In Aztec religion, Chantico was a domestic deity. [4] Chantico was also known by her calendric name, Chicunaui itzcuintli (Nine Dog). Who Is Goddess Chantico? | Encyclopedia of Goddesses - Kiran Atma He is the protector of traveling businessmen and merchants, but also guards travelers in general. Chantico goddess of fire was the main character of an interesting myth describing food taboos among the Aztecs. While his brother is often referred to as the morning star, Xolotl is the personification of the planet Venus: the evening star. Chimalma is a Great Mother Goddess, and mother of the Absolute Being. Federica Costantini. When Tezcatlipoca manifests, he frequently takes the form of a jaguar, coyote, or other animal. 1 / of 12. God of will and the sun, patron of war and fire, the lord of the South. Underworld. The Story Behind the Name - Chantico Global This means that the Aztecs believed that the sun went to the underworld at night. Tlaloc is depicted with features of a jaguar, with large eyes and teeth and sometimes claws. She was mainly associated with the fires burning in the house hearth but was considered to be the protectress of the house and of the possessions inside it in general. Xochiquetzal is the Aztec goddess of love and presides over the female reproductive cycles. While the hunt was important, even more, important was their knowledge of astrology. The Gods have provided us with a robust privacy and cookie policy which all mortals are advised to read. Explore Aztec Mythology - Godchecker Chantico was a passionate and angry Aztec goddess. Nicknames: Lord of the Earth, Earth Monster. While Quetzalcoatl and his brothers manifested civilization after the fourth eclipse, Tonatiuh is referred to as the Fifth Sun. She broke a fast by eating paprika with roasted fish, and was turned into a dog by Tonacatecuhtli as punishment. While she was meant to fast during a festive period, she ate paprika with roasted fish. Look but don't touch, okay? Chantico is the Aztec goddess of home and hearth fires. She is a guardian spirit who protects whatever is valuable and precious. She was shown in maiden form carrying flowers, in mother form carrying corn, and in crone form who brought death in a subtle and loving manner. Angered, Tonacatecuhtli changed Chantico into a dog, as a form of punishment. Fire Goddesses Around The World - The Extensive List - Symbols and Meanings Early depictions at Tetihucan usually show two snake gods: one looking inward to the city (Quetzalcoatl) and the other looking outward. Anti-Aging Collagen Moisturizer Anti-Aging Collagen Moisturizer . Mictlntcutli was but one of the many Aztec gods and goddesses that ruled the underworld. In any interpretation of the myth, Tezcatlipoca didnt have a good relationship with Quetzalcoatl. Please note: She is in charge of material wealth and valuables, as well as safeguarding the house from theft and loss. Chantico is the goddess of fire and hearth in the Aztec religion. Because Tezcatlipoca was the first sun, the groups of brothers that created the suns would be called after the pioneering brother. This is also where you can pay for WoTCs School of Witchcraft courses and any type of reading, clearing, blessing, or spellwork. AZTEC gods by HYPERTARGET on DeviantArt Technically, she wasnt the mother of all Aztec gods. Goddess of lust, carnality, sexual misdeeds. Now, things get confusing. Mictlntcutli is the Aztec god of death, king of Mictlan. At the center of their religion, they believed in powerful deities that arose from the earth gods that brought war and goddesses that brought peace, gods that brought rain and goddesses of fire. But theres more to Chantico than that. Type: Goddess These gods were adapted by the Aztecs during a time of co-habitation with the Toltec tribes. The Aztec goddess Chantico was an example of this link, just like the Roman goddess Vesta was in the Roman religion. [These pages use text from Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Huitzilopochtli was celebrated in the month of December each year and the city of Tenochtitlan was dedicated to him. To link to this article in the text of an online publication, please use this URL: Because of her mischievousness, she was turned into a dog by the maize-god Tonacatecutli. Litha June 21/22 He is also seen as the inventor of one of the oldest games known to men: patolli. He is the father of Coatlicues four hundred sons, and he is most well-known for his prowess in war. With her red serpent accessories and crown of poisoned cactus spikes, she symbolizes the combination of pleasure and pain. READ MORE: Quetzalcoatl: The Feathered Serpent Deity of Ancient Mesoamerica, Other realms: Aztec sun god, human sacrifice, patron of Tetihucan, Parents: Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl; Siblings: Quetzalcoatl and two other Tezcatlipocas, Fun fact: Was so bright that he could only be seen when using a shield for sun protection. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To learn more about the Otherworldly Oracles website Privacy Policy, visit our Privacy Policy page here. Xipe Totec is connected with agriculture and rituals, but also with agricultural renewal and warfare. Thank you in advance for your generosity. And many are still remembered and worshiped today. One name that is often used when referring to her is Lady of the Dead. Tlaloc was a widely-worshiped deity and there was a site in Tenochtitlan dedicated in his honor. The Aztec god, too, is also referred to as the Smoking Mirror or obsidian mirror because he was often depicted with one of those as one of his attributes. Appearance: Mature Woman. His worship involved ritual cannibalism, with the ancient Aztecs eating human flesh in and around his temples. In Christianity, she would be compared to Mary Mother of God. This Aztec goddess is believed to be the leader of her brothers, which are also referred to as Centzon Huitznahua. Being depicted as such speaks to the perception of Tepeyollotli. She was associated with the town of Xochimilco, stonecutters, as well as warriorship. Spiders, bats, owls and other nocturnal animals are associated with Mictlantecuhtli, as he ruled over the night. The four brothers were given birth by Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl, or the form in which these come together: Ometeotl. [1] Chantico protects the home from thieves and losing things. Or it could also be seen as part of her legacy. For some, it might be unexpected, but the Aztec culture was actually quite open toward homosexuality and (male) prostitution. In addition to being a god of war, he was also a god of the sun, of women who died in childbirth and warriors who died in battle. Submit your writing She isnt really the Aztec goddess of the plant. CORAL CASTILLO (@coral_castillo) on Instagram: " Aztec Fire Goddess- Chantico, is an Aztec goddess who protected and kept the fire o . This is where Mictlntcutli enters the playing field, sometimes quite literally. Your donations help keep the WOTC meet its daily operating expenses and most importantly spreading the word of our Goddess. "[3] However, in depictions of Chantico in Sahagn's manuscripts, Chantico is depicted with an upper-body garment and white skirt typically worn by women. Coatlicue wore skirts made of snakes, hence her name (coatl = snake). Anyway, none of the surviving sources in their possession is able to confirm or clarify this point. Aceptar Next in line of the supernatural beings subjected to Aztec worship is Xiuhtecuhtli, the god of heat, the personification of life after death, lord of volcanoes. One day, a fast of this sort, forbidding anyone to eat paprika, was pronounced by Tonacatecuhtli; nonetheless, the Aztec goddess Chantico could not resist pouring this beloved spice on her meal, which consisted of roasted fish. Other realms: Fertility, beauty, love, mothers, newborn babies, Nicknames: Ichpochtli, Xochiquetzalli, Xochtli, Macuixochiquetzalli. She also has a neat sideline in volcanoes for larger clients. The form and the subject of the statue, a giant head, surely reminded of Coyolxauhqui, and in particular of her role in the myth describing the birth of Huitzilopochtli: according to this story, in fact, Coyolxauhqui and her brothers would have tried to kill their mother while she was pregnant with Huitzilopochtli, but he would have come out of his mothers womb and defeated them, beheading Coyolxauhqui. Fun fact: Tried to stop Quetzalcoatl from remaking civilization but fumbled the bag. Her name translates as she who wears a jade skirt.. And if you dont, might we recommend remembering proper research and respect before approaching a pantheon of indigenous origins. While the Aztec diet was mainly vegetarian, hunting still played an important role. What does that tell you about Aztec domestic life? Nicknames: Maize Cob Lord, the Dried Ear of the Maize God. Beltane Oct 31st/Nov 1st Nicknames: Broken Face, Scatterrer of Ashes, He Who Lowers His Head. [1] Huitzilopochtli led the Aztec people to Tenochtitlan, a fact that was not easily forgotten: half of the city's Templo Mayor was dedicated to him. Power: Grant a Good Crop. And while he could be a forgiving, nourishing god, he could also be vengeful and use hail and thunderstorms when angered. It was not unusual to see that in some religions, there were deities linked to both domestic and military matters. [2][5], According to texts from the informants of Bernardino de Sahagn, Chantico was worshipped in a temple known as a tetlanman, in which priests prepared "red and black pigments, sandals, a robe, and small marine snails" for Chantico's feast. It represents a giant head and has been discovered in theTemplo Mayor, the most important and famous building that could be found in the ancient city of Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire. Chantico was the Aztec goddess of fire. Mabon Sept. 21/22 Perhaps thats why dogs like crouching beside the fire. Chantico goddess of fire was the main character of an interesting myth describing food taboos among the Aztecs. She was married to Tezcatlipoca, the Aztec god of the sky and wind. The depictions of Tonatiuh in the Aztec capital city were ample, which made researchers believe that he was one of the most important Aztec gods. Nicknames: Movement of the Sun, 4 Movement. Tepeyollotl is his name, and he was the ruler of the darkened caves, earthquakes, echoes, and jaguars. Some of his nicknames translate to Seven-Flower or Fifth-Flower. Do we sell Chantico graphic novels, books, video or role-playing games (RPG)? Being the goddess who presided to the domestic fire, Chantico was connected to this element, too, and was therefore linked to the other fire deities of the Aztec pantheon. He was in constant battle just to keep the sun up in the sky, something in which his warlike spirit came in very handy. Her cult was particularly strong among stonecutters. [3], Diego Durn makes no reference to the deity Chantico by name, but does reference a female deity Ciuacouatl which he associates with Xochimilco. Chantico is a domestic deity who lives in your fire and keeps your home safe and cosy. Chantico is the Aztec goddess of fire and hearth. Chantico was the Aztec goddess of both pain and pleasure. With the maguey as her base, Mayahuel is also related to the realm of fertility and connected with notions of fecundity and nourishment. In the myths of the Aztecs, however, the roles would rather be the other way around. Mi amor - Spanish, 'my love' Mi sol - Spanish, 'my son' Tesoro - Spanish, 'treasure' Chantico - Aztec goddess of volcanoes Macahuitl - Nahuatl, a type of obsidian sword (Maya wields in the show) Huixtocihuatl - Aztec goddess of salt water, here to mean the goddess of the sea Xoloitzcuintli - A type of hairless dog, native to Mexico. The role of Mictcacihutl was to watch over the bones of the people that had died, for reasons that are mostly unknown. These two are considered to be the old god and the lord of duality. While many Aztec gods are two different animals or a human and an animal, Tepeyollotli is often depicted as a cat god, a jaguar in particular, in his full glory. It was believed that she lived in the family hearth, providing warmth, comfort, and peace. Chantico: Goddess of Fire One of the most popular Aztec goddesses, Chantico ruled over the hearth and the element of fire. Anyway, there seem to be no other pieces of information clarifying this association of her with butterflies. He is seen as the very god that gave life to (the Aztec) people. Illustrator/concept artist/dust collector. These facts have led some scholars to think that the two deities might be connected. Despite its elaborate appearance, Chantico's Fire remains a budget-friendly option for players who appreciate art and mythology. The next Aztec god is the most creative one thus far. One of these was Quaxolotl, which would have meant split in the upper part,and would have therefore been a reference to Chanticos link to the god of duality and twins, Xolotl. Among stonecutters, she would have been also called Papaloxaual or Tlappapalo, meaning respectively butterfly painting and the one of the red butterfly. 5- Chantico. Lets see this story in greater detail. She was patron of the stone-cutters of Xochimilco and later adopted by the Aztecs and included in their pantheon. It represents a giant head and has been discovered in the Templo Mayor, the most important and famous building that could be found in the ancient city of Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire. Ostara September 21st/22nd [1] She is also the goddess of the family hearth, the home and volcanoes. This is mainly because he caused the movement of the sun. Well, mountains and caves were the place where he resided: a cave in mount Tlaloc. If you continue browsing you accept its use. The Aztecs believed you could call on him to sniff out a good deal or even to see through someones lies and manipulation. In Aztec mythology, Citllicue ( [sitalike]) ("star garment"), also Citllinicue ( [sitalinike]) and Ilamtcuhtli ( Nahuatl pronunciation: [ilamatekti] ), was a creator goddess who created the stars along with her husband, Citlalatonac, the Milky Way, Earth, and also death and darkness. Name: Chicomecoatl. One goddess that was related to fertility is called Chicomecoatl. In her role of protectress of possessions, of the house, and, more generally, of the Aztec homeland, the Aztec goddess Chantico was thought to be able to deny access to strangers and enemies. Mabon March 21st -Codex Rios, The Kingsborough commentary on the Codex Telleriano-Remensis also utilizes male pronouns, referring to Chantico as "the lord of chile" or "the yellow woman. Accessed May 1, 2023. First Quarter 18 Jun 04:54 Purely based on his name, he would be referred to as the year of fire, but also the god of the year and of time. She allows that door between the spirit world and this world to be opened when someone is born. One other thing. Its might sound a bit unorthodox, but this part of Aztec religion played a big role in the respect for the earth that Aztecs were known for. In particular,she was often associated withthe god Xolotl: their connection was represented by the fact that they both were often depicted wearing theyacaxtuitl, a blue nose ornament. Or, rather, the first installment of human civilization. While all four Tezcatlapoca brothers were associated with one cardinal direction in particular, Ehecatl was related to all of them. Chantico, Besides water, she is also related to fertility and is considered to be the protector of children and women during childbirth. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Chantico, from Aztec mythology. She presided over the ancient festival of the dead. Chantico is the goddess of precious things and is very defensive of her possessions. Please do not copy without permission. He was a god of war, mostly. Which they also created. In particular, it wears theitzcactli, the obsidian sandals, and a golden pendant which are often displayed in Chanticos portraits. However, the Aztec god that she was pregnant with was Huitzilpochtli. [1] Chantico protects the home from thieves and losing things. This form allows for the least amount of air resistance. His name means either Hummingbird of the South or Left-handed Hummingbird. There was a ban on eating the stuff during a fast, but she just couldnt help herself. Others might have initiated the plant or spread it, but maintaining it is a whole different realm. Samhain April 30th/May 1st Other Realms: Wisdom, Aztec Priests, Corn, Aztec Calendar, Books. Mason-Dixon Line She broke a fast by eating paprika with roasted fish, and was turned into a dog by Tonacatecuhtli as punishment. This head was called this way by Hermann Mayer, an important Mesoamerican scholar. While both Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlpoca represented the fertility of the earth as gods, Chicomecoatl was their female counterpart. This website contains copyrighted material licensed under a Creative Commons License. Reassuringly protective goddess of hearth fires. The Aztec people had many gods and goddesses that they worshipped, ranging from traditional sun gods to mythical gods and figures. For this reason, probably, Chantico had a tight link to the army and to military life in general, which was made evident in her iconography. The Aztec empire, known back then as the Mexica, ruled central and southern Mexico for more than 250 years, between 1300 and 1541 AD. Like many others of her attributes, this peculiar image, also, might have represented her link with war, since the dish of blood was a symbol of warrior sacrifice. Welsh Goddesses and Gods: List and Descriptions + How to Honor Them, Research and study the mythology, folklore, history and culture of the Aztec peoples, Study the history and modern culture in the areas of Mexico where the Aztecs once lived (and of their descendants today), Make sacred space for the deity you plan to work with, Reach out to this deity via meditation, trance work, and dream time, Embody the Aztec god or goddesss energy in a positive way, Work with the animals associated with that particular deity (i.e. Another evil power almost had the same name, Mictcacihutl. Dont mention the paprika. He is the Lord of all business deals and opportunities. New Historic Site Page Added - 29/03/2012, River Uncovered After 100 Years - 29/03/2012, Block Voting Cookie In charge of: the Hearth But also, just to eat. Generally, Xolotl was related to fire and lightning, showing some overlap with the realm of Tlaloc. Huehuecoyotl Aztec Trickster God. According to Aztec myths she brings wealth and stability to the home. In Aztec religion, Chantico ("she who dwells in the house") is the deity reigning over the fires in the family hearth. As a rain god, its not hard to understand that Tlaloc is associated with water springs and lakes. Four, in particular, were seen as the most important because they, together, designed the world and placed every other deity in their appropriate realms. Enter your email to subscribe to the TWG Newsletter. Aztec gods and goddesses often come in pairs, so its not surprising that there is another god of corn called Centeotl. In Aztec mythology, Xochiquetzal (Classical Nahuatl: Xchiquetzal [otiketsa]), also called Ichpochtli Classical Nahuatl: Ichpchtli [itpotti], meaning "maiden"), was a goddess associated with fertility, beauty, and love, serving as a protector of young mothers and a patroness of pregnancy, childbirth, and the crafts practiced by women such as weaving and embroidery. Other realms: Earthly fertility, Agricultural fertility, Water. help learning about aztec goddess Chantico : r/witchcraft - Reddit Quetzalcoatl was the god of war, the four directions, prosperity, judgment, and resurrection. Her representations, in fact, usually displayed a crown made of spikes of a poisonous cactus, which was seen as a sign of aggressivity and peril,and at the top of her head was often present an ornament of feathers, which were a typical symbol of warriors. Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods & Goddesses. Anyway, in Aztec religion, food was a prerogative of the god Tonacatecuhtli, who used to occasionally declare fasts, i.e. His features are derived both from Aztec mythology and other cultures from central Mexico. Life, that is, not your everyday human life. [5], Chantico (right) depicted in Nahuatl codex Aubin Tonalamatl, Chantico represented in Codex Telleriano Remensis, Chantico (left) as depicted in Codex Fejevary-Mayer, Chantico as depicted in Sahagn's Ritos, Sacerdotes, y atavos de los dioses, Nicholson, Henry. Goddess of: Maize. Oh woe. Name: Chantico Goddess of: Fire and Household Power: Deny Access to Strangers and Enemies Appearance: Woman with a Crown of Spikes Role: Protectress of the house Pantheon: Aztec It was not unusual to see that in some religions, there were deities linked to both domestic and military matters. As a hearth goddess, she was venerated in the home as well as in temples. Though he is considered part of the Aztec pantheon. She was considered a primordial god and seen as an old woman. Lux Ferre September 20, 2017. While his brother Quetzalcoatl didnt accept human sacrifices in any form, Huitzilopochtli was quite the opposite. After doing so, she was punished by other Aztec gods and goddesses, which turned her into a dog. Please confirm you want to block this member. largely due to a large population of stonecutters, known as tlatecque, residing there. The Newsletter is due to be published in -45047 days, on the . Although the Serpent Skirt was their mother, they didnt really like her. The History of Guns, Greek Mythology: Stories, Characters, Gods, and Culture, Aztec Mythology: Important Stories and Characters, Greek Gods and Goddesses: Family Tree and Fun Facts, Roman Gods and Goddesses: The Names and Stories of 29 Ancient Roman Gods, Huitzilopochtli: The Aztec God of War and Sun God, Tezcatlipoca: The Aztec God of Providence, Xipe Totec: The Aztec God of Agriculture and Rituals, Coyolxuhqui: The Leader of the Centzon Huitznahua, Xochipilli: The Patron God of Writing and Painting, Chalchiuhtlicue: The Aztec Goddess of Water and Baptism, Xochiquetzal: The Goddess of Womens Crafts, Quetzalcoatl: The Feathered Serpent Deity of Ancient Mesoamerica, iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order, US History Timeline: The Dates of Americas Journey, Ancient Civilizations Timeline: The Complete List from Aboriginals to Incans, Why Are Hot Dogs Called Hot Dogs? We will examine the following Aztec gods and Aztec goddesses and their characteristics. [10] Eduard Seler, a German anthropologist known for his extensive study of Mesoamerican cultures, notes in his commentary on the Codex Vaticanus B that he believes that Duran confused the Aztec deity Ciuacouatl with Chantico due to the proximity of the cities with which they are respectively associated with. She wears a crown of poisonous cactus spikes, and takes the form of a red serpent. Her name can be translated as She Who Dwells in the House. She was also the patron of Isla Esqueltica. "[5], Upon encountering the colossal head found in the Templo Mayor, known as the Coyolxauhqui-Chantico monument, Mesoamerican scholar Hermann Mayer gave it is current name.
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