PLAYER'S HANDBOOKTABLE OF CONTENTS 5 Guardian 69 6 Form I: Shii-Cho 73Credits 7 Form II: Makashi 74Preface 8 Form III: Soresu 75Introduction 8 Monk 76Using This Book 8 Echani Order 80How to Play 9 Nightsister Order 81Game Dice 9 Ters Ksi Order 82Specic Beats General 10 Operative 83Round Down 9 Gunslinger Practice 86The Three Pillars of Adventuring 17 Lethality Practice 87Chapter 1: Step-By-Step Characters 18 Saboteur Practice 88Chapter 2: Species 19 Scholar 90Bith 20 Physician Pursuit 95Bothan 21 Politician Pursuit 98Chiss 22 Tactician Pursuit 100Duros 23 Scout 102Human 24 Deadeye Technique 106Jawa 25 Hunter Technique 108Kel Dor 26 Stalker Technique 109Mon Calamari 27 Sentinel 110Rodian 28 Path of Aggression 114Sith Pureblood 29 Path of Focus 115Togruta 30 Path of Shadows 116Trandoshan 31 Chapter 4: Backgrounds 117Twi'lek 32 Character Details 117Wookiee 33 Inspiration 119Zabrak 34 Backgrounds 119Chapter 3: Classes 37 Agent 120Berserker 38 Bounty Hunter 121Augmented Approach 40 Criminal 122Marauder Approach 41 Entertainer 123Warchief Approach 45 Gambler 124Consular 46 Jedi 125Way of Balance 47 Mandalorian 126Way of Lightning 48 Mercenary 127Way of the Sage 51 Noble 128Engineer 54 Scientist 129Armormech Engineering 57 Scoundrel 130Armstech Engineering 62 Sith 131Astrotech Engineering 66 Smuggler 132Fighter 67 Soldier 133Assault Specialist 68 Spacer 134Shield SpecialistTactical Specialist3 TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)Chapter 5: Equipment 135 Chapter 7: Using Ability Scores 171Wealth 135 Ability Scores and Modiers 171Currency 135 Advantage and Disadvantage 171Selling Treasure 135 Prociency Bonus 172Armor and Shields 136 Ability Checks 172Light Armor 137 Using Each Ability 174Medium Armor 137 Saving Throws 178Heavy Armor 137 Chapter 8: Adventuring 179Getting Into and Out of Armor 138 Time 179Weapons 139 Movement 179Weapon Prociency 139 Speed 179Weapon Properties 139 Dicult Terrain 180Improvised Weapons 141 The Environment 181Adventuring Gear 143 Social Interaction 182Equipment Packs 143 Resting 183Ammunition 143 Between Adventures 183Communications 144 Chapter 9: Combat 185Data Recording and Storage 144 The Order of Combat 185Explosives 145 Movement and Position 186Life Support 146 Actions in Combat 187Medical Supplies 146 Making an Attack 189Utilities 147 Attack Rolls 189Weapon and Armor Accessories 148 Unseen Attackers and Targets 189Tools 150 Melee Attacks 189Trade Goods 151 Ranged Attacks 190Droids 152 Two-Weapon Fighting 190Mounts and Vehicles 152 Cover 190Mounts 152 Damage and Healing 190Vehicles 152 Hit Points 190Expenses 153 Damage Rolls 191Lifestle Expenses 153 Damage Resistance and Vulnerability 191Food, Drink, and Lodging 154 Healing 191Services 154 Dropping to 0 Hit Points 191Chapter 6: Customization Options 155 Knocking a Creature Out 192Multiclassing 155 Temporary Hit Points 193Prerequisites 155 Mounted Combat 193Experience Points 155 Underwater Combat 193Hit Points and Hit Dice 155 Chapter 10: Force- and Tech-casting 195Prociency Bonus 155 Chapter 11: Force Powers 199Prociencies 156 Chapter 12: Tech Powers 227Class Features 156 Appendix A: Conditions 255Fighting Styles 157 Appendix B: Recommended Variant Rules 257Feats 158 Index 259 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4This overhaul was made in accordance to Wizards of ART ASSETS: Jason Edmiston the Coast's Fan Content Policy. Jawaese blends quickly spoken, semi-meaningless syllables with scents to be understood.KEL DORVISUAL CHARACTERISTICSSkin Color Orange, redHair Color NoneEye Color Black, silverDistinctions Rebreathers to survive in oxygen environmentsPHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSHeight 4'6" +2d12" x(2d4) lb.Weight 80 lb.SOCIOCULTURAL CHARACTERISTICSHomeworld DorinLanguage Kel DorBIOLOGY AND APPEARENCE KEL DOR TRAITSDue to Dorin having a unique atmosphere composed As a kel dor, you have the following special traits.of helium and a gas unique to their world, the kel dors Ability Score Increase. Wookiees have retractable claws. cold climates, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. Tremorsense can'ttogruta hunt their herbivorous prey, the togruta live in be used to detect ying or incorporeal creaturessmall communities in the forest valleys. sixth personality traits. 22 CHAPTER 2 | SPECIESJAWAVISUAL CHARACTERISTICSSkin Color BlackHair Color BlackEye Color YellowDistinctions Diminutive stature, mechanical aptitude, thieving naturePHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSHeight 2'9" +2d4" JAWA TRAITS x1 lb.Weight 35 lb. Such hybrids exceptions. FORCE POINTS You have a number of force points equal to your berserker level, as shown in the Force Points column of the Marauder Approach Forcecasting table, + your Wisdom or Charisma modier (your choice). You use these force points to cast force powers. You can use this feature a necrotic damage pernumber of times equal to your Wisdom or Charisma power level increasesmodier (your choice, a minimum of once). You use your Wisdom for light side powers, Charisma for dark side powers, and Wisdom or Charisma for universal powers (your choice). village out of superstition or jealousy. Doing so gives you advantage on PERSISTENT RAGEmelee weapon attack rolls using Strength during thisturn, but attack rolls against you have advantage until Beginning at 15th level, your rage is so erce that ityour next turn. Throughout this section, we use the term character Your character receives a number of benets fromsheet to mean whatever you use to track your your choice of class. In this "Bothan Way", the when you are obscured only by a creature that is your pursuit of power and inuence is paramount. Things that Han is a notorious scoundrel, so we choose the contribute to your AC include the armor you wear, the scoundrel background. Star wars d20 hero's guide (with we) by Daven Harris - Issuu Bold individuals from countless star systems aspire to greatness. Surnames are based on ancient Languages. They are heroes, compelled to explore the continuing to advance as a berserker. tongue used by prominent spacers and traders. Intelligence is your techcasting ability for notorious for knowing how to get a piece of equipment these powers. check is less than your Strength score, you can use that score in place of the total. Alignment. 2. your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. For homebrew adventures, check out the adventure page. The Nimble Escape political maneuvering in bothan society is dizzying, and special trait heavily overlaps with the operative's results in many species stereotyping bothans as Cunning Action feature, however, making this untrustworthy. Several colonists found an anomaly with satellitedroids; a few were equipped with ahyperspace transceiver. When you are reduced to 0 hit pointssense of prideful superiority towards others. while you aren't wearing heavy armor. Star Wars Fifth Edition - Player's Handbook. eort to defeat their opponents, whether that means killing every enemy, taking captives, or forcing a rout. To gain this benet, you can't be blinded,deafened, or incapacitated. APPENDIX A: CONDITIONSCHAPTER 5: EQUIPMENT This appendix features most (all?) A ghter, for don't. that range, your size is Medium. Convince the guardsmen they belong there?appropriately reskinned for the setting. beards. When you make an attack with a weapon, you roll a d20 and add your prociency bonus (but only if you are A character with high Dexterity is probably lithe and procient with the weapon) and the appropriate abilityslim, while a character with low Dexterity might be modier.either gangly and awkward or heavy and thick-ngered. If thisdamage reduces the barrier to 0 hit points, the wardedcreature takes any remaining damage.AT-WILL BARRIERBeginning at 10th level, your at-will universal powersgrant a small boost to your Force Barrier. Perhaps you were a prisoner of war, broughtunthinking fury. make a saving throw, you can protect some of those creatures from the power's full force. When engaged in ar'krai, all t bothans volunteer to defend their species from Versatile Expertise. Did you join forces with soldiers of those lands to face a shared threat? A long adventure can involve hundreds of their way through the winding passages of ancombats, interactions, and other challenges, and take abandoned base. Aksa, Idwiks, Kluks, Mezuus, Shokss Surnames. Speed. live less than a century. D20 - D&D - Arms and Equipment Guide. Sith generally stand between 5 and 6 feet tall For the sith, war and violence are just as much a part of and weigh less than 200 lbs. You have a swimming speed of 30 feet. When youcast an at-will universal power, the barrier regains 1 hitpoint.IMPROVED SUPPRESSIONAt 14th level, when you cast a force power thatrequires you to make an ability check as a part ofcasting that power (as in sever force and forcesuppression), you add your prociency bonus to thatability check.45 CHAPTER 3 | CLASSESWAY OF LIGHTNING ELECTRIC ATTUNEMENTOf all of the dark arts of the Force, little can match the At 14th level, you gain resistance to lightning damage.spectacle and devastation of Force lightning. Strength or Dexterity modier for the attack and damage rolls. Arri'ku, Bhi're, Chu, So'ro, Thirza Surnames. Take on the role of the heroes of the Star Wars universe and fight against the forces of evil! As in all of Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars roleplaying games, Saga Edition's game rules are based on the d20 System similar to the third and fourth edition of Dungeons and Dragons. One die (designated before you roll) gives the tens digit, andHOW TO PLAY the other gives the ones digit. While you are raging, when an ally within 10feet of you makes an attack roll against an enemy, youcan use your reaction to grant advantage to that attackand add your rage damage bonus to the damage roll, ifthe attack hits.INSPIRING PRESENCEAt 6th level your mere presence on the battleeldrallies your allies. A Cerean ocer surveys the battleeld, looking forweaknesses. Series Star Wars d20 23 Works Popularity 16,444 (456 Members) 1,518 Books 5 Reviews 3.5 Story Publication Descriptions Edit Descriptions The first d20 release of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. Olfactory organs beneath their eyes are responsible for their sense of smell. next turn. just blood ties. Ecrizsati, Gaj'mogos, Ukelweko with other twi'leks through a complex language of Female Names. Interested in making your own homebrew? Thus, size or larger than you. often nd themselves with a singular force or techWhile the ghter has contacts in a mercenary company point, with which they can do nothing. SAGA EDITION Knights Of The Old Republic Campaign Guide. Youregain all expended uses when you complete a long INTEGRATED BOOSTERSrest. By 7th level, your instincts are so honed that you have You have resistance to kinetic and energy damage. You can engage in Two-Weapon Fighting with blasters.While this expansion utilizes the base rules of 5th Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing are collapsed intoEdition, there are signicant dierences that will be kinetic and energy damage.illustrated here, broken down by chapter. Yet, kel dors are not averse to taking the law into bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Try to include as direct a link as possible. Can a character swim across a special traits, class features, powers, unique items,raging river? If you do not have a login yet, sign up . Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level.REFOCUSED POWERWhen you are forced to make a Constitution saving HIDDEN FORCEthrow to maintain concentration on a power you canuse your reaction and spend 2 force points to Also at 3rd level, you learn how to conceal the castingautomatically succeed on the saving throw. Regardless of your position inposterior head-tail do not fully grow until adolescence, that range, your size is Medium.when their montrals curve and their nal head-tailgrows to the length of their other head-tails. This benet works only in shortTWITCHLOCK ACTUATORS bursts; you fall if you end your turn in the air andWhile you're raging, other creatures have disadvantage nothing else is holding you aloft.on opportunity attack rolls against you, you can alsouse the Dash action as a bonus action on your turn. You have prociency with Persuasion orSOCIETY AND CULTURE Intimidation (your choice). before.The most common species in the galaxy is human, butthere are a myriad of near-Human species available for Starting o at 1st level marks your character's entryplay, including the four-armed Besalisks, the cunning into the adventuring life. Do youlike non-Human species like Twi'leks or Wookiees? See chapter You can use this feature a number of times equal to10 for the general rules of techcasting and chapter 12 your Intelligence modier (a minimum of once). Sadistic. tend toward the dark side, though there areSOCIETY AND CULTURE exceptions.The natural grace and exotic beauty of the female Size. When you add an item to this list, include a link to the free pdf. as long as the damage would not reduce your hit points to 0. CHAPTER 3 | CLASSES 38MARAUDER APPROACH FORCECASTING Level Force Powers Force Max Power 3rd Known Points Level 4th 4 1st 5th 5 3 1st 6th 6 4 1st 7th 7 5 1st 8th 8 6 2nd 9th 9 7 2nd 10th 10 8 2nd 11th 11 9 2nd 12th 12 10 2nd 13th 13 11 2nd 14th 14 12 3rd 15th 15 13 3rd 16th 16 14 3rd 17th 17 15 3rd 18th 18 16 3rd 19th 18 17 3rd 20th 19 18 4th 19 19 4th 20 RECKLESS POWER At 6th level, weapons and the force are equally an extension of your rage. trouble using wookiees' real names, they often adopt Additionally, your thick hide is naturally adapted to simpler nicknames to go by. If an adventurermyriad worlds of the Star Wars universe. Star Wars RPG Adventures - A ungodly list of twitter-based adventure seeds. While they donot claim to be ghters, their mere presence can turnthe tide of battle or simply keep operations running.BEHIND THE CURTAIN CREATING AN ENGINEERWhile perhaps not as intimidating as a heavily-armored While creating your engineer character, consider whattrooper, or as exotic as a lighsaber-wielding guardian, your primary skill set is and how you use it. WORLDS OF ADVENTURE GM: Make a Wisdom check. You have prociency with lightNAMES and medium armor as well as the blaster pistol and sniper rie.A chiss true-name has 3 parts, each separated by an Languages. That playgroup was notgreat, but it started my journey. Slavery is the main currency of Ryloth. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.high manual dexterity which helps them manipulate Detail Oriented. Hyl, Na, Nim, Ris, Resh, Vaal, Zin expressions. feet tall. The bith's internal systems are increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.dierent from most humanoids, as the bith have only Age. individual bothans put their own political and Nimble Escape. a lifestyle which was, by non-trandoshan standards, Darkvision. Security experience. When you aren't more melodic tones to them. points-capturing the pelts of particularly infamous wookiees would give the hunter a large increase in Hold Breath. You can nd dice like these in game storesgame, beyond the basics described in this introduction. See chapter 10 for the general expend additional force points to modify the power.rules of forcecasting and chapter 11 for the force You gain two of the following Empowerment options ofpowers list. You can't discern color in darkness, onlyown means of inter-planetary travel. tend toward the middle, refraining from politics and war, spending their time in isolation and study. You can use a shield and still while you're raging and don't die outright, you cangain this benet. equals 10 + his or her Dexterity modier. The signicant CHAPTER 9: COMBATdeviations are featured here. Mon calamari stand between 5 and 6 feet tall and civilized culture. Rodian culture's violent focus causeslifestyles, most rodians kept in good condition, them to tend toward the dark side, though there arenormally lean and wiry; however, some wealthy exceptions.rodians became complacent and obese. category including creatures that are roughly 4 to 8Your character belongs to one of these peoples. Those injuries. Their large red goggle-like eyes have slit pupils. You can't have a score lower than 8. Star Wars - d20 - Just as theenergy reserves near depletion, the exosphere andstars beyond blur into streaks of light. Dierences status. Marvel Super Heroes - Weapons Locker. Second, choose thecivilized ways set them apart from animals, as if mercenary background.denying one's own nature was a mark ofsuperiority. Your Dexterity scoreround, multifaceted eyes; tapir-like snouts; and a pairof saucer-shaped antennae on their heads, which increases by 2, and your Constitution score increasesserved to detect vibrations. And the people themselves-people of varying size,shape, and color, dressed in a dazzling spectrum of AGEstyles and hues-represent many dierent species, from The age entry notes the age when a member of thediminutive bothans and stalwart cereans to majestic species is considered an adult, as well as the species'twi'leks and towering wookiees, mingling among a expected lifespan. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you Female Names. Joel Hustak AdmYrrek Knight of MaltaCREDITS Andrew Johanson Anna Christenson Matt DifaFirst and foremost, I have to thank the person who got Arden Beckwith Metropolis-Hero1125me into D&D: my buddy, Ross. 21308057 Star Wars d20 Ultimate Alien Anthology. Write theroll or other number more than once. ONE WITH THE FORCE At 20th level, your attunement to the Force is absolute. Building Han Solo, Step 3 We will use the standard set of scores (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) for Han's abilities. your next long rest or until you die, the object becomesYou use these tech points to cast tech powers. As the helmet locks into place, the ocer leapsinto the air, ying overhead and raining destruction onthe opposition. Trandoshans reach adulthood in their early ends in three razor sharp claws. Can a character avoid the main blast of a monster abilities, and other game elements break theSith's force storm, or does he or she take full damage general rules in some way, creating an exception tofrom the tempest? Chiss take pride in thistheir occupation. If a creature has the force sight force powerand doesn't have a range of self, you can spend a active, they automatically succeed on this check. In times of crisis, the decides to make a bothan operative, consider letting focus of bothan society shifts to a survivalist state them use the following feature instead: known as "ar'krai". Uploaded by Rickey, new character to carry on. Garc, Hibriak, Nith, Tramom, Ventagt Basic and Bothese. Languages. If you want to, go ahead and include your thoughts on the RPG or RPG Item if you have played or used it. You have a keen eyesight, especially inimpression of calm and order that the chiss like to the dark. Hero's Guide - Star Wars d20 - Noble Knight Games Sell/Trade The Gaming Hall Collections All Games Role Playing Games Board Games War Games Minis & Games Historical Minis Magic & CCGs Dice & Supplies More Retail Store Contact My Account Want List Log In Back Role Playing Games All RPGs New Releases Recent Arrivals Publishers Sub-Categories Two Os representThe play of the DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS game unfolds 100. Your Each class description in the Classes section includes acharacter's species grants particular special traits, such section oering suggestions to quickly build aas special senses, prociency with certain weapons or character of that class, including how to assign yourtools, prociency in one tools, prociency in one or highest ability scores, a background suitable to themore skills, or the ability to use minor powers. Theycan enter a berserk state where rage takes over, givingthem superhuman strength and resilience. The target and desires. A character who reaches a speciedexperience point total advances in capability. Your Intelligence score their emotional state by way of gentle ripplings. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you NAMES as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Their art, music, literature, and and rarely weigh more than 150 lbs. There is Ion is a new damage with improved ecacy againstmore information in each chapter, as per the SRD. You can speak, read, and write Shyriiwook. Occasionally, modier next to each of your scores. We now write down the starting equipment from theA character with low Wisdom might be absent-minded, operative class and the scoundrel background. As normal, you can't increase an your Intelligence modier ability score above 20 using this feature. D'intes, Hern, K'sarorn, Nimum, Rumo 18BOTHANVISUAL CHARACTERISTICSSkin Color BrownHair Color Black, brown, or gray (with age)Eye Color Brown or greenDistinctions Diminutive stature, mood-sensitive furPHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSHeight 4'3" +2d4" x(2d4) lb.Weight 60 lb.SOCIOCULTURAL CHARACTERISTICSHomeworld BothawuiLanguage Bothese BIOLOGY AND APPEARANCE BOTHAN TRAITS Bothans are a short species of furry humanoids. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of youproject to outsiders, there were evidently tensions as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it werewithin the Families; political assassinations are a real dim light. power can make an Investigation (Intelligence) check against your universal force save DC. Star Wars - D20 - Alien Anthology. In addition, disadvantage on its rst saving throw made against theyou use this ability score modier when setting the power.saving throw DC for a force power you cast and whenmaking an attack roll with one. 2-3 -4The cost of each score is shown on the Ability ScorePoint Cost table. Typically, a character starts at 1st level and advances in level by adventuring and gaining experience points1. You might be a Record the traits granted by your species on yourcourageous ghter, a skulking scoundrel, a fervent character sheet. Each class entry in this chapter includes a new roll.table summarizing the benets you gain at every level,and a detailed explanation of each one. Chapter Two: Playing the Dark Side In a Star Wars Roleplaying Game campaign, characters controlled by players are heroes. It's worthwhile to consider why yourcharacter is dierent, as a helpful way to thinkabout your character's background and personality.BITHVISUAL CHARACTERISTICSSkin Color Green, pink, white, or yellowHair Color NoneEye Color BlackDistinctions Large cranium, acute senses of smell and hearingPHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSHeight 4'9" +2d6" x(2d4) lb.Weight 100 lb.SOCIOCULTURAL CHARACTERISTICSHomeworld Clak'dor VIILanguage BithBIOLOGY AND APPEARANCE BITH TRAITSBith are craniopods with pale pink, yellow, or green As a bith, you have the following special, large heads, large lidless eyes, toeless feet, and Ability Score Increase. You must share a language with the target in order to communicate inKel dor names are base on sound generated by Dorin's this way.unique atmosphere. Inworlds or on one that he or she created. Andoften, the adventurers spend time trying to solve a EXPLORATIONpuzzle, bypass an obstacle, nd something hidden, or Exploration includes both the adventurers' movementunravel the current situation. An operative might switch direction in life andDVENTURERS ARE EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE, DRIVEN BY A THIRST become an engineer. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. Everything you need is in this book except the dice. Be sure to After assigning your ability scores, determine yournote all of these prociencies, as well as your ability modifiers using the Ability Scores and Modiersprociency bonus, on your character sheet.
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