Because that is the reality. Your challenge is to create an emoji testimony. They could barely keep their hands on it for a split second, before they were jumping back. Learning Activity #2: Trust Toss Game Related Topics: Faith, Women, Women's Articles, Melanie Newton is the founder of Joyful Walk Ministries, an online ministry that helps women learn to study the Bible for themselves and grow their Bible-teaching skills to lead others on a joyful walk with Jesus. God is with you.. After proving that the Lord God was the one true God, he had the false prophets killed (1 Kings 18:40). How you choose to live daily. Maybe you are afraid of love ordisappointing someone. Textures are key when it comes to what you are selecting. Fear can make us focus more on what were afraid of than what we are trying to accomplish. Thank you for making this available. The viewers loved it! Have some fun with this; maybe describe something much more gross than whats inside. Yet, she chose to trust Him rather than submit to fear. Students will react to what they feel, and think it is much scarier than what it truly is. How does he do that? Challenge them to put this in a place where they can see it and read it each day. Some possible thoughts that our youth group discussed: Some thoughts we discussed with our group: Is fear good or bad? 3. We ask that you help us to loosen the grip on the things we are dealing with. Bottom Line: God measures success by His perspective. Say on the count of 3 that they have to crack the egg on their forehead. This scripture is one that we all should probably memorize because it is so important. So let me ask you: What are you afraid of today? It is HIS divine will that young people come to faith in Jesus Christ and find salvation through the Gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit to bring them to faith. Because God is with us. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." For the purposes of this study, your choice involves moving away from fear and toward faith. In our small group time, we will focus on praying for these fears. People even pay money to go to movies and haunted houses that are full of fear.). When you are feeling frightened, ask God for help, and He will give you His joy. Hold up the index cards with their fears. Once all three have felt the insides of the box, ask each of them what they think it is. Have them continuing tossing and repeating the verse until everyone has had a turn. Thank God for His grace toward you and His love for you. Although The Israelites would have experienced Gods power numerous times, when caught between the red sea and Pharoahs army, The Bible says They were terrified and cried out to the Lord (Exodus 14:10 NIV). For them, fear is real and it is life or death. Its a blessing! 1. Use this free Youth Ministry Bible study in your church or student ministry. Time them and see how quickly the Trust Toss can make its rounds. The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. Psalm 28:7a. You know that feeling. How does having a strong connection with God (one that doesnt fizzle out fast) help you face the busyness of life. Lesson 5:Nothing to Fear But Fear | Youth Group Lessons on Depression | Ministry to Youth The joy that comes from Jesus is something much greater than anything we have ever experienced. Just think about how your body feels when you are really afraid. Here are five ways to grow in faith and conquer your fear. Tell them you need volunteers that are mentally strong and can endure pain! First, I used rotting compost from my kitchenthat was disgusting!! She was never threatened that way, but she was friendly and outgoing. There are some places in the world today where people worry about violence or what they will eat. What have you learned about trusting God and living by faith in that area? adroll_language = "en_US"; Four Excuses that Keep Us from Teaching Like Jesus, The Black Letters of Jesus One-Year Bible Study Curriculum, Project Serve Disciple Now Retreat Curriculum, Intersections One-Year Bible Study Curriculum, FREE Thankful Instagram Bible Verses For Your Youth Ministry, An orange and paper plate for each student, Various office supplies (thumb tacks, different kinds of tape, staplers, paper clips, string, rubber bands, glue, scissors, and anything else that might be helpful to put the orange back together). In God, whose word I praisein God I trust and am not afraid. Have at least 1 towel per bucket, spread out beside each bucket. Unfortunately, our imagination at times causes us to become unnecessarily fearful. This lesson comes from the Rescue Root in The Core One-Year Bible Study Curriculum. Use this free youth group lesson to teach students that when they experience fear, God is on their side. So in all matters, whether spiritual, financial, healthbecome knowledgeable in order to reduce fear. In the end, although God said he was giving them the land, that generation that witnessed his other miracles, yet was afraid to take the land, didnt get to enter it (Number 14:22-23 NIV). How does it make you feel knowing that God is with you? 18. Free Printable Bible Lessons for Youth - LeaderTreks Youth Ministry Use this object lesson to teach students the importance of sharing their personal stories of redemption. Once the lists are made, each group reads out their experiences. Share a time in which prayer made a difference in your own life. Hes saying, Heres why you dont have to be terrified and paralyzed by your fear. We are to face our troubles without panic and hysteria. Put a plastic spoon in each cup for feeding the taste testers later on. We become people who feel, I dont know if that can work. Shop our Sunday School Curriculum and Bible Lessons for Kids. There are many fears in our life that we cannot handle on our own. This free Bible lesson will helps school children find strength in Jesus Christ when challenges arise. Pray about your fears and decisions you are making to trust God in them. Rally: This i s a Bible study on growing through trials, and worry often comes from our trials! A woman with a quiet spirit has an inner peace and calmness in the midst of any circumstance. Prayer has the ability to change things in our lives. Lesson 2: Fear of Missing Out. adroll_adv_id = "HZPSJMNZ2NAOFORXG64A4U"; Pin on Youth Group Bible Lessons - Pinterest Now, picture yourself facing those situations WITH GOD. Its your daily life. The interactive experience below is designed as a practical, meaningful children's sermon on fear. As youth pastors, our job is to help teenagers find their identity in Jesus Christ. Youll also like this. What should we fear? It was really difficult to add more water to the cup that was already full without first getting rid of the syrup. The Key to Overcoming Anxiety for Youth - This game is hilarious we had four youth attempt this game two of them only got 7 coins out in 2 minutes, one got 10 coins out, and one brave soul got 14 coins out! It was impossible to get rid of all traces of syrup. You should end up with Cup 1 holding one inch of water and Cup 2 filled to the top with water with a one-inch layer of syrup sitting on the bottom. Give them index cards and pens to record what happens. 5 Life-Changing Ways to Keep Faith over Fear - But like it says in Luke 18:18-30: What is impossible with man is possible with God., You can find 5 more activities in our post Youth Group Activities with a Message., Angie Franklin is the Director of Operations at LeaderTreks and has worked in youth ministry since 2000. Lesson 1: Fear of Failure. 5 Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. Peter identifies these examples for us as holy women of the past. The word holy means set apart for Gods special use. Junior High Ministry Lesson on Fear In 1 Peter 3, Sarah represents several other everyday women who lived in Old Testament days who put their hope in God and found Him worthy of their trust. Check out the possibility of serving with us! He will rescue you from all your trouble! water and Sprite (or any clear soda, diet or regular), a stop watch (or stop watch app on a mobile device). Most often though, our fear is about not trusting God with the direction of our life. At the end of the day, Elijah, The Israelites, and Esther got through the situations they feared. ), For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13, (He helps us. 2. I said, 'You are my servants.' I have chosen you and have not turned against you. We had 12 youth in attendance, so we split them up into 3 teams of 4 people each, and I kept points throughout all the games to see who the winning team was. Were there any fears that we should add to this stack? We know fear has a dark side as well. Don't pretend like your stress isn't real or that you can handle it on your own. At one time, they were 20-somethings, then 40-somethings, then 60-somethings and maybe more. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. When I was younger, I used to be afraid of ___________. We believe that God is the loving Father of all kids. Is there any way to take an orange apart and put it back together perfectly, exactly the way it was in the beginning? Our God is all-powerful. Read each card and prompt the students to respond Do not fear. How did it make you feel to know that you are not the only one who gets afraid or fears certain things? The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18, (Jesus love for us is perfect. Learning to do that is our walk from fear to faith. Steve and I decided this week to focus on fear with our youth group. What motivates you. They should think to themselves what it is, but dont say what they think it is until all three players have had a chance to feel. When we allow fear to drive our actions, we are missing out on the opportunities God has for us. We care about our students, so it is important that we do not dismiss their fear, but rather, teach that Jesus can give them the strength to overcome the things that cause them to be afraid. What are your choices for acting on that fear? These enable a woman to do what is right and not give way to fear (verse 6). Some of the strongest biblical characters experienced it initially but conquered it. Being afraid is like being in a prison, but God has set us free. Situations come up in life that naturally causes us to be so. Think how a womans hysterics affect those around herfamily, friends, and coworkers. ), what would you want to be sure to include? When we played the game at the beginning of our time together, we found that the things we were touching in the boxes felt a lot scarier than whatthey actually were. adroll_version = "2.0"; In conclusion, The Bible teaches us that we dont have to fear. 5: 22-23) in a believers life and available to every Christian woman who desires themthat includes you and me! Everyone will sit in a large circle and when the music stops, if you are holding the box, you have to reach in and grab an item. What things give your relationship with God the most staying power or strength, like the Pop Rocks & Sprite combo? However, they cant reach into the bucket to collect coins when theyre standing on the towel, so it will slow them down! But it is almost like God knows that we will struggle with fear, isnt it? (Anyone up for a sour patch kid?) What is one change you can make this week to draw nearer to God? Ask friends to pray for you. What is something in your life that brings you joy? Menu Item; Menu Item; Youth (6th-12th Grade) Show submenu. We have a faithful God. Their video lesson previews are available for both the Life and Explore Series materials. Bible Story: Fear Meets FaithScripture: Multiple scriptures on fear and faith; focus on Psalm 28:7aTarget Age Group: 1st 5th gradeTime: 45-60 MinutesLearning Context: Childrens Church, Supplies: Bibles, 5 index cards with statements/questions written (from the Bible lesson),Psalm 28:7a visible for students to see, a ball for tossing, example of a Coat of Arms, poster board templates of shields or multi-colored construction paper cut-outs of shields (one for each student), crayons or markers, optional sour patch kids and optional mirrorfor introduction. Wow! We dont want to come across as pushy, and were worried people will be offended when we talk about our faith. Take the remaining time and ask students to take turns praying for the fears of each other. Read Hebrews 11:6. I have a wonderful church family, but we are not always able to obtain teaching material. That friend will catch the ball, repeat the verse, and toss it to someone who hasnt had it yet. By the time the last list is read, the group with the highest number of unique experiences wins. Why isnt the reconstructed orange as appealing to eat as the original? But, what is faith? (Or have pre-cut shields ready.)3. No judgement. I share more about our fear of doing what God gave us the ability to do in my article 3 Lessons To Learn From The Call of Moses. Once we experience Gods joy, we will begin to recognize how much greater it is than our fear. Jesus applied Gods name I am to Himself (John 4:26; 8:59). When we pray, God does incredible things. They experienced hormone fluctuations and menopause. This site has helped me in instructing a preschool class and childrens class that I teach. Connecting ourselves with him and following his leadership is the only way we can be in harmony with God again (Rom. and those who hate the righteous will be punished. When we look to God for help, not only does He help us with our situation, He gives us His self. You can't. You need God's help, and he is here to help you. We need to think of it as a gift. It may help to switch the boxes around, or have a fourth box to rotate in, as to bring variety to the game. Old Testament women. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10, (God is with us no matter what fearful time we are going through. Lesson 1: Fear of FailureBible Verses: Matthew 19:30, Matthew 20:16, Matthew 20:26-27, Philippians 4:11-13Bottom Line: God measures success by His perspective.Lesson 2: Fear of Missing OutBible Verses: Philippians 4:11, John 10:10, Matthew 6:33Bottom Line: Only God brings us what we really want in life.Lesson 3: Fear of RejectionBible Verses: Galatians 1:10Bottom Line: Its OK to be rejected for the right reasons.Lesson 4: Fear of Pain and SufferingBible Verses: John 16:33, James 1:2-4, Hebrews 4:15Bottom Line: Pain and suffering do not have the final say. Have you ever felt terrified? OBJECT LESSON done by Dr. Mark Jackson using a candle, fire and snuffer to show how faith is always able to overcome fear. 6. What is causing you fear today? In the Bible, walk refers to following a certain course of life or conducting oneself in a certain way. Read Isaiah 41:9-10 (NCV): "I took you from places far away on the earth and called you from a faraway country. Consider examples of both real fears and imagined ones in your life. As everyday women, they cooked meals, did laundry, and raised children. Is there something you know you should be doing in life, but fear is keeping you back? It isnt good or bad in and of itself, but depending on how its used, it could be either, Fear could be good if it stops you from doing things like jumping out of a window, or stealing something (fear of getting caught), But fear could also be bad if it stops you from doing something you, It says we should fear the Lord (verse 9), And then David goes on to explain what fearing the Lord actually means, and how we can do it, Our speech: Dont speak evil or tell lies (verse 13), Our actions: Do good, seek peace, and work to maintain peace (verse 14). The lessons are: Lets look at each of these lessons in detail. Wow! Moses, for example continually gave excuses as to why he couldnt lead the people out of Egyptian slavery, but as you know he eventually did. I took you from places far away on the earthand called you from a faraway country.I said, You are my servants.I have chosen you and have not turned against you.10 So dont worry, because I am with you.Dont be afraid, because I am your God.I will make you strong and will help you;I will support you with my right hand that saves you.. Have each team nominate someone from their team to be a taster. We ask that not only would you take away these fears, but that you would replace them with your joy. 3:1619). If peace was important, they used white. It's a helpful Bible study even if you don't struggle with emotional eating. We think to ourselves, Nothings going to work. We all struggle with being afraid. Our faithful God understands this about us. They faced invading enemies, sick family members, and empty pantries. These women also experienced fear at various times in their lives just like we do. When that young daughter became a strong teen girl who was daily hockey-checking her older brother into the wall as they met each other in the hallway, those nightmares stopped. They had responsibilities inside and outside of their homes, including home businesses. Many people fear death or someone you love dying. Bottom Line: When you experience fear, know that God is by your side! Use this object lesson to help students think through how to strengthen their daily connection with God even in the midst of being busy. Nothing that we do has the power to restore Gods perfect harmony. You are part of that world that God loves. We cant do it on our own. Our examples are Old Testament women. As His children, we can trust Him because He is a good Dad., There is no fear in love. The catch to this game is that all the eggs are cooked, so no one will get raw egg on their face. Can You Believe it? Doubting Thomas Bible Study for Youth Have them draw pictures that represent their unique personalities. God knows this about us. Search for peace, and work to maintain it. These verses in The Book of Psalms is a poem that David wrote to God. Sweaty palms. Read 1 Samuel 17:41-51 David had courage. This lesson comes from the Project Serve Disciple Now Retreat Curriculum. Get responses from students on what would they fear and why. I experienced an imagined fear as my youngest daughter was growing up. The material for Halloween is really helping me to teach children the truth about scary situations. If you search the Bible, the word Fear is mentioned 326 times. Ask all other students to be Observers. Jesus was very busy, yet he showed us a very important truth. 3 key Bible verses about overcoming fear for kids In Isaiah, God commands us not to fear. | Matthew 14:22-32, 4 Encouraging Short Devotions on Generosity, Youth Bible Lesson: The Lords Will be Done., 15 minutes Go into a discussion time by sharing Psalm 34 and asking 4 probing questions about fear, 5 minutes End with a funny video about overcoming fear, Cut one side of a box out, so that all your youth can see whats in the box. But the more we fear the Lord and trust His sovereignty, the less we will be at the mercy of our fears. I dont know what Id do without your site. That means no permission is needed as long as you credit this in the final work. And he can and WILL give us the strength to face those fears. adroll_pix_id = "IWWTNICOSVE4FFQ7EJEVEV"; For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Lets investigate today. This lesson comes from the Intersections One-Year Bible Study Curriculum. On your second sheet of paper, write out the story you told with your emojis. GENTLE does not mean passive, weak, or someone who cannot help herself. Ask each student to share a fear they have. This verse says that when David prayed for God to take away His fears, He did. Rather, it means controlled strength. Picture a mother cradling a newborn. Line up the plastic cups so everyone can see them. It was first prepared for a Childrens Church setting, but would work well as a Sunday School lesson also. Take some different canned foods or baby food purees. 10 Minute Sermons for Youth | LeaderTreks Youth Ministry Blog Examples of scriptures that speak about fear which are good to remember are: The scriptures are numerous. For example, some people have what is called Acerophobia, which is the fear of foods being sour. After 3 minutes, compare the fizzing status of each Pop Rocks & liquid combo. Repeat this process, preparing enough cups for each group of students to have one set. We explained that, today, we are focusing on fear, and discussing that. Interested in being part of a community that is shaped by values and driven by a common mission? When does your relationship with God seem to fizzle out fast, like the Pop Rocks & water combo? Jesus, we ask that you would help us to let go of our fears. In other words, we will be given everything we need in Him. Slowly add more water on top of the syrup layer until its filled to the brim. What The Bible Says About Success In Life, 3 Lessons To Learn From The Call of Moses, Input/Output: Change Your Environment, Change Your Life, and Fear Will Keep You From Succeeding In Life. By meditating on them we become more aware of his divine protection and that knowledge makes us less fearful. As mentors, we should allow room for questions and doubts, but also guide youth in the direction of Christ as they wonder and explore. Main Points. For younger children, the My God is So Big Song would be a good addition. 13 Then keep your tongue from speaking evil. YOUTH GROUP LESSONS ON FEAR | Ministry to Youth Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Playing an instrument? Please use our childrens ministry curriculum and Sunday School material for any purpose that brings honor to Jesus. Instead, we should look for opportunities when we are afraid to ask God to take the fear away from us. God Is in Control | Object Lesson on Fear and Anxiety | Object Lessons Then through Gods power, he miraculously provided food for her, her family, and himself (1 Kings 17:13-15). Now this list of what we fear would also change depending on where we are in life or what type of community we live in. Put optional supplies (large dish or towel, wipes) on tables if youre using them. Pray for God to take away that fear and replace it with His joy. The more you are afraid, the less you live the life that God has for you. What do I do about calling a priest father at my Catholic University? Blindfold the participant and have them reach their hand into the box remember, they have no idea whats inside! What was something that you were really afraid of as a small child? QUIET does not mean whisper, silent, or bland. Turbulent teenage years often bring doubts and uncertainties. What are some other things people may be afraid of? Using only 10 emojis, tell your story in a way that you think others will understand. Ballet? Allow the crowd to be involved as well, as many of them will react based off of the students reaction playing the game. Ask for the next 2 volunteers and continue until all of the beans have been tasted. Every time, that phrase is emphasizing, We have a personal God. In the fog of fear, we often look to the wrong things to bring us peace and comfort. Their storiessnippets of their biographiesare preserved for us to get to know them, and to know their God who is also our Godan ever-faithful God whose character never changes. adroll_current_page = "other"; The first student to receive the ball should say the verse and toss it to a friend. We may not be asked to face a 9-foot tall man, but there are some giants in our lives. But no amount of telling yourself that it was ok before that point seemed to help, did it? This website really helped make my transition a lot smoother it is very helpful and educative. To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it. You are each a blessing to help others. Spin the wheel provided in the game to choose the color of jelly bean to be tasted, hand the youth the beans, and on the count of 3, they eat the bean. If so, what would you need to do it? God Is Stronger Than My Fear (COVID-19 Lesson for Kids) - Ministry Spark Often times the things you are most afraid of, arent all that you think they are. Thank you for sharing your ideas! Because the syrup is stuck in the bottom of the cup, this will be almost impossible unless they first make room by getting rid of the syrup. Fear is thinking that possibly you wont get what you want, Fear could be knowing something bad is going to happen and not liking it, Fear is like in the game where you dont know what youre touching, but your mind makes it up, the feeling of fear makes us feel desperate (verse 6), When we fear, we feel like we need help (verses 5, 17), It could make us feel brokenhearted or like our spirits are crushed (verse 18), Things/situations going on at home (family struggles, relationships). We human beings were gifted with the power of imagination. Not that we are competent in. These were everyday women, just like we are. After the games were done, we got our chairs into a circle and read Psalm 34 together. 22 But the Lord will redeem those who serve him. 15 The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right; his ears are open to their cries for help. Maybe you are afraid because someone in your family is really sick. Third, a teddy bear. Here's a quick overview of our lesson plan: 45 minutes - Start with 4 "fear" games 15 minutes - Go into a discussion time by sharing Psalm 34 and asking 4 probing questions about fear 5 minutes - Wrap up with prayer No! Show students your Coat of Arms example. Copyright Ministry-to-Children. Elijah wasnt the only biblical character that was fearful. Bible Truths for Overcoming Fear: Lesson Ideas for Kids Then have the sharing student read his or her story from the other sheet of paper to see how close the rest of the group got. Define the Proper Source of Confidence for Faith "Such confidence we have through Christ before God. We can let fear take root in us so that we give way to panic and hysteria. I also made them use hand sanitizer after they washed! I dont know if I can get through this. But, when we look at the Bible and begin to see how God has empowered everyday people like you and I, the Holy Spirit takes the Word of God to strengthen us and give us courage that we didnt know we had. After all students have gone ask them what they think was in each box.
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