By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. And it expanded to a point that bythe beginning of WW1 there was a conspiracy to lie about what helium was, because they didnt want helium accessible to the Germans. Your wonder and dismay likely further turned to shock and outrage as you learned of a global conspiracy to suppress the history of the Tartarian Empire, to cover up the existence of this mud flood, and to claim the impressive accomplishments of their advanced culture as our own. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Mud Volcanoes at Gobustan State Reserve. Thank you for the comment Susan. It spanned 9 million miles. The Creator sang louder and it rained harder until the rivers overflowed their banks and surged across the baked landscape. Great Tartaria was the largest empire during its time and would have still been the largest empire today. The sand begins to lift up from the ground and rain falls down, like a flood and mixes with the sand. As the CIA report I referenced indicates, this historical negation, denialism, and revisionism had been perpetrated by the Soviets, but as Sheiko describes, it continued, in a somewhat different vein, after the fall of the Soviet Union, as Russia sought out some post-Soviet identity. Historical map designating most of Inner Eurasia and Siberia as La Grande Tartarie. They really do point to any pre-modern structure that is especially impressive and elaborately decorative, and they claim it was not built, could not have been built, by builders of our culture. In religious terms it can be stated as the weaponzation of creation and in scientific terms it can be stated as the purposeful destruction of intelligent design. residential architecture from the modern imitations, I look for 4 main features: *Fiddly Bits on top (metal or stone protuberances to serve as antenna) *Flat Chimneys (never enough chimneys to heat such a large building by conventional means) In some ways the conspiracist proponents of a global Tartarian Empire are traditionalists, or nostalgists. And, they don't As evidence, they will cite maps from the 17th century that happen to have the word Tartorum near the Bering Strait and visually group North America with Eastern Asia according to the same color. The other element of the so-called great reset, besides the global destruction caused by the mud flood, was the purposeful erasure of Tartarian history. There, more than 30 buildings were damaged or destroyed, and gas lines were broken, igniting fires. The Tartarians are scared, they have never experienced snow before and wonder what is happening. James has also, over the years, explained that the Russians found one of these, removed it and attempted to place it near another one located at Lake Vostok. Now, here I would ask the reader to please understand, if those statements are coming across as glib or smug, they arent meant to, and in a moment youll understand why. Artificial/Synthetic Telepathy And Mind Control, SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN: TIME TO ACQUIRE A MORE ACCURATE REALITY MODEL, REVISITING 911: DIMITRI KHALEZOV & THE 3RD TRUTH, SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN: Crystal Clark interviews James Horak, May 11, 2017, PART 2: TIME TRAVEL--THE SECOND MOST IMPORTANT (AND IGNORED) DISCOVERY OF OUR MODERN AGE, WORDS MATTER: POST-HUMAN IS THE WRONG TERM FOR WHAT ISCOMING, DYSNOPIA: A LOVE LETTER TO MILLENNIALS (AND THEWORLD), FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: REALITY-MINING THE PAST#3, FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: REALITY-MINING THE PAST#2, FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: REALITY-MINING THEPAST, SNAKES & PARASITES: THE REALITY REVISION OF ACCELERATEDDECREPITUDE, TRUTH IS INTOLERABLE TO AN EMPIRE BUILT ONLIES, SECTION ON PSYCHOPATHY IS FINALLY BEINGPOPULATED, DR ANDREW WAKEFIELD SPEECH HEALTH AND FREEDOM CONFERENCE APRIL2021. You will see air ships and electric cars. Possibly because they never existed. Since those events later turned out to be real and not fiction, this author is naturally left wondering if the Orphan phenomenon is, as some claim, another side effect of a split timeline. You will see that it is only the top few stories of buildings that are used in some cases because the bulk of them are under soil. Back in the 1980s, the KGB ran a disinformation campaign aimed at encouraging the baseless conspiracy claim that the U.S. government was responsible for the creation and spread of HIV/AIDS. Theres modern architecture with the name Brutalism, which he describes as square concrete boxes which are designed to be produced very fast, very cheap and very effective.. One can imagine that its especially hard to control a conspiracy narrative once it has been fed to the conspiracy nut community. Of course scientists that had worked with helium were all in on a conspiracy to say that helium came from natural deposits in the panhandle of Texas, almost exclusively. Again, any sufficiently ornate building, with columns supporting entablatures with carved friezes and cornices with scrollwork, or any building with an especially elaborate roof like a mansard or a cupola or a large dome, seems, in their fevered imaginations, to be a relic of this lost civilization. Join David and Brent as they excavate the truth behind the enigmatic mud floods, unearth mysterious maps, and delve deep into the forgotten history of this once-mighty civilization. Many pre-20th century globe maps classified these regions simply as Tartary; as geographical knowledge grew, Manchuria and Mongolia were renamed Chinese Tartary, Siberia was renamed Great Tartary, and Central Asia was renamed Independent Tartary. Weight Of The Flood Caused A World Wide Volcanic Ash Event . (LogOut/ The following explanation of soil liquefaction comes from Earthquake motion can turn loosely packed, water-saturated soil to liquidliquefaction. Liquefied soil loses its density and ultimately the ability to support roads, buried pipes, and, of course, houses. TARTARIA, THE MUD FLOOD, TIME TRAVEL AND NAPOLEON: ARE THESE EVENTS ALLRELATED? The number of lies being uncovered is breaking my brain. However, even some cursory research into mud volcanos would reveal that they are typically small and dont cause mass destruction. and was used to refer to any nomads north of China. It is 1834, the sky suddenly turns dark and snow starts to fall down. A lot of people are asking these questions, a friend of mine was telling her friend about these structures and her friend said to her whos 86 You know Ive always wondered who built them and how did they After the Earth finished baking, the Creator began to make a new world, and as the Creator chanted the Song of Creation, it began to rain. Lomonosov's bastards: Anatolii Fomenko, pseudo-history and Russia's search for a post-communist identity. (PhD thesis) School of History and Politics, University of Wollongong, 2004. These geniuses claim that a global catastrophe happened sometime between the Industrial Revolution and the Gilded Age, and there is no record of it anywhere, and they dont even bother explaining how it only seemed to affect the Tartarians and us lousy non-Tartarians escaped it just fine. You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly. But hold on! While only 120 bodies were recovered, it is believed that 300 people died in the blaze.. The Tartarian empire flourished due in part of the civilization being a leader in advanced technology, free energy, and grand architecture. Inside the Tartarian Empire, the QAnon of Architecture. Bloomberg, 27 April 2021, Just what would cause such a global flow of mud is not typically clarified. If readers find that too incredible and/or are unfamiliar with those references, I recommend listening to the recently re-posted show, SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN: TIME TO ACQUIRE A MORE ACCURATE REALITYMODEL. People still find them today in the Dakota Badlands. The mainstream researchers of this subject, have also found out that the Tartarian Empire and the Tartarian era were buried deep in this mud as well. To them, these are evidence that 19th century Americans were living among the ruins of this vanished civilization, when in fact the photos depict nation building. Of course, in the distant past, Native American peoples likely did migrate across the strait and were distantly related to Eurasian nomads. And finally, they claim that our culture simply couldnt have produced such beautiful structures, and yet plenty of New Classical architects design such buildings even today. It is because of such out of date and inaccurate maps, along with a heaping portion of racial stereotyping, that the belief in a Tartarian Empire in the Americas can be found. I find that to be a more intriguing idea, and in keeping with the theme of this and other recently posted articles here, the obvious question would be: could an event as awesome as a timeline split, cause the entire planet to shake so violently as to cause a world-wide soil liquefaction event partially burying any pre-existing infrastructure on the surface? Just as Vladimir Putin today justifies his invasion of the Ukraine with falsehoods, claiming that it has always been a part of Russia and has no historical right to independence, his nationalist rhetoric is validated by, or perhaps inspired by, the pseudo-historian Anatoly Fomenko, who claims that Ukraine has no identity apart from Russia, for its people were always only part of his Russian Horde. This pseudo-history tacitly justifies war crimes. Thats right, we are not only talking about an inner Eurasian lost civilization. Such historical details, to the Tartaria conspiracists, are just more lies covering up the truth. Did the Tartarians really have advanced technology? This week on Hysteria 51, we're diving headfirst into the murky, muddy waters of the Tartarian Empire. This 1858 American newspaper article blatantly describes relics of an abandoned Empire scattered across the country. Other spokes deal with various historical events that may or may not have had something to do with the manner in which the elite attempted to paper over or erase any clues as to what really transpired. The Great Reset - Mud Flood - Tartaria - Reset Civilization EarthUnknown 5.99K subscribers 65K views 3 years ago This video is an introduction to the mud flood theory and how it may relate to. Truly sensible concepts. Likewise, they will bring up a 19th century map of the Distribution of Races in the World that, again, color codes sections of Eurasia and much of North America to indicate the presence of the same culture. On the helium subject alone, in relation to the current topic, James explained this during a September 5th, 2012 interview on the Kevin Smith Show. Instead, they envision a massive mega-culture of advanced builders. Youve heard me talk about beliefs in the lost cradles of civilization Hyperborea and Ultima Thule. Here again the Communists have interfered in a shameless manner. It was so hot that the worlds lakes boiled and dried up before their eyes. The banner on my FB page is a quote by Alvin Toffler: The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read nor write, but those cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Thanks for the comment Jet. Thus we see claims about the Illuminati come in to explain the worldwide cover-up, or of the Jewish World Conspiracy, which isnt that surprising considering its connection to Russian claims of Aryan supremacy. Well that is just the appropriated history of a great Russian Empire. I mean theyve had thisJules Verne detected this when he was writing 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Seathere was a Captain Nemo, and there was such a craft as his submarine. It is based on the idea that there was a global catastrophe that destroyed a highly developed civilization and gave rise to the countries as we know them today. These cities include extremely impressive architecture commonly found in our city and state capital buildings, but also things like railroads, and even advanced technology. . Adherent of this theory suspect monuments like Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow's Red Square continue tens or even hundreds of meters underground. Unlike the biblical flood, though, this was a "mud flood," and in its wake, entire grand Tartarian cities were left entirely or partially buried. The cartographer appears to have mistakenly conflated Mongolian and Inuit cultures, as the portions of North America identified as Mongolian are predominately north of the Arctic Circle. Perhaps the most absurd claim theyve made is that the impressive temporary complex of ornate facades built out of straw and plaster of Paris for the 1893 Worlds Fair in Chicagothe so-called White Citywas actually a grand Tartarian metropolis that they have pretended was not real. Tartary / Tartaria The Mystery of an Empire Lost in History. History of Yesterday, 2 July 2020, He has been nicknamed The Terminator due to his penchant for finding reasons to delete vast swathes of history, and his rewriting of biblical history has drawn the ire of the Russian Orthodox church. Tartars were actually the generic designation used by Europeans up until the middle of the nineteenth century for the people who lived in the mostly undiscovered regions of Asia, including what we now call Manchuria, Siberia, and Central Asia. The events of 1859 and 1862 of telegraph systems operating without power, melted buildings, and extended aurora phenomenon dont seem consistent with a CME. For example, on 9 August 1944, the Central Committee of the Communist Party, sitting in Moscow, issues a directive ordering the partys Tartar Provincial Committee to proceed to a scientific revision of the history of Tartaria, to liquidate serious shortcomings and mistakes of a nationalistic character committed by individual writers and historians in dealing with Tartar history. In other words, Tartar history was to be rewrittenlet us be frank, was to be falsified. This is basically a biography of the Tartars and a look at cartography and doesn't focus much on the disaster side of the Mud Flood, nor the \"Free Energy / Advanced Tech\" lunacy.Stay tuned for my next video where I'll be examining the origins of the Mud Flood Theory itself.Investigating the Mud Flood Theory in Full: Credits for images and video used here: We also examine some evidence at the Salt Lake City Temple, a Wise Up video examining the Ohio mounds, some Pre Reset. But Tartarian Empire conspiracists go further, pointing to photos of Gilded Age buildings with windows at ground level and saying that they all appear to be sunken into the ground. There are numerous photos (shown in countless videos on the topic) from that same time period that appear to include signs that extremely advanced technologies were being used by the civilization that seemingly vanished from those pre-existing cities buried in mud. If liquefaction occurs on or near your property, your house may sink by inches or several feet and be surrounded by or filled with liquefied soil. Email us your favorite WEIRD news stories: Get exclusive content & perks as well as an ad and sponsor free experience at just $1. Gradually, the term was dropped altogether, with only the occasional remnant to be found. What is their evidence of such a cover-up? . But the real issue is that this oft-used quote is taken entirely out of context. A site for alternative thinking and discussion, research and healthy debate about hidden history, that many people are waking up to. The rest of the report makes it clear that the CIA is talking about Communist attacks on Islam and the Muslim peoples within their authority. Take for example, the neo-Gothic Whitman College at Princeton, built in 2002, or the Classical Greek architecture of the Schermerhorn Symphony Center built in Nashville, the so-called Athens of the South, in 2006. Moreover, this knowledge has touched on nearly every discipline we have: agriculture, aero biology, physics, mathematics, genetics, morality, history, metallurgy, advanced technology, artificial intelligence, spirituality, cosmology, astronomy, intelligent design, the EMVs, time travel, reverse speech, the attenuation of gravity waves, and on and onand it was given freely. Supposedly it was a massive solar flare and CME but from what James has said, the EMVs wouldnt have allowed that. Now, there is a fast-spreading conspiracy theory about the existence of an ancient, suppressed mega-empire that originated in their region, and it is remarkably similar to the ethno-national propaganda Russias president spouts as a pretext for expansion, asserting the Russians are just reclaiming what has always been theirs. Tartaria: The Supposed Mega-Empire of Inner Eurasia. Reddit, uploaded by u/EnclavedMicrostate, Read More . They claim that the shift away from these ornate buildings that are so aesthetically pleasing to them, and the movement toward the concrete and steel architecture of modernism, is a clear sign of the disappearance of the Tartarian culture, when in fact, there are plenty of books written by Modernist architects and city planners like Le Corbusier that expound on their reasoning and argument for moving away from more classical styles. buildings and asked me to explain why they all had similar architectural styles if there wasn't some globe-spanning Tartarian Empire behind them all. These towns and cities that were partially buried made up Tartaria, a highly developed society that had free wireless energy and was home to, at least in part, giants Out with the old and in with the new, and that "new" civilization is us, was the "reset" of civilization. This kept them more or less in tow, kind of limited their flexibility with these craft. There is reportedly a cover-up going on by people who want to hide Tartaria's existence and claim its achievements for themselves. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Numerous links provided there will direct the reader to material detailing how it was actually James Horaks ancestor, Antonin Horak, who first discovered on of these engines, referred to as a moon shaft, a 1997 music album called Coronal Mass Ejection that includes a song called Horaks Moon Shaft, and a link to a 2015 video of the lunar wave phenomenon that shows the technology related to the engines on the earth and the moon working together in real-time. Mud Flood Catastrophism and Tartarian Empire, no flat earth if I can help it but you have to sift through wheat from the chaff yourself otherwise. Thank you! Privacy Policy. (Be sure to check your spam folder, in case we end up there!). [2] So under it all, all the mathematical reasoning, the elaborate statistical and astronomical proofs, behind Anatoly Fomenkos New Chronology, we see the ugly head of Aryan mythology, of white supremacy, rearing. Embark on your own personal journey into the Tartarian Empire and the Mud-Flood Theory and stay tuned! The fiery blast shook the entire world, toppling mountain ranges and setting forests and prairies ablaze. To wit, the head of the Singer Manufacturing Company, makers of the famous sewing machines, commissioned the Singer building as their New York Headquarters and hired architect Ernest Flagg to design it. Where the helium issue is concerned specifically, as it pertains to the Tartaria/mud flood theory, James offered an extremely detailed explanation of the way, and the why, the elite and their cartels have been lying to the world as to the true nature of helium. We are not the first rendition of humanity on earth to quite literally suffer through the ramifications of a psychopathic elite living out their God Complex, unhindered. Thanks for the comment Wayne. Become a Hushling and get advanced notice of episodes, special merch sale codes and other secret secret Hush Hush stuff! In the world before this one, the People and the animals turned to evil and forgot their connection to the Creator. Though he feigns academic impartiality, Fomenkos work is at the forefront of this movement to forge a false ethno-nationalist historical identity for Russia. One of these theories involves a catastrophic event known as a mudflood. Many have been excavated and the grandeur of these edifices is unlike anything I've ever seen. The following excerpt comes from From 1854 to 1929 an estimated 250,000 orphaned, abandoned, and homeless childrenwere placed throughout the United States and Canada duringthe Orphan Train Movement. The flames leapt up to the sky in all directions, sparing only the few People on the highest peaks. Celebrity & Government Clones Imagery and Recap. Racist 19th century map asserting Mongolian cultures are present in North America. Tartaria Mud Flood Reset: A Missing Legacy Tartaria (originally pronounced "Tataria" without the first "r") is the name of the pre-Mongolian empire that originated in northern Asia before spanning the entire northern hemisphere. The Tartaria theory is one of those spokes as reality miners attempt to understand and label the civilization (Tartaria in this case) that was buried. In fact, Genghis Khan was a Russian, complete with European features. There is overwhelming evidence of this event all over the world that still exist today. As will be seen, the origin of the Tartarian Empire conspiracy claims found online today are not the result of simple ignorance of the story behind some old cartographic labels, but this ignorance is clearly exploited by or feeds into the conspiracy claim, providing plenty of fodder for supposed primary source evidence that may seem convincing to a lay person who encounters these conspiracy claims online. It will take decades for most people to come to terms with how much of our reality is nothing but agenda-driven narrative. Either via a sudden cataclysm or a steady antagonistic decline and perhaps as recently. Their speculation about the ancient and mysterious origins of such buildings simply disregard their known history. PRE-Mud Flood Tartaria Tech Uncovered. Well, you could describe both as the myth of a vast Siberian / Inner Asian empire whose history has been stolen and erased. The flames leapt up to the sky in all directions, sparing only the few People on the highest peaks. The Tartarians are scared, they have never experienced snow before and wonder what is happening. "Tartary (Latin: Tartaria) or Great Tartary (Latin: Tartaria Magna) was a historical region in Asia located between the Caspian Sea-Ural Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Some have suggested that it was the result of a worldwide volcanic event, caused by mud volcanos. The aid institutions developed a program thatplaced homeless children into homes throughoutthe country. With a basic grasp of the fact that the construction of such government buildings was well funded, and that architects were specifically sought out and well paid to design impressive architectural structures, its quite clear why such projects were initially surrounded by empty space and simple A-frame clapboard hovels. As with that other conspiracy mythos, Qanon, that has likely been encouraged every step of the way by Russian disinformation campaigns online, the Tartarian Empire hoax has grown to become a mega-theory as its proponents take a buffet-style approach, incorporating into the myth complex any pet theory or crazy notion they fancy. For example, you may have been surprised to find out that this ancient civilization, which originated in central Eurasia as a vast kingdom encompassing most of Siberia, was so successful that it spread around the world, even into the Americas, and that even today we can see the remnants of the civilizations grand architecture. Among these pseudo-historians, Russian identity, its greatness, is in its power and control of space on the world map, thus they find reason to suggest that a great Russian Empire existed long before the Soviet Union or the Tsardom of Rus. Luxurious Magnificent Asylums of the 1800's. 27 May Luxurious Magnificent Asylums of the 1800's. Read More . Somehow this mud flood event encased building structures and whole cities in mud. That extraordinary experience gave me far more than I expected, or could even simultaneously process, because it not only taught me the behavioral patterns that, if left unchecked, will inevitably lead to the demise of an entire civilization, but also, that our own civilization was not only on the same path, but nearing the end of that road.
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