Generally speaking, I tend to say stay away from those things because these products are usually cooked to death in an oven, killing the nutritional benefit. However, the exception to this would be: When you get sea moss, you're not getting it in its hydrated form. Now I could be wrong as I'm always open to knowledge, but it's also important to question stuff vs regurgitating something. And selling is fine, just know what you are selling , Thank you! Things like beta-carotene, vitamin B, vitamin C, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, and zinc are all packed into this tiny package! I realize that on a metaphysical level, one could argue that everything that exists outside of us exists within us and I do agree with that statement. Some even call it the new super food! Certified Organic, sustainably hand-harvested, and good for you and the planet. So I felt like they mislabeled it - I contacted the company asking for clarification about where it's harvested and the color difference, thinking it was supposed to be purple. Because it requires considerable expertise to tell the many species apart, they are generally just referred to by their genus nameGracilaria. Like Chondrus crispus, Dulse, scientifically known as Palmaria palmata, is a red seaweed. This probably explains why people report different experiences when using sea moss products in beverages. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Also look up Larch HansonHe has been harvesting Maine Coast sea vegetables for over 45 years!! How to Make Irish Moss Gel (Chondrus Crispus), BBQ Vegan Lentil Meatballs (No Mock Meats! The benefits are extensive and many users prefer this variety. Unlike the genus gracilaria version we talked about before, this version grows in the colder climates around the coast of Ireland. This means it's more readily available. Gracilaria - Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-diabetic properties are attributed to these compounds. Gina Marie Hoskins. In the video above you (jump to video), at the 4:35 mark, he said: "my brother owns boats and travel to the Caribbean, all the way to Colombia, Venezuela and he always sees Sea Moss on to of the ocean look like gold." Certified Organic wild crops like our Irish moss or other sea vegetables are harvested, processed, and packaged following long-established guidelines meant to promote environmental sustainability. Vitamin D 0%. For me, they have both quality and reasonably priced Genus Gracilaria in this section. So you won't get the same nutrients and benefits because it's not being grown with the rhythm of the sea. Most vendors offer the product for about $30 for a quarter of a pound. I have spent my own money and time trying different companies and these are the ones I like so far. Their high mineral and fiber content, along with bioactive polysaccharides unique to seaweed, are said to make sea moss an effective pre-biotic to promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria. lol Please don't take that literal. Chondrus or Genus? Their shapes and textures also differ; Chondrus crispus is thicker and more bushy in texture its stipes are unbranched, flat and wide with rounded tips, compared to Genus gracilaria, while still slightly bushy, it is more of a branching seaweed, comprised of rounded branches with a thin, finger-like appearance. Your body wont turn one chemical into another and cause more problems so as long as you consult with your doctor, the supplement wont cause such major issues. Sea moss sourced from Jamaica or other tropical locales may be called Irish moss but it is notChondrus; it most likely comes from a related genus known asGracilaria, which has a worldwide distribution. A detailed study of the lipophilic composition of Codium tomentosum, Ulva lactuca, Gracilaria vermiculophylla and Chondrus crispus macroalgae cultivated in the Portuguese coast was carried out by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry before and after alkaline hydrolysis. Yes, wild plants will ALWAYS be superior; same as wildcrafted sea moss, it is superior. Kelp is commonly used in sushi and can be added to soups, stews, or salads, for example. Always consult your doctor or health care provider before beginning a regimen of Irish moss or sea moss. Fake Sea Moss | 3 Easy Tips, Irish Sea Moss (Chondrus Crispus): The Beginners Guide. Gracilaria - Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-diabetic properties are attributed to these compounds. It is not intended for people with eating disorders, pregnant women, women who are nursing, infants, or children. However, unlike sea moss gel, its taste does not allow to create yummy smoothie or cake recipes. None of the content on this site is or should be considered medical advice. Chondrus crispus and Eucheuma are then classified into two different families (Gigartinaceae for sea moss, and Solieriaceae for Eucheuma). Higher added sugar content for most foods has led to an increase in blood sugar levels across the board. This post may contain affiliate links. I have been taking Sea Moss for two years now and I have been very pleased with how it has helped my body. Everyone states that Chondrus Crispus has "92 minerals out of the 102 minerals the body needs." There are a lot of good vendors out now. Pool Grown Sea Moss grows on ropes in unnatural waters and will be devoid of nutrients. If youre not keen on eating the sea moss plain, many companies now sell a gel that gives you the same excellent benefits without the texture or taste. . Depending on its origins, there may be variations in color and nutrient density, but we are still biologically talking about sea moss. Before using the moss for a brew youll need to rehydrate it. This is why there is so much confusion and why people are misnaming this species as Chondrus Crispus or Irish Moss. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. These are all things in the health community we are told to lessen in our bodies and to stay away from. Most vendors offer the product for about $30 for a quarter of a pound. Each post is carefully reviewed by team members for information accuracy and its respective scientific support. Sea moss is potent so there is no need to over-consume if you are living an overall healthy lifestyle. Overall I hope this article gave you a better understanding of the different types of sea moss. Genus Gracilaria can grow on both rocks and ropes. Irish immigrants brought their Irish moss tradition to Jamaica, where it remains popular today as an ingredient in drinks said to restore male vigor and libido. This gelling property is one of its most famous attributes, and it helps explain why Irish moss is especially good for skin care lotions and creams. This lasts quite a while and gives you all the benefits of every type of moss. This is the best article I've come across. I buy only ONE ORDER and then I'm pretty much done for the rest of the year. The samples of Chondrus crispus, Gracilaria ver-rucosa and Palmaria palmata were collected in May 1992 at Pleubian (France) on the Brittany coast. Regardless, use with confidence that itsChondrus crispus,the real deal. The reason for the confusion is people in the warmer climates call the sea moss that grows there "Irish Moss.". Color can be a helpful but not always reliable trait. Chlorella is only available in powders, liquid extracts, or tablets. Years ago sea moss was used as a treatment for tuberculosis and pneumonia as well as a food source for laborers in the potato fields. Sea moss is an umbrella term used to describe different spices of seaweed (some say it's an algae). Chondrus is known as Irish moss and its main health benefit is the amount of potassium chloride in the product. As you can expect, green algae owe their name to their green color due to their high chlorophyll content. Just make sure youre not overconsuming algae to avoid iodine poisoning. True kelps are actually brown seaweeds known as Phaeophytes, and it may be surprising to learn that sea mosses arent even distantly related to kelps even though both groups are called seaweed. Seaweeds are macroalgae. The confusion probably comes from the fact that the three seaweeds are commonly used for their carrageenan extract. We don't believe in that as it will not have the same nutrients as being raised in its natural environment. It takes a high level of moisture and soil that will drain effectively to get moss to grow correctly. Really appreciate the time you put into the article and how detailed your were on each point. Do your research and find quality brands that can deliver to your area and within your timeframe. I'm simply just asking questions as any thinking human being should do. Read full Copyright Disclosure. Two other tropical seaweeds are also marketed as sea moss;Kappaphycus alvarezii(elkhorn sea moss) andEucheuma denticulatum(gus). Among them, Gracilaria, a genus of red algae, is a most promising source as a functioning feed additive and the most studied red seaweed species in aquaculture. A special feature of Irish moss is its high carrageenan content, a mucilaginous polysaccharide used to thicken and gel foods. Chondrus, Kappaphycus,andEucheumaare naturally rich in carrageenan, which comes in different forms depending on species. Here on Marine Species, you can see a snapshot of the variety of the different colors of Chondrus Crispus. Organics Nature only sells real sea moss (Chondrus crispus). They may also positively affect digestion, metabolism, and even ones mood. Graciliara boosts your immune health giving you a better way to fight off colds and flu-like symptoms. As I repeat in all these articles, do your due diligence and use your best judgment. Which one should I Buy? But they could be legit! I tried making it into a gel on my own (thinking it would be more cost efficient) and it tastes horribly salty. Required fields are marked *. The following article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to prescribe or treat any type of medical condition or disease. 2 Main Different Types Of Sea Moss: Sea Moss vs Irish Moss AGAIN, NONE OF THESE COMPANIES sponsor Vegan With Curves. So this is the most commonly recognized version of sea moss. Perhaps I should toss it and start over. Related: 7 Tips to on How to Build Curves on a Vegan Diet, In the video above, in the Chondrus Crispus section, at mark 0:45 (jump to video), Dr. said: "It's supposed to have, potassium iodide, potassium phosphate, a large percentage of calcium and magnesium.". There are heroes in the seaweed, there are children in the morning. Also, Irish Moss has a stronger smell than Genus Gracilaria. On the other hand, sea moss provides more folate and iodine than spirulina. (It's potent stuff so you don't need a lot anyway). Carrageen / Irish Moss /Chondrus crispus has traditionally been used for numerous medical applications, some dating back to the 1830s.It is still used today to make traditional medicinal teas and cough medicines, to combat colds, bronchitis and chronic coughs. To paraphrase another commenter here, your site is one of the most helpful and genuine on this subject, with no hidden agendas. This was very informative and I learned a lot. There are more than 2 types of sea mosses; literally thousands of species in the ocean. Brown algae are nutritionally interesting too. Nutritionally, red seaweeds like sea moss are very interesting. But to be fair looking at it from the other side, that could be due to the overwhelming demand which could be putting a strain on inventory. These variations are just two types; there are thousands of species of sea mosses in the ocean! The main component that helps boost your immune system is potassium chloride reducing inflammation and lowering the risk of infections. Irish moss or Chondrus crispus is much more expensive. Jamaican Sea Moss (Genus Gracilaria) Jamaican sea moss, also sometimes loosely called Irish moss, belongs to the genus Gracilaria. I know of really reputable companies that call it Irish Moss when indeed it's Genus Gracilaria, but again it's just an honest mistake. Purple sea moss is another popular variety of sea moss you often see. Irish Moss Vs Sea Moss | The Sea Moss Harvest Im definitely going to checkout your recommendations. Poligeenan can cause problems within the digestive tract that might eventually lead to cell mutations found in cancers. Botanists classify plants with a specific taxonomy order which goes as follows (from the largest to the most specific): kingdom, division, class, order, family, genus, and species. Your email address will not be published. These pool grown sea mosses are often lacking some critical nutrients and components as the water in which its grown doesnt have the same type of habitat. Copyright Office. Because of the enormous amount of questions I get on a daily basis from that article alone, I feel it's important to share as much information as I possibly can. Unfortunately, this booming popularity comes with a lot of confusion, and sea moss and other seaweeds are often mixed up. It is worth noting, however, that if you are being sold purple sea moss from Jamaica or St Lucia, it is likely not Chondrus crispus, but Genus gracilaria. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalized medical advice. Now my question is if they dehydrate the powder with high heat or other methods that don't destroy the nutrients. ", I'm not saying that statement isn't true. The chemical causes your body to more adequately and accurately respond to the natural levels of insulin in your body which means youll have better control over your blood sugar with less work. But theyre not necessarily red! If the company naturally dehydrates it and use that dehydrated version to create their pills, capsules, and/or flakes. which grows abundantly along the rocky parts of the, is soft and cartilaginous, varying in color from a greenish-yellow, through red, to a dark purple or purplish-brown. I feel whichever one you have access to will be great to consume. I found this 102 Mineral Photo on Pinterest and it made me ask myself this question: From my understanding the body only needs 16 to 22 minerals give or take. Thank you for the accurate information. They work superbly together and are often used in synergy in health supplements. Since those are the ones that are on the market, those are the ones I will focus on. These products may look similar to the real thing but wont offer the benefits that real, naturally grown sea moss will. Fill a bowl with water and put your sea moss in to soak for 4-8 hours. They call these Essential Minerals. Species is most likelyEucheuma denticulatum(spinosum). lol. Irish moss is less likely to be faked than the gracilaria version but there are still imposters out in the world. PDF Use of enzymatic cell wall degradation for improvement of protein Both Genus Gracilaria and Chondrus Crispus can come in varying colors. It's primarily grown in Japan and Taiwan. Weve come across self-proclaimed online sea moss experts claiming that there are two species of sea moss: Gracilaria and Eucheuma cottonii. However, the nutrients and their density may vary depending on the origins, as seaweeds get their nutrients from the water in which they grow. Like sea moss, spirulina is exceptionally nutrient-rich and contains high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Crecimiento de tres especies de microalgas y su effecto sobre los . Easy to read, non-bias, informative content. Spirulina is incredibly nutritious and is another popular supplement used to prevent and treat numerous health conditions. Chrondrus Crispus (Irish Moss) - What's Real and What's Fake? I also liked watching the recipe videos that popped up while I was reading. definitely pinned them to my Pinterest , Gina, I wanted to THANK YOU again! Eucheumaproduces a softer gel known as iota carrageenan. . Irish moss has been famous since at least the 1800s, when people turned to it for food during the Irish potato famine. The nutrient count on this type of moss is extremely high but one of the best benefits is that it grows year-round so its always in good supply when you need another batch. Chondrus crispus (Gigartinaceae, Rhodophyta) tank cultivation: . Common species of edible red algae are Sea Moss, Nori, Dulse, Eucheuma, Guso, Ogonori, Laverbread, Carola, and others. When you remove the product from the package, there will be a slight smell but this is harmless and should be expected! But I would have to do more research before I make the claim that it has "92 minerals out of the 102 minerals the body needs. You can't make a gel with it as you do with sea moss. Join our mailing list for seaweed news, recipes, deals, and more! Okay enough with my "Ted Talk", let's continue. With the rarity and lower availability the price for this version is much higher and many stocks up for just a year so theres enough to last from season to season. Both spirulina and sea moss are considered superfoods and can help reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol and blood sugar, prevent cancer, increase muscle mass, and others. (about 3-4 grams) added to a smoothie contains as much iron as 50 grams of raw spinach and meets 10% of your daily magnesium requirement. Gina, THANK YOU for this article and sharing what you've learned! Irish Moss has it's advantages in rarity (ironically the opposite advantage of Genus Gracilara). Like sea moss, their color may vary from a pale yellowish to dark purple (almost as dark as black sometimes). I have spent my own money (with the exception of one company who sent me a free sample of their product) and time trying different companies and these are the ones I like so far. Its a freshwater microalga and is closer to spirulina than sea moss. I've been purchasing IRISH MOSS (it's labeled chondrus crispus) but it looks yellowish/tan). *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. mar. Let it solidify in the fridge for several hours until its a more gelatinous mixture. Farmed sea moss also helps keep the ecosystem in balance without depleting more natural resources. Each of these contributes greatly toward healthy cell functioning in the body and keeps you happy, healthy, and strong. That is why I wrote the article. You can see how it looks in this photo here. When large amounts of this same poligeenan are present, it can cause stomach lesions and ulcers. This what I like to call, "the Royles Royce of Sea Moss." The recipe to get this done is simple! Kelp is often used as a generic term loosely (but wrongly) applied to lots of different seaweeds. What is Chondrus Crispus? 8 Amazing Facts You didn't Know! - Detox & Cure Chondrus Crispus Seamoss vs Gracilaria - YouTube I recorded this video in September 2020, since then, I've learned so much more about the Chondrus Crispus species of Seamoss, along with. So in that sense, I do understand the need to raise prices. The species Chondrus Crispus has been touted to have 92 minerals for the human body, and praised as. How can you tell what might be fake Irish moss? Having iron in your system is crucial to keeping your energy up whether youre a vegan or a meat-eater. To learn more about pool grown vs wildcrafted sea moss, read this post: Both sea moss varieties are known for their high mineral content, including iodine, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. I'm sure now that it's trending, more studies on this both varieties will come out. JUST ONE OF MANY SUCCESSFUL CLINICAL TRIALS BELOW: CHONDRUS CRISPUS IS THE SEA MOSS KNOWN TO BUILD THE BODY DUE TO ITS WATER STORING ABILITY (200 TIMES ITS OWN BODY WEIGHT).. MADE POPULAR BY THE LATE GREAT ALFREDO BOWMAN AKA DR. If the ground gets too dry or there are low moisture content parts of the plant can begin to dry out and turn brown. How can I tell if my sea moss has been farmed? Sea moss is full of anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties. Chondrus Crispus - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics Yes, sea moss is a seaweed. Now just because something is farm-raised DOES NOT make it harmful or devoid of nutrients. Calcium 1%. The most common preparation is to blend it into a gel that can be used as a thickener or added to your next smoothie or meal. Rather than turning to heavy-duty chemicals and medications, taking a supplement like a sea moss can help control those blood sugar levels and return them to normal. Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento Agriculturasp, most of the worlds supply of these species comes from farms located in Southeast Asia. Below is a photo I took of my personal stash of Irish Sea Moss. About Irish Sea Moss | RyChusMinerals Does the Genus Gracilaria have the same amount of vitamins and minerals as the Chondrus Crispus? This potassium chloride is great for dissolving phlegm often found in the mucous membranes which relieve inflammation. There are thousands of sea moss species, the most popular types currently used is: Genus Gracilaria - Sea Moss (algae) that grows in warmer waters and is . Amazing huh. Species type, location, and temperature are far more important. The original Irish moss goes by the Latin nameChondrus crispusand it has a natural distribution limited to rocky North Atlantic coastlines. It will also have expanded to almost 2 times its original size. (Not as much as wildcrafted but way more than pool grown sea moss). While they chose to eat it out of a large amount of desperation, there was and still is a huge amount of benefits available in this variety as well. Further, Chondrus crispus grows naturally on the rocks in the cold waters of the Atlantic cost of North America, Europe and Canada. Most people who want to use Irish moss purchase pre-dried products there are a few enterprising people who want to grow their own. If youre living that vegan or vegetarian lifestyle or even just struggling to get your iron count up, adding in small amounts of sea moss can help you boost those counts and keep you healthy. It's called "Jamaican Purple Sea Moss" and again is often misinterpreted as Irish Moss. A half a pound can cost you up to $50 easy. hi. There are about 190Gracilariaspecies, but only about two dozen are used by humans as food or medicine. Add the sea moss and the fresh or filtered water to a blender and combine for 1-2 minutes until its completely smooth. Here you will find a collection of filling vegan recipes as well as tips to help keep you healthy and curvy! It is still used today to make traditional medicinal teas and cough medicines, to combat colds, bronchitis and chronic coughs. Drain the water from the bowl and as you do youll notice that the sea moss has lost some of its colors and become almost translucent. Because of its rarity, it's much more expensive. Its difficult for land-based tank farms to economically compete with sea-based farms that have vast acreages at their disposal and lower operational and energy costs. While its most commonly known and grown around the coast of Ireland it can also be grown in Maine, Canada, and other cooler waters. Its also an expectorant, and theres evidence it even has anti-viral and antibacterial properties. Epi-phytes and other contaminants (sand, shells) were eliminated by successive washings with sea water and deionised water. Ive been looking to buy legit sea moss and I dont know if I can trust the amazon vendors. However, if your thyroid is working correctly and you take too much of this seaweed supplement it can cause serious harm by throwing off the natural balance. It can also be found on the Atlantic coasts of Canada and North America. Where to buy Highly Quality Chondrus Crispus. This yellow spiral seaweed is nutrient-dense offering 90% of the vitamins and minerals that our body needs to function. (Assuming you are NOT over-consuming it.)., Breaking Down The Russian Fighter Pull Up Program: Everything You Need To Know. If you have any questions and concerns, feel free to leave them in the comment section. People usually get just get enough during harvest season and use it all year long until next season. While the packaging may not be as flashy, the benefits of Irish and sea moss are highly touted across the health supplement realm! Eventually, we recommend taking spirulina and sea moss together and getting the best of the sea! You should always do your due diligence when sourcing a new product whether it be sea moss or something else to ensure you are getting an authentic, naturally grown product. Again nature varies. I listed legit resources in the article. There are over 6,000 species of red algae. The principal constituent is a mucilaginous body, made of the polysaccharide, , which constitutes 55% of its dry weight. Because it's rare, it's hard to acquire and limits on how much you can get. The purpose of this article is simply to highlight relevant research papers for those curious about potential benefits of consuming Irish Sea Moss. The enzymes were used alone or in combination . Just like with any supplement there are differences between brands and breeds of the plants used in sea moss extracts. has traditionally been used for numerous medical applications, some dating back to the 1830s. While both species vary in color, Chondrus crispus ranges from gold to dark purple or even red. Carrageenan is a mucilaginous polysaccharide widely used to thicken foods. Just because Genus Graciliara comes in the color purple doesn't make it Chondrus Crispus (Irish Moss). But again that's A LOT of Chondrus Crispus and that much alone should last you for at least 6 months if not more. When you purchaseCertified Organic Irish moss milled flakes or powderfrom Maine Coast Sea Vegetables, you can rest assured its alwaysChondrus crispus,hand-harvested from the clean, cold waters of the North Atlantic. Check out this video below where he uses the name "Chondrus Crispus" but holds up a piece of Genus. But if grown in clean waters, it can still retain A LOT of nutrients. Is there a difference between sea moss and Irish moss? It grows in waters along the rocky Atlantic coasts, primarily between North America and Europe. When building curves, you need to lift weights and while macronutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and fats are crucial, so are micronutrients like minerals and vitamins. It has more protein, chlorophyll, and iron than sea moss. We recommend doing your research to find a reputable brand that offers high quality Chondrus crispus products such as raw purple sea moss for making gel, capsules, or gummies. Back to Table of Contents Advantage(s) of Genus Gracilaria Sea Moss. It's an innocent mistake as I stated earlier, there are literally THOUSANDS of sea moss species and its very easy to misname. However, powderedChondruscan be quite pale due to the finer milling. But all these names refer to the exact same species of seaweed. Any supplement comes with some risks and while sea moss is an all-natural supplement there are some risks associated with using too much of the product. This drastically affects the nutrient content available in this form as it is not grown in the rhythm of the ocean. Chondruscan also be farmed, but for the most part this hasnt been profitable and mostChondrusis wild-crafted. Chondrus crispus (Gigartinaceae, Rhodophyta) tank cultivation Irish moss benefits for the medical world. Chondrus Crispus has flat fan-like wide shape tops that look like leaves or flowers to me at least. How is Sea Moss Different from Other Seaweeds? Fighting off a cold can take a serious toll on your body and mind. This article is long, so feel free to use the Table of Contents to jump to the section you want to look at. So long as its sustainably harvested or grown in clean waters, we believe all seaweed is good for you, whether its temperate or tropical, wild or farmed. Thanks to recent discoveries about its incredible health benefits, sea moss is the new buzz on the health and wellness forums. CrossRef Google Scholar Lemos, D. & A. Rodriguez, 1993. Chondruscontains a mix of kappa carrageenan and a third form known as lambda. Enjoy Fast and Free Shipping on Orders Over $50 in the Contiguous US. People also sometimes wonder if sea moss is the same as kelp. You probably dont think much of the algae, seaweed, and sea moss that washes up onshore.
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