II. Frances Guiana colony in South America was restricted in size. D. the Commonwealth (1649-1660) under the Cromwells. VI. -- insurance companies --> Lloyd's of London (maritime -- ship catalogs/classifications). ap-dia - ESICM The first treaty signed at Utrecht was the truce between France and Portugal on 7 November, followed by the truce between France and Savoy on 14 March 1714. 1. mercantile practices or spirit; commercialism 2. (study original sources in the original Essentially, the treaties allowed Philip V (grandson of King Louis XIV of France) to keep the Spanish throne in return for permanently renouncing his claim to the French throne, along with other necessary guarantees that would ensure that France and Spain should not merge, thus preserving the balance of power in Europe.[1]. ~opportunities for non-nobles to join nobility ranks D. Emergence of a new eco. -- arbitrary abuse of power (quartering troops, ship money, arbitrary arrests, etc.) 1. Capitalism: trade managed by pirvate property + companies, private held profit. August 1589, Henry III assassinated by crazy monk ~ dissolves body after they demand concessions (Short Parliament) ~fourth largest army by 1740 The Peace of Westphalia (1648), which marked the effective end of the medieval ideal of universal Christendom, accelerated the decline of the Holy Roman . he made the King and the State one and the same. In this system, diplomacy became a major component of the relations among states. Happened during the Nine Years' War. It allowed the unification of the thrones of France and Spain. A. Hapsburgs vs. Hohenzollerns The whigs opposed peace every step of the way. Email me your results to jeffraymond2002@yahoo.com. By grace.maley. -Peace of Nystadt (1721): -confiscated land of Protestants and gave to Catholic nobles and foreign aristocrats (build loyal base) -- Ulster Plantation. -- growing competition in the Germanies. Concluded between various European states, it helped end the War of the Spanish Succession (1702-1713). militarily. -- Hapsburg interests --> Bohemia, Austria, Hungary, Ottoman Empire (Balkans). Despite its many achievements, the Dutch Golden Age was not without its challenges. answer choices Treaty of Nystad Treaty of Utrecht Treaty of Versailles Peace of Paris Question 2 30 seconds Q. . 5 & 2,000 G. Consubstantiation. Utrecht (1713) 0. war. The first treaty, signed between France and Austria in the city of Rastatt, followed the earlier Treaty of Utrecht of 1713, which ended hostilities between France and Spain on the one hand, and Britain and the Dutch Republic on the other hand. of. (money in art--a large part was - Each State appointed a Stadholder as executive (House of Orange) - more taxation B. John Locke The greatest good for the greatest number. I. sovereignty. -- stock exchange --> Bourse at Antwerp. -1559 Act of Supremacy repealed Mary I's works [38] The dispute continued to loosen Habsburg control over the Empire; Bavaria, Hanover, Prussia and Saxony increasingly acted as independent powers and in 1742, Charles of Bavaria became the first non-Habsburg Emperor in over 300 years. -Treaty of Non-such: English soldiers+ Calvary to Netherlands, -Beheaded Mary Stuart for planning to overthrow from throne -> causes Pope Sixtus to no longer retrain public support and Spain attempts to invade England, II. -Son succeeds Oliver but resigns in failure in 1659 AP Euro Chapter 18 Notes.pdf - Ap European History Notes C. Only true authority is the Bible. HistoryNotes-12-5-05 - History Notes - 12/5/05 * Section - Course Hero ~1559: Appoints half-sister as Regent-> Inquisition+ raise taxes The treaties were concluded between the representatives of Louis XIV of France and of his grandson Philip on one hand, and representatives of Queen Anne of Great Britain, King Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia, King John V of Portugal and the United Provinces of the Netherlands on the other. The Netherlands is a small, low-lying country located at the crossroads of Europe, and this gave it a unique advantage as a trading and transportation hub. AP Euro Wars. A. Columbus and the first conquistadores. to. Smallpox infects natives and kills off almost 40%. -Internal War: Spain sends troops to Ferdinand (Maximilian of Bavaria+ Lutheran elector John George I Saxony support) -Don John's demonstration at Mediterranean against English+ France Ask an Expert. The main action saw France as the defender of Spain against a multinational coalition. [40] The acquisition of the Barrier Fortresses however became an important asset of Dutch foreign policy and enlarged their sphere of influence. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Instead, the country was divided into a number of independent provinces, each with its own government and laws. LUTHER --> condemned corruption in the Church; believed priests should practice what they preached. Establishment of European Colonial Empires in the Americas and Asia. Austr ian. G. William & Mary --> "Glorious Revolution" (1688); a bloodless coup. Spaniards collected taxes and labor in return for protection, wages, and religion. PDF The Peace Of Utrecht A Historical Review Of The Great Treaty Of 1713 14 \hline 1 & \$ 800 \\ -- the accumulation of capital in the hands of the entrepreneur made possible the purchase of raw -- monopolies abroad (ex: French East India Company) The peace was negotiated, from 1644, in the Westphalian towns of Mnster and Osnabrck. A. A third treaty at Baden, Switzerland, was required to end the hostilities between France and the Holy Roman Empire . I. The Peace of Utrecht ended the War of Spanish Succession and created a balance of power in . Vienna was gateway to into Europe, in 1683, the Ottomans try and seize it. -tightens service requirements of nobility as admins for LIFE F. No difference between the laity and the clergy. Chapter 14 AGE OF EXPANSION Gustavus Adolphus (1594-1632) - Duke of Alva (1508-1582 - Armada (1588) - Vasco de Balboa-Christopher Columbus- Concordat of Bologna (1516 - -Pope Pius V excommunicated Elizabeth Tags: Question 3. Parliament (** see your notes for further details **) GorenteTas is an initiative of students of Utrecht University that has been establish since 1994 who . A. dissatisfaction with wealth of Church; poor people believing bishops were of the wealthy -Prevent Marriage to Compromise Religion between Henry of Navarre wed to Catholic Sister of Reigning King, Catholics led by Guise: -- War of Devolution. The Peace of Utrecht ended this war . -- Catherine the Great --> expansion of Russian borders in SW; solidifying the power of the Czars; Main Themes: Abstract The Peace of Utrecht's greatest claim to fame in the historiography of the law of nations is that it introduced the balance of power into the positive law of nations. -gov't imposed Serf Labor forces -went after dangerous nobles (asserted territorial independence) Subjects: ap european history midterm . The main treaties of peace followed on 11 April 1713. D. Printing press in Germany spread Luther's ideas. The Peace of Utrecht will be marked with events throughout Europe, but not so here. . -extended power/ authority of intendants Centuries - Major Events. Apr 13, 1598 . - Catholic HRE, Lutherans, Calvinists Peace of Augsburg. Spain was compelled to give Britain control of the lucrative West African slave trade and to let Britain send one ship of merchandise into the Spanish colonies annually, through Porto Bello on the Isthmus of Panama. Politics and Greed overshadowed religion and brought many parties into war. A. mercantilism --> the colony existed for the benefit of the mother country; a monpolistic global eco. -- L'etat, c'est moi! Scientific and intellectual achievements: The Dutch Golden Age was also marked by a number of scientific and intellectual achievements. : East India Co. --> royal monopolies). -- The Index of Forbidden Books. -- Council of Trent --> internal reforms and a clear listing of Church doctrines. -- never again would British kings be as powerful as Parliament. History Notes - 12/5/05 * Section 30: "Western Europe After Utrecht (1713-1740)" * The Peace of Utrecht - Ended the War of the Spanish Succession - Ended Louis XIV ambitions for a Universal Monarchy * England and France - Major Powers now - Spain all but eliminated * Preserved the European State System * Phillip V - King of Spain - result of Treaty of Utrecht - Spain had been partitioned . III. Datathon 2023; NEXT Jamboree; EuroAsia 2023 - Mumbai; LIVES Forum 2023 - Utrecht; LIVES 2023 - Milan; e-LIVES Online Media library; Endorsed events; Past events; Resources. strong in Spain --> expulsion of the Moors {Moriscos} ~during 30 yrs War Ferdinand Ii gains Bohemia demography. [19] This was because Dunkirk was the primary base for French privateers, as it was possible to reach the North Sea in a single tide and escape British patrols in the English Channel. The Netherlands was home to a number of important scientists and philosophers, and the country was at the forefront of the scientific revolution that took place during this period. ~nobility serve the army and the state existing social and political structures. -Russia f(x)=x(x1);x=4, On a separate sheet of paper, explain the following term by using it correctly in a sentence. C. decline in papal influence --> nationalistic churches springing up. Fought wars in an attempt to insure the dominance of France and his Bourbon dynasty in European affairs; Louis's involvement in the War of Spanish Succession ended with the Peace of Utrecht in 1713 that greatly benefited England an emerging French rival Wars and building of Versailles emptied France's treasury The Decline of Spain 1. DOC AP Euro: Absolutism and Constitutionalism - ktufsd.org ~ Primary Interest in Increasing Russia's Size + Military Power An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought Seven Years' War Dec 1, 1453. oppressive class. Instead, the States General was the legislative body, which was made up of nobles. Austria had traditionally relied on naval support from the Dutch, whose own capability had been severely degraded; Britain prevented the loss of Sicily and Naples in 1718 but refused to do so again in 1734. Philip V ~ completed Decline of Spain as a major Power France + Netherlands support Sweden, maximize their investment in war, and refuse agreement. Treaty of Utrecht 1713-Colonial Wars. -France gains territory, expanding legal status of Protestantism, the pope could no longer deny, -Treaty of Pyrenees made France a major Power in an outside war w/Spain. ~ 1653: nobles given freedom from taxation, control over peasants in exchange for reduced role on politics pour servir de fondement auz Negociations de Geertruydenberg. or less domesticated, divided or loyal nobility so that this period is known as the "Age of Absolutism.". The Reformation. The Reformation worked in Northern Europe because: the religion of the land was determined by the Holy Roman Emperor. -Birth of Catholic son raises fears of a new Catholic dynasty The Dutch Republic defied the pattern of absolutist, centralized control that dominated other European nations during the 17th century. -Overseas territory/trade and European balance of power also a Issue The Peace of Utrecht | Western Civilization . Established Prussia as a major military power / counter-balance to the Austrian Empire in Central Europe Initiated a long period of peace in central Europe (drained of resources) Partitioning of Poland Autonomous power of the Polish nobility remained intact and the Polish Diet proved to be an ineffective lawmaking body The Age of Louis XIV: (the "Sun King") E. the middle class wished to run their religious affairs as they handled their new businesses. [24], The treaty's territorial provisions did not go as far as the Whigs in Britain would have liked, considering that the French had made overtures for peace in 1706 and again in 1709. (belief total volume of trade is fixed) A. Henry IV of Navarre (1589-1610) [citation needed], On 2 January 1710, king Louis XIV of France agreed to commence peace negotiations in Geertruidenberg[es]. Terms - AP European History -Revokes religious freedoms of Protestants Mar 9, 1661 . As he had reigned over a vast global empire, the question of who would succeed him had long troubled . ~ belief 2 religions couldn't coexist in the same state A. Henry VIII of England resented the church for not granting him a divorce of Catherine of Aragon. E. new trade restrictions (ex. -- he issued the Edict of Nantes (** see treaties sheet ) a commercial rival of Britain. PDF AP EUROPEAN HISTORY 2007 SCORING GUIDELINES - College Board AP European History Concept utline 21 Coee Boad Period 1: c. 1450-c. 1648 1. -Grand Alliance of England, Dutch, Austrians and Prussians Alexander VI, Rodrigo Borgia) This is a missed opportunity to reflect on the long history of our inter-relationship with Europe and the wider world. The Peace of Utrecht was a series of peace treaties signed by the belligerents in the War of the Spanish Succession, in the Dutch city of Utrecht between April 1713 and February 1715. [citation needed], For the individual signatories, Britain established naval superiority over its competitors, commercial access to Spain and America, and control of Menorca and Gibraltar; it retains the latter territory to this day. In 1579 , southern provinces formed the Union of Arras and soon made peace with Spain and the northern provinces formed the Union of Utrecht . [10], Great Britain was the main beneficiary; Utrecht marked the point at which it became the primary European commercial power. (Lord Protector) Peace of Utrecht Las Nava de Tolosa King Alfonso VIII of Castille War of Spanish Succession Phillip II Independent Coalition of States Economic Spanish Armada Golden Age Inflation Columbian Exchange Castille Aragon Leon Antwerp Almahad Banner Mercantilism Loose Confederation Social Humanism Lope de Veje Reconquista Catholic Golden Age Bull Fighting Use x as the variable. ~ raised the Taille (main tax) but cost of 30 yrs war = large debt), -Continued anti-Habsburg policy -> ALL FOREIGN POLICY In eastern Europe between 1500 and 1650, the growth of commercial agriculture was accompanied by the consolidation of serfdom Political power in the Dutch Republic was Controlled by an oligarchy of wealthy businessmen. H. changes in the social structure (role of the nobility, esp.) -- fought openly with Parliament and the Puritans over money for his wars with Spain. ~ Peace of Utrecht -Tried to get approval, but agreements unbinding, -Takes control and visits West (1697-1698) VIII. A. Another important factor in the Dutch Golden Age was the country's political and economic system. -Giant gap between privileged + unprivileged. The Idea of the Balance of Power i. Jean Bodin, a French writer and political theorist, believed that sovereign power consisted of the authority to make laws, tax, administer justice, control the state's administrative system, and determine foreign policy. -- economic and financial policies ~ divided into 17 provinces and ruled themselves He fought other European nations that tried to prevent the union of Spain and France under his monarchy. (1521-1559) Series of wars in which France and the Holy Roman Empire competed for Italy. ~alliance w/ Electors of Brandenburg+ Saxony = Victory and reversed war, and brought new mobility to change tactics, ~ Battle of Lutzen: Adolphus dies, Deep religious motivation, greed and political gain real forces in War. [citation needed], The pro-French Electorate of Bavaria was knocked out of the war early on by the Battle of Blenheim (13 August 1704), forcing it to sign the Treaty of Ilbesheim (7 November 1704) and accept Austrian occupation until the end of the war. -France concedes property in New World to England B. -Believes in Divine Right to rule (Responsible to God, not Parliament) granted them exclusive control over foreign access to ports in the United Provinces . ~ completed Decline of Spain as a major Power AP Euro - 3.5 The Dutch Golden Age | Fiveable -- make France the strongest country in Europe. c. It divided the Spanish colonial empire between the French and the British. in Eastern and Western Europe. -Grand Alliance of England, Dutch, Austrians and Prussians D. Rejected Papal authority. C. increase in world trade. Skip to document. -- Whigs and Tories (distinctions between political party). A. James I (1603-1625) -- supported absolute divine-right. Main Renaissance 1350 - 1430 % complete Period of "creative breakup" . Most of the wars of the period, including conflicts fought outside of Europe, stemmed from attempts either to preserve or disturb the balance of power . stadholder. [I am the State!] D. Russia in the 17c and early 18c: - St. Petersburg built as new Russian capital (1703) IX. 2 . AP Euro Unit 5 Study Guide: 18 AP Euro Unit 5 Study Guide Absolutism, Nation-States, and Commercial Revolution b. By bigdaveisgreat. 17c England: (see notes on the sheet regarding the evolution of Parliament) Treaty of Utrecht - New World Encyclopedia -Growth in wealth -> paid debts + increased population Treaty of Westphalia (1648). The Netherlands was a republic, and this meant that the government was not controlled by a single ruler or ruling family. Peace between the emperor and Spain was not concluded until the Treaty of The Hague (February 1720). Catholicism official religion of France a parliament dominated by landowners and nobles of similar interests. treaties of Utrecht, also called Peace of Utrecht, (April 1713September 1714), a series of treaties between France and other European powers (April 11, 1713 to Sept. 7, 1714) and another series between Spain and other powers (July 13, 1713 to June 26, 1714), concluding the War of the Spanish Succession (170114). - Little industry/ agriculture, peasants ruined by taxation, not modern, Contributing Factors: Determined to Westernize Europeanize "backwards Russia", Restructures Military: Also known as the League of Augsburg, an anti- French European coalition formed to check the power of France. Peace of Augsburg 1555 % complete The decree that the leader of a region may choose between Lutheranism and Catholic. The powers of Europe fought against a possible unity of France and Spanish, which would then upset the balance of power. E. Charles II (1660-1685) --> Stuart Restoration -- much financial abuse in Church --> simony, benefices; 30% of land in Eur. [37], Attempts to ensure its succession involved Austria in wars of little strategic value; much of the fighting in the 17331735 War of the Polish Succession taking place in its maritime provinces in Italy. These were five separate treaties between France and Great Britain, the Netherlands, Savoy, Prussia and Portugal. 1555, ended religious civil war between roman catholic and lutherans in germany, each german prince power to choice religion of state, failed to provide recognition for calvinsts or other religious groups, 1545-1563, reform catholic church discipline and reaffirm church doctrine, preserved papacy as center of christianity, confirm all 7 sacraments, reaffirm latin as language of worship, forbade clerical marriage, 1598 issued by henry 4 of france, granted religious tolerance to french protestants, marked first formal recognition by a european nation monarchy that 2 religions could coexist in same country, revoked by louis 14 1685, 1648 thirty years war, recognized calvinism as a legal faith, recognize independence of 300 german states, german political state still fragile, sweden additionall territory confirm status as major power, acknowledge indpendence of united provinces of netherlands, 1713 ended louis 14 effort to dominate europe, philip 5 king of spain, spain and france cant have same monarch, spanish nethlerands to austria along with milan naples and sicily, 1713 guaranteed succession of habsburg emperor charles 6 daughter maria theresa to throne, habsburg lands individsable, violated when fredrick great invade silesia in 1740, 1815 enacted a settlement that was acceptable to both the victors and to france, create a balance of power that lasted until unification of germany in 1871, underestimated force of liberalism and nationalism, used principle of legit to restore bourbons to throne in france, unite belguim with netherlands, create lose confedeation of 39 german states dominated by austria, establish rules for dividing africa amongst the european powers, a european state could no longer simply declare a region of africa its colony. - August 1640: Scots defeat English army Charles owes Scots $$ 13.21: The Peace of Utrecht - Social Sci LibreTexts ~ completed Decline of Spain as a major Power B. he was too extravegent (he put France into great debt). as the "Age of the Aristocracy". back to North Africa and the Jews {Maranos} to Italy and the Middle East). -- religion Even after paying expenses associated with the Dutch Barrier, increased tax revenues from the Austrian Netherlands funded a significant upgrade of the Austrian military. -- Protestants suffered. Don John and Alexander Farnese of Parma , the Regent Margaret 's son revived Spanish power in the southern provinces , where fear of Calvinism had moved to break the Union of Brussels . -Based on trade w/ Americas + silver mines when region moving towards independence (needing materials Spain didn't have) Bourbon France had previously held the Asiento de Negros, allowing French slave traders to supply 5,000 slaves to the Spanish Empire each year; France had gained control over this contract after Philip V had become King of Spain. Test: AP European History. Since the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, . Chapter 6: The Road to Revolution | APNotes.net In South America, Spain returned Colnia do Sacramento in modern Uruguay to Portugal and recognised Portuguese sovereignty over the lands between the Amazon and Oyapock rivers, now in Brazil. -- they found Church bureaucracies still too medieval and rigid (view on usury, e.g.) ~ creates standing army for internal opposition, Austria forced to turn East + Face Ottoman Threat The Westphalia Peace Conference just was a beginning in a row that led to the Congress of Vi-enna, another main event of international relations. -Confirms Philip V King of Spain, but crowns to never unite System of international commerce -Duke of Alba marched army into Netherlands to threaten English invasion IV. -- Colbert, finance minister. DOC CHAPTER 15 NOTESResponse to Crisis: State Building and the Search for England and France experienced very different political and social developments in the late 17c. [20] This ultimately proved unenforceable. The Treaty of Utrecht, signed in April 1713, ended the wars between France and Savoy, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Prussia. The Dutch were known for their expertise in, The arts also played a significant role in the Dutch Golden Age. Pessimistic about man; optimistic about God. PDF AP Euro Full Timeline - zbhos.com War between French, Swedish, Spanish soldiers who loot Germany Black Death --> economic and social upheaval. system: maintain a strong monarchy, standing army, efficient tax structures, large bureaucracy, and a more Free European History Flashcards about Euro Dates -reduced power of high nobles (of blood, [NOBLES OF THE SWORD]) . ~ Peace of Utrecht AP Euro Review Timeline | Preceden treaties of Utrecht, also called Peace of Utrecht, (April 1713-September 1714), a series of treaties between France and other European powers (April 11, 1713 to Sept. 7, 1714) and another series between Spain and other powers (July 13, 1713 to June 26, 1714), concluding the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-14). -fortified cities forbidden in earlier movement w/ Richelieu AP EURO events Flashcards | Quizlet AP EUROPEAN HISTORY 2018 SCORING GUIDELINES Question 1 Document-Based Question Maximum Possible Points: 7 "Evaluate whether the Thirty Years' War was fought primarily for religious or primarily for political reasons." Points Rubric Notes A: Thesis/Claim (0-1) Thesis/claim: Responds to the prompt with a historically Year(t)Cashflow1$800290031,00041,50052,000\begin{array}{cc} overseas empire and Austria and Prussia over the leadership of Germany. J. Growth of consumer goods coming out of the Americas Seven Years War b/w the English and French over the . F. Great Peasant Revolt of 1520. Brought religious peace to HRE. B. Article II, Peace and Friendship Treaty of Utrecht. Spain ruled the Netherlands when Holy Roman Emperor Charles V inherited the Spanish throne in 1516, beginning Habsburg rule in Spain. 3 & 1,000 \\ This 1721 document ended the Great Northern War and established the political geographic boundaries of Eastern Europe.
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