It is a frontier that is not formally part of a state, but the United Kingdom claims the area. Answer: Policies or programs designed to address the challenges of political geography can include efforts to promote democratic governance, reduce corruption, and increase transparency in government. For example, life expectancy in the UK in 2019 was 81.20 years old. Coffee is the product. Neocolonialism is a term used to describe the continuing economic and political control of a country by a more powerful outside force, even after the formal end of colonialism. - The data handled by the new technology are recognized as important resource and so efforts are made to manage the data The free-response question no stimulus found there reads as follows: In most countries, the concept of the state as a political unit is subject to the tensions between centrifugal and centripetal forces. Example: the literacy rate of the US is high, The value of a particular product compared to the amount of labor needed to make it. Are you interested to find out how wealthy your family is compared to the rest of the world? Answer: Migration is often tied to political issues such as nationalism, citizenship, and border control, as governments may seek to regulate or limit migration flows. They are widely recognized as a framework for addressing some of the most pressing challenges facing the world, including poverty, inequality, climate change, and environmental degradation. Think about Mcdonald's or Starbucks! The Central African Republic has a current life expectancy of 54.022. Although there might be some elements of secondary and tertiary economic activities in these countries, the bulk of secondary economic activities areundertaken by countries in the semi-developed world - like Mexico, China, Brazil, and regions of India. Many Latin American countries have a history of U.S. intervention and influence, and have implemented economic policies that favor U.S. interests, such as free trade agreements and privatization of state-owned enterprises. Develop a global partnership for development, the unequal distribution of people, resources and wealth that is a fundamental characteristic of human geography; the increasing gap in economic conditions between core and peripheral regions as a result of the globalization of the economy, Economic Sector (Agriculture). This results in uneven development globally. D) Explain the concept of transnationalism and describe one way in which transnationalism can impact the lives of migrants and the communities they leave and join. A) Define the concept of population growth and provide one historical or contemporary example of a factor that has contributed to population growth. F) Explain the concept of assimilation and describe one example of a policy or program designed to promote assimilation among migrants. Use ordinary interest at exact time to solve. For example, the use of certain words or phrases can signal membership in a particular group and reinforce cultural ties. Nations with high population density tend to be poverty-stricken as well, due to too many people in a given area competing for resources (agricultural, financial, etc). Example: Canada. (G) For a multinational state facing the realities of devolution, explain why a government would choose to create an autonomous region or choose to maintain a unitary state. This can take the form of economic policies that favor the interests of foreign corporations and governments, or the use of military or diplomatic pressure to influence the domestic policies of a weaker country. All Ive done is prompted ChatGPT as described above, and then with what ChatGPT returned, produced this post. A) Define the concept of migration and provide one historical or contemporary example of a push factor and a pull factor that can lead to migration. The monetary worth of what is produced within a country plus income received from investments outside the country. %PDF-1.7 % (G) Analyze the effectiveness of one policy or program designed to address the challenges of political geography. One example of a growth pole is the development of a new port or transportation hub, which can create jobs and stimulate economic development in the surrounding region. Uneven development can result in large health disparities. endstream endobj startxref Go ahead and read the Changing economic world explanation to understand more about the different types of development indicators and how they are used. More industrialized. An example of how it can be used to manipulate political outcomes is the drawing of congressional districts in the United States, where the boundaries of districts are often manipulated to create safe seats for one party or the other. the level of wealth, comfort, material goods and necessities available to a certain socioeconomic class in a certain geographic area. 2) Contagion stage - This is a period of rapid and uncontrolled growth in the number and variety of applications of the particular technology. A growth pole is a specific area or sector that drives economic development in a region. Check out the video below whichshows how countries are pulling themselves out of poverty. (D) Explain the limitations of communication technology in furthering the goals of devolutionary groups and democracy movements. The map above shows Brazil's regional Human Development Index. It can provide opportunities to support local farmers and to learn about the production of food and drink. AP Human Geography 320 resources . The precautionary principle: This principle states that when there is a risk of serious or irreversible harm to the environment or human health, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason to postpone measures to prevent that harm. It can show countries that may have rising economies or those which are becoming more industrialised. Are we all living equally? Coffee beans are a raw material. For example, the growing demand for electronic devices has increased the demand for minerals such as coltan, leading to increased mining in certain African countries. Uneven development can result in large health disparities. To be truly sustainable, ecotourism must be carefully planned and managed to ensure that the negative impacts on the environment and local communities are minimized. Need help reviewing for AP HUG?! tertiary and quaternary economic activities. #1-73: Read Chapter 1 (pg. energy replaced continually within a human lifespan, has an essentially unlimited supply and is not depleted when used by people. How does climate affect uneven development? refers to the level fo wealth, comfrot, mateial goods, and necessities available to a certain socioeconomic class or geographic area. To find out more about the inequalities in China and their. US - only 2% of workers are in agriculture. Is areas that provide the majority of the resources for the industrial core. Sustainable development is a concept that refers to the use of natural resources in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Lets break down that statement. 1. Our population is just about to hit 8 billion. The SDGs, which are also known as the Global Goals, aim to create a more sustainable and equitable world for present and future generations. Make sure you understand the terms Low Income County (LIC), Newly Emerging Economy (NEE), and High Income Country (HIC), before carrying on with this explanation! The natural resource curse theory, or the paradox of plenty, essentially describes how countries that have vast amounts of a particular resource, are doomed for poor development. Development is vastly uneven, with some countries being highly developed, while others suffer the consequences of low development. This decline has been due in part to the outsourcing of manufacturing to countries with lower labor costs, as well as automation and other technological changes that have reduced the need for labor. Example: Nepal, A country that has progressed relatively far along a continuum of development. Answer: Two social consequences of urbanization are increased social isolation and decreased community cohesion. The middle countries (not LDC or MDC)- starting to industrialize. An example of neocolonialism is the influence of the United States on the economies and governments of Latin American countries. It is usually used to measure income inequality, but can be used to measure any form of uneven distribution. These can also be used to compare countries with each other. Industrialization, from ancient history to now, has helped power improvements in standards of living in periphery countries, but it has also contributed to geographically uneven . Answer: Technology can be used to address resource distribution challenges by enabling the efficient distribution of resources, such as through the use of online marketplaces or tracking systems that allow for better tracking and monitoring of resource use. Industrialization, from ancient history to now, has helped power improvements in standards of living in periphery countries, but it has also contributed to geographically uneven development in semi-periphery countries. Business development is still very uneven within the UK, because of local transaction costs, variations in institutional thickness, agglomeration, external and urbanization economies, and the continued importance of face-to-face contacts. the desire, ability, and willingness to buy a product, a. demand schedule The Chancellor of Germany in the 1970s divided the world into the 'Rich North' and the 'Poor South', with a line that roughly circled the world at 30. Examples include the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, and the Mayan ruins in Mexico. - Added later to the model. Compares the level of development of women with that of both sexes. For example, life expectancy in the UK in 2019 was 81.20 years old. It states that as one region of a state flourishes economically it does not necessarily improve the economy of another region, but instead, conversely, diminishes the significance and strength of another region. Ecotourism can take place in a variety of natural and cultural settings around the world. Economic Sector (Business Services) - innovator or inventor. The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities: This principle acknowledges that countries have different levels of development and capacity and therefore have different responsibilities in addressing global environmental problems. It has been criticized for its impact on local cultures and economies, as well as for its environmental and labor practices. Students were awarded a point only if they stated both sides of the comparison. The Development Gap shows the difference between richer and poorer countries. Similarly, Silicon Valley in California has become a hub for technology companies due to the concentration of skilled workers, research institutions, and venture capital firms in the region. They use concepts of location and distribution to do so.Especially important in the study of human geography is the tension between .
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