. Wallflower: Agreed. This was a painful but necessary step along their route together. Is there any other place where I can watch the full episode on-line? Thats just something that shatters the illusion. NBC needs to just make the show an hour long already. Im a huge Jammer and I loved this episodeMy heart hurts a little but I loved the eppy. After an hour, I figured I was in the wrong theater, but I kept waiting. The Jim and Pam moments were touching but frustrating. Theyve always said they purposely film more footage than needed. Perhaps the best Office moment ever: Toby. Quirky is hilarious, but evil isnt. I agree with the general consensus of how this episode was really quite painful. Jim is disappointed in her. Actually, lets bring Mom back in. Phyllis is "sad" and Kelly is "disgust" in the Inside Out movie. That Blood Drive (The Office) - Wikipedia . Michael is eager to participate, seeing himself in a "father of the bride" role, and becomes petulant when Phyllis' father "upstages" him by walking the Michael was more over the top than usual, but that may just be his normal behavior taken out of the office context and implanted in the new setting.
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